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Unit 3 Is Dining in the sky the next big thing?

Unit 4
Let’s get to know each other!
Activity 1 Part C
Listen. You will now hear the conversations in Part B. were you answers correct?
Conversation 1
Lisa: Hello, Ted. How are you?
Ted: Hi. Lisa. I’m good. How about you?
Lisa: I’m great. Oh. Ted, This is my friend Kate.
Kate: Hello, Ted. How are you doing?
Ted: Fine. It’s nice to meet you, Kate.
Conversation 2
Akiko: Do you two know each other?
Toby: No, we don’t.
Akiko: Oh, Well, Bill, This is Toby . Toby, Bill.
Toby: Good to meet you Bill.
Bill: It’s good to meet you too, Toby.

Activity 2 Part B
Listen. A radio host is interviewing Stella, a fashion designer. Check the questions you hear.
Host: Now, it’s time for my guest. It’s Stella the fashion designer. She has a really
exciting new collection and she’s here with us today. Thanks for coming to
studio, Stella. We’re very happy to see you.
Stella: Oh, it’s my pleasure.
Host: Ok, Let me ask you some questions. First, we all know you are Stella. What’s
your last name?
Stella: It’s Kim. My name is Stella Kim.
Host: Hmmm. I guess. Just, Stella is easier to remember. Where are you from?
Stella: Ohh. I’m originally from Toronto.
Host: Ohh. Where do you live? Do you still live in Canada?
Stella: No. I live in Paris now. But, my family still lives in Toronto.
Host: I see. Well, Stella. Where do you work?
Stella: Well, I guess I work mainly in France. My company is in Paris.
Host: And. What do you do in your free time?
Stella: Hmm. Well, I love to travel. Oh, and I read a lot.
Host: Interesting. And. What’s your favorite kind of music?
Stella: I like all kinds of music. Really. But, ahhh. Well. I would say classical music is
my favorite.
Host: Really? Ok Stella. Oh, well, I’m afraid we’re just about out of time. Thanks again
for being our guest on our program.
Stella: You’re welcome.
Host: And. If you wanna see Stella’s designs. Go to our website, that’s www.radio23
Activity 2 Part C
Listen again. Write Stella’s answers in the chart.

Host: Now, it’s time for my guest. It’s Stella the fashion designer. She has a really
exciting new collection and she’s here with us today. Thanks for coming to
studio, Stella. We’re very happy to see you.
Stella: Oh, it’s my pleasure.
Host: Ok, Let me ask you some questions. First, we all know you are Stella. What’s
your last name?
Stella: It’s Kim. My name is Stella Kim.
Host: Hmmm. I guess. Just, Stella is easier to remember. Where are you from?
Stella: Ohh. I’m originally from Toronto.
Host: Ohh. Where do you live? Do you still live in Canada?
Stella: No. I live in Paris now. But, my family still lives in Toronto.
Host: I see. Well, Stella. Where do you work?
Stella: Well, I guess I work mainly in France. My company is in Paris.
Host: And. What do you do in your free time?
Stella: Hmm. Well, I love to travel. Oh, and I read a lot.
Host: Interesting. And. What’s your favorite kind of music?
Stella: I like all kinds of music. Really. But, ahhh. Well. I would say classical music is
my favorite.
Host: Really? Ok Stella. Oh, well, I’m afraid we’re just about out of time. Thanks again
for being our guest on our program.
Stella: You’re welcome.
Host: And. If you wanna see Stella’s designs. Go to our website, that’s www.radio23 …..
Unit 5 “Personal Information”
Activity 1 Part A
Listen. You will hear a short conversation. Then complete the chart with a partner. Be
A: It says be creative! What is that mean?
B: It means we should make the chart interesting. You know, fun!
A: So, let’s not write A as in apple or B as in Big
B: Ok. Let’s write A as in Address and B as in …
A: Birthday!
B: That’s good. B-I-R-T-D-A-Y, right?
A: No, it’s B-I-R-T-H-D-A-Y.
B: Ok. And C as in Class?
A: How about C as in Creative!
B: Yeah. I like that!
A: Ok. Let’s write it down. And D as in . . . .

Unit 5
Activity 2 Part B

Listen. You will hear two conversations. Complete the information.

Conversation 1

Clerk: OK. Mr. Brown. Have you decided what kind of car you want.
Mr. Brown: Yes, I think I’ll go with the sports car. The red sports car.
Clerk: Aha! Good choice! Let me just finish completing the contract for you. I have
your name and address already. I just need your phone number please.
Mr. Brown: OK. My home phone number?
Clerk: Yes, please.
Mr. Brown: It’s 8-4-5-5-5-5-8-7-2-0
Clerk: 8-4-5-5-5-5-8-7-2-0 and do you have a cellphone number too?
Mr. Brown: Sure! That number is 8-4-5-5-5-5-3-4-5-9
Clerk: 8-4-5-5-5-5-3-4-5-9
Mr. Brown: That’s right!
Clerk: Oh. Thank you Mr. Brown. Just one more thing. How about an e-mail address?
Do you have one?
Mr. Brown: Yes, I do. It’s johnny5. That’s johnny5@mail.com
Clerk: johnny5@mail.com. Is that m-a-i-l?
Mr. Brown: Yes.
Clerk: johnny5@mail.com. Fine. Oh, please sign your contract here. And here’s your
Mr. Brown: Thanks.
Clerk: And we’ll bring your car around in a couple of minutes. You can just take a seat
over there.
Mr. Brown: Great. Thanks!
Conversation 2
Man: Can you help me please!
Police officer: Yes.
Man: I found this. Ehhh, cat in my kitchen.
Police officer: You want to report a lost cat?
Man: No. I found a cat. I think somebody probably wants this cat back.
Police officer: Alright. We need to fill out a form. Your name?
Man: It’s Edwin Horowitz.
Police officer: Ah. Can you spell that please?
Man: Sure. Edwin, E-D-W-I-N and last name, Horowitz H-O-R-O-W-I-T-Z
Police officer: Ok. And, What’s the cat’s name?
Man: Cat’s name? I don’t know.
Police officer: Is there a tag? Look at the tag around it’s neck.
Man: Oh. Ok It’s .. It’s tiny T-I-N-Y.
Police officer: Oh. What a cute name.
Man: Yeah. Whatever. Ok. So, can I leave the cat here, officer?
Police officer: Sure. I’ll take care of it.
Man: Thanks very much.

Unit 9 “What do they look like?”

Activity 2 Part A
Listen. Patricia and Carl are at a picnic. Who is Patricia describing? Write the numbers in the
Patricia : Do you want some more juice, Carl?
Carl: No, thanks. But please. Tell me who some of these people are before I talk to
Patricia: [Laughing] Sure.
Carl: Ok. First. Ah. Which one is your boss?
Patricia: Oh. Helen. Hmm, She’s the woman over there in that group. See, the tall one
there with the short blonde hair. Do you see who I mean?
Carl: Oh, yeah. The woman on the left?
Patricia: Yes. And that’s Silva, my best friend at the office.
Carl: Oh, Silvia! The one you’re always talking about. Which one is she?
Patricia: She’s the one with a curly black hair, with the round face. Hmm. She’s sitting
with the guy with a blue shirt. She’s really funny. We always make each other laugh.
Carl: And who’s that guy over there, with the ah . . dark eyebrows and dark hair.
Patricia: Oh. ah.. The big guy? The one who’s talking to Helen? That’s Danny, the
security guard. He’s really helpful.
Carl: And . . Hmm . How about that muscular guy there? Who’s he? He looks familiar.
Patricia: The man in blue jeans? He’s not very tall, right? That’s . . Hmm. Helen’s assistant.
Carl: What’s his name?
Patricia: Oh. That’s Ben.
Carl: I think I’ve seen him at the gym.
Patricia: Well,. C’mon ,Carl. Don’t be shy! Let me introduce to you around. And, then we
can find exactly . . . .
Activity 2 Part B
Listen again. Complete the sentences with the names from part A.
Patricia: Do you want some more juice, Carl?
Patricia : Do you want some more juice, Carl?
Carl: No, thanks. But please. Tell me who some of these people are before I talk to
Patricia: [Laughing] Sure.
Carl: Ok. First. Ah. Which one is your boss?
Patricia: Oh. Helen. Hmm, She’s the woman over there in that group. See, the tall one
there with the short blonde hair. Do you see who I mean?
Carl: Oh, yeah. The woman on the left?
Patricia: Yes. And that’s Silva, my best friend at the office.
Carl: Oh, Silvia! The one you’re always talking about. Which one is she?
Patricia: She’s the one with a curly black hair, with the round face. Hmm. She’s sitting
with the guy with a blue shirt. She’s really funny. We always make each other
Carl: And who’s that guy over there, with the ah . . dark eyebrows and dark hair.
Patricia: Oh. Hmm.. The big guy? The one who’s talking to Helen? That’s Danny, the
security guard. He’s really helpful.
Carl: And . . ah . How about that muscular guy there? Who’s he? He looks familiar.
Patricia: The man in blue jeans? He’s not very tall, right? That’s . . Hmm. Helen’s assistant.
Carl: What’s his name?
Patricia: Oh. That’s Ben.
Carl: I think I’ve seen him at the gym.
Patricia: Well,. C’mon ,Carl. Don’t be shy! Let me introduce to you around. And, then we
can find exactly . . . .

Unit 10 Your Personality

Activity 1 Part B
Listen. Matt and Diane are talking about six of their friends. When you hear a “beep” write
the missing word you think they say.

Matt: So, Diane. Tell me about your friend, Alex.

Diane: Oh. Alex is always telling jokes and making people laugh.
Matt: Ah So, you mean he’s very “beep”
Diane: That’s right.
Matt: And, what about Randy?
Diane: Oh. Randy will try anything. He climbs mountains, go surfing, likes
snowboarding. He even jumps out of airplanes with a parachute.
Matt: [laughing] ohh so.. He is really “beep”
Diane: Oh yeah. Matt, tell me about your friends. What’s your friend Kelly like?
Matt: Well, Kelly is always breaking things and dropping things. She should be more
careful on paying more attention.
Diane: So, she’s pretty “beep”.
Matt: Yeah.
Diane: And what about Chris.
Matt: Oh. Chris is full of great ideas. He can solve all kinds of problems. But most of all,
he’s a wonderful painter.
Diane: He sounds very “beep”.
Matt: Yeah, he is. Now, tell me about your friend, Megan.
Diane: Megan. Oh well. Once she decides to do something she won’t change her mind.
Matt: I see. So, she’s really “beep”
Diane: Oh, yes. Well, tell me about your friend, Sam.
Matt: Hmm. Sam’s not very active and he watches to much TV. He doesn’t really like to
Diane: He sounds kind of “beep”.
Matt: [Chuckles] Yeah. I guess that’s the right word for Sam. But we love him, anyway.

Activity 1 Part C
Listen again. You will now hear the missing words. Check your answers.

Matt: So, Diane. Tell me about your friend, Alex.

Diane: Oh. Alex is always telling jokes and making people laugh.
Matt: Ah So, you mean he’s very funny.
Diane: That’s right.
Matt: And, what about Randy?
Diane: Oh. Randy will try anything. He climbs mountains, go surfing, likes snowboarding.
He even jumps out of airplanes with a parachute.
Matt: [laughing] OH so.. He is really adventurous.
Diane: Oh yeah. Matt, tell me about your friends. What’s your friend Kelly like?
Matt: Well, Kelly is always breaking things and dropping things. She should be more
careful on paying more attention.
Diane: So, she’s pretty careless.
Matt: Yeah.
Diane: And what about Chris.
Matt: Oh. Chris is full of great ideas. He can solve all kinds of problems. But most of all,
he’s a wonderful painter.
Diane: He sounds very creative.
Matt: Yeah, he is. Now, tell me about your friend, Megan.
Diane: Megan. Oh well. Once she decides to do something she won’t change her mind.
Matt: I see. So, she’s really stubborn.
Diane: Oh, yes. Well, tell me about your friend, Sam.
Matt: Hmm. Sam’s not very active and he watches to much TV. He doesn’t really like to
Diane: He sounds kind of lazy.
Matt: [Chuckles] Yeah. I guess that’s the right word for Sam. But we love him, anyway.
Unit 14 What are your interests?
Activity 1 Part B
Listen. Four people are talking about their interests. Match the people with their hobbies.
1. Claudia
Friend: So, so get much free time Claudia?
Claudia: [Chuckles]. Not really. But, when I do, Ahm, I really like to read.
Friend : Oh. Read?
Claudia: Yeah, I like all kinds of books. I read in the evening after dinner and
in bed. See, reading is good because it doesn’t cost much and I can
buy books for free, from friends or from the library or buy
paper bags which are you know pretty cheap. I love reading but
there’s just one problem.
Friend : What’s that?
Claudia: It makes me sleepy. I sometimes fall asleep while I’m reading
Friend : Oh.

2. Brian
Friend: And how about you Brian? Do you have any hobbies?
Brian: Well, Ah. . in my free-time, I enjoy cooking
Friend: Oh, cooking?
Brian: Yeah. I love to spend time in the kitchen preparing meals.
Friend: Ahh . . You know cooking is pretty creative, isn’t it?
Brian: Creative? Oh, yes! I like to try new ideas when I’m cooking. The only
problem is . . Ahh . .time. I hardly ever have enough time.
Friend: Oh. Does it take a lot of time to cook well?
Brian: Yes, it does. It takes a lot of time to cook a really good meal.
Friend: Hmm, I see.

3. Linda.
Friend: Ok, Linda. What’s your hobby?
Linda: [Laughing] Well, it’s pretty unusual.
Friend: Oh. Well. C’mon tell me.
Linda: I like doing magic tricks.
Friend: Oh wow! Really?
Linda: Yes. My grandfather did magic tricks and I’ve learned a lot of tricks
from him. It’s really fun and it’s a good way to meet people. On
weekends, I often give shows at kid’s birthday parties.
Friend: Oh. That’s fantastic! It’s sounds wonderful!
Linda: Ahh. Yes.I love it! Most of the time. But . .[sighs] sometimes it’s boring
to do the same tricks over and over. That’s why I’m always trying to
learn new tricks.
Friend: Well, I’d love to see your show one of these days.
4. Evan
Friend: So, Evan do you have a hobby?
Evan: Yes. Actually, I do. My hobby is Extremely relaxing.
Friend: Really. Well, What do you do?
Evan: I like to fish.
Friend: Ha! You like fishing!
Evan: Oh, yeah. On weekends. I go to the river and I try to get some fish.
Friend: You try? Ah. Do you catch many?
Evan: Well, No. Not really. But it’s great to sit outdoors on a fresh air you
Friend: Yeah, sounds nice.
Evan: But . .
Friend: But . . .
Evan: It’s an expensive hobby. I mean you know you need good equipment
and good fishing equipment is expensive.
Friend: I see. Well. You know. Thanks Evan.

Activity 1 Part C
Listen again. What do they like about their hobbies? What don’t they like? Match the
1. Claudia
Friend: Do get much free time Claudia?
Claudia: [Chuckles]. Not really. But, when I do, Ahm, I really like to read.
Friend : Oh. Read?
Claudia: Yeah, I like all kinds of books. I read in the evening after dinner and
in bed. See, reading is good because it doesn’t cost much and I can
buy books for free, from friends or from the library or buy
paper bags which are you know pretty cheap. I love reading but
there’s just one problem.
Friend : What’s that?
Claudia: It makes me sleepy. I sometimes fall asleep while I’m reading
Friend : Oh.

2. Brian
Friend: And how about you Brian? Do you have any hobbies?
Brian: Well, Ah. . in my free-time, I enjoy cooking
Friend: Oh, cooking?
Brian: Yeah. I love to spend time in the kitchen preparing meals.
Friend: Ahh . . You know cooking is pretty creative, isn’t it?
Brian: Creative? Oh, yes! I like to try new ideas when I’m cooking. The only
problem is . . Ahh . .time. I hardly ever have enough time.
Friend: Oh. Does it take a lot of time to cook well?
Brian: Yes, it does. It takes a lot of time to cook a really good meal.
Friend: Hmm, I see.
3. Linda.
Friend: Ok, Linda. What’s your hobby?
Linda: [Laughing] Well, it’s pretty unusual.
Friend: Oh. Well. C’mon tell me.
Linda: I like doing magic tricks.
Friend: Oh wow! Really?
Linda: Yes. My grandfather did magic tricks and I’ve learned a lot of tricks
from him. It’s really fun and it’s a good way to meet people. On
weekends, I often give shows at kid’s birthday parties.
Friend: Oh. That’s fantastic! It’s sounds wonderful!
Linda: Ah. Yes. I love it! Most of the time. But . .[sighs] sometimes it’s boring
to do the same tricks over and over. That’s why I’m always trying to
learn new tricks.
Friend: Well, I’d love to see your show one of these days.
4. Evan
Friend: So, Evan do you have a hobby?
Evan: Yes. Actually, I do. My hobby is Extremely relaxing.
Friend: Really. Well, What do you do?
Evan: I like to fish.
Friend: Ha! You like fishing!
Evan: Oh, yeah. On weekends. I go to the river and I try to get some fish.
Friend: You try? Ah. Do you catch many?
Evan: Well, No. Not really. But it’s great to sit outdoors on a fresh air you
Friend: Yeah, sounds nice.
Evan: But . .
Friend: But . . .
Evan: It’s an expensive hobby. I mean you know you need good equipment
and good fishing equipment is expensive.
Friend: I see. Well. You know. Thanks Evan.

Unit 15 What sports do you like?

Activity 2 Part A
Listen. You will hear a description of Zorb, a sport from New Zealand. Number the pictures
from 1 to 4.
A:Zorb is the name of the latest exciting sport to come out to New Zealand. The country
that gave the world Bungee Jumping.
B: That’s right! Now, let me tell about it. Zorb can be really exciting. Imagine this. There are
two large clear balls, one ball fits inside the other ball. If you decide to try Zorb, you
climb inside the smaller ball. Yeah. Now, are you comfortable? You’re almost ready to
go but not quite . Now, before you go, someone pours cold water inside the ball! Now,
you get ready! And then someone pushes you down the hill. And as you roll down the
hill, the ball goes faster and faster. And you go so fast that you pushed up against walls
of the ball. But don’t worry nobody gets hurt during Zorb. And then, you stop at the
bottom of the hill, you climb out of the ball. And you completely wet! Now, it’s time for
someone else to try Zorb or do you wanna go again?
Activity 2 Part B
Listen. Danny and Michelle have just tried Zorb. Write one word to describe how each person
Friend: Danny has just tried Zorb. Danny, how do you feel?
Danny: It’s not so good. I feel a little sick. It was ok at first but it just get worse and
worse. Huh. I thought I was just gonna die. I feel awful. I just wanna lie down
and try to forget all about it. huh
Friend: Oh. Well, how about you Michelle? How do you feel?
Michelle: [laughing] That was amazing! Oh ah. I feel I’ve just been in a washing
machine. I can’t really stand up. But..[chuckles] It was great! I’ve loved
Friend: So, Do you both wanna go again?
Danny: No, way!
Michelle: Yes!

Unit 19 Families
Activity 1 Part B [Track 16]
Listen. James is describing his family. How are these people related to him? Write the answers
in the boxes.
Friend: James, who are the people in this photo? Wait! Let me guess. That guy in the front
looks like he’s your grandfather. Am I right?
James: No. Actually, that’s my dad’s older brother, Tony.
Friend: So, Tony is your uncle?
James: Yeah.
Friend: Ok. And is the older woman with the birthday cake, your grandmother?
James: Yes. She is my father’s mother. Her name’s Anna.
Friend: So, who is the other older woman?
James: Oh. That’s Mary. She is my father’s sister.
Friend: Oh. Your aunt, then.
James: Right. And can you guess who the girl in the middle is? The one with the long
brown hair.
Friend: She’s pretty. Ah . . Is she your sister?
James: No. She’s uncle Tony’s daughter, Gloria.
Friend: Really? She’s your cousin?
James: Yes. The girl on the right is my sister.
Friend: Sophia?
James: Sophia. Yes. And the little girl in front of her is Clara, her daughter. She’s my niece.
Friend: So, you’re her uncle James. How about the cute little boy. Is that Clara’s brother?
James: No. That’s Bobby.
Friend: Bobby?
James: Yeah. He’s my little boy.
Friend: Oh. Of course. He looks just like you. Ah. So, who’s the man in the back row, then.
James: That’s Sophia’s husband. His name is George.
Friend: So, he’s your . . . .
James: My brother-in-law.
Friend: Right.
Activity 1 Part C
Listen again. These are the people in James’s family. Write their names in Part B.
Friend: James, who are the people in this photo? Wait! Let me guess. That guy in the front
looks like he’s your grandfather. Am I right?
James: No. Actually, that’s my dad’s older brother, Tony.
Friend: So, Tony is your uncle?
James: Yeah.
Friend: Ok. And is the older woman with the birthday cake, your grandmother?
James: Yes. She is my father’s mother. Her name’s Anna.
Friend: So, who is the other older woman?
James: Oh. That’s Mary. She is my father’s sister.
Friend: Oh. Your aunt, then.
James: Right. And can you guess who the girl in the middle is? The one with the long
brown hair.
Friend: She’s pretty. Ah . . Is she your sister?
James: No. She’s uncle Tony’s daughter, Gloria.
Friend: Really? She’s your cousin?
James: Yes. The girl on the right is my sister.
Friend: Sophia?
James: Sophia. Yes. And the little girl in front of her is Clara, her daughter. She’s my niece.
Friend: So, you’re her uncle James. How about the cute little boy. Is that Clara’s brother?
James: No. That’s Bobby.
Friend: Bobby?
James: Yeah. He’s my little boy.
Friend: Oh. Of course. He looks just like you. Ah. So, who’s the man in the back row, then.
James: That’s Sophia’s husband. His name is George.
Friend: So, he’s your . . . .
James: My brother-in-law.
Friend: Right.

Unit 20 Friends
Activity 1 Part B
Listen. Four people are talking about their best friends. Check what they do together.
First, Ron.
Man: Ron. Who’s your best friend?
Ron: My best friend is a guy name Tom.
Man: Aha. And what do you do together? Do you go fishing?
Ron: No. I like to be alone when I fish. Tom and I love to go camping.
Man: In the mountains?
Ron: Yeah. It’s great to be out in the fresh air. Seeing the stars at night.
Man: I know what you mean. And when did you two first meet?
Ron: It was when we were in high school. We were in the same history class. That was . .
Let me think . . 10 years ago.
Man: And you’re still good friends.
Ron: Yes. The best!
Next, Sally.
Man: Ok. Sally, how about you? Who’s your best friend?
Sally: My best friend’s name is Susan.
Man: Ahuh. And what do you two like to do together?
Sally: All kinds of stuffs. We spend a lot of time together.
Man: Ok. But what’s your favorite thing to do? Do you two go camping like Ron and Tom?
Sally: No. we never go camping. No. What we like to do is got to the movies. We go almost
every Friday night.
Man: I see. And, when did you first meet?
Sally: Ah. A long time ago. When we were both seven years old.
Man: You were seven?
Sally: Yes. A very long time ago. Almost 25 years ago.
Man: That is a long time ago.
Next, Ken.
Man: Do you have a best friend, Ken?
Ken: Oh, yeah. My best friend is Jim.
Man: And, how long have you known each other?
Ken: Ah. Not so long. About a year. Oh, wait. No . . Ah two years. Yeah. We met at the
tennis club two years ago.
Man: Oh. So, you play tennis with each other.
Ken: Well against each other. Really. You know, we both try to win.
Man: And who you usually wins? You or him?
Ken: Definitely Jim. I almost always lose. I’m not very good at tennis. But I usually win when
we play chess.
Man: Ah. You guys play chess, too.
Ken: Oh, yeah. And I’m definitely a better chess player than he is.

Finally, Alice.
Man: Alice, how about you? Do you have a best friend?
Alice: Ah. Yes, I do. Her name is Anna.
Man: When did you meet her?
Alice: Ah. Let me see. Oh. It was in our freshmen year. So, three years ago.
Man: Aha. Did you meet in high school?
Alice: No. Freshmen year of college. We’re on the same team.
Man: [Chuckles] So. What do you play?
Alice: Oh. Soccer. We’re both on our college soccer team.
Man: Soccer’s a great game. Do you like to watch soccer, too?
Alice: No. Not really. But Anna and I talk about all kinds of sports when we’re together.
Man: Ok. Thanks, Alice. And good luck in your last game.
Activity 1 Part C
Listen again. When did they meet? Complete the chart. First, Ron.
Man: Ron. Who’s your best friend?
Ron: My best friend is a guy name Tom.
Man: Aha. And what do you do together? Do you go fishing?
Ron: No. I like to be alone when I fish. Tom and I love to go camping.
Man: In the mountains?
Ron: Yeah. It’s great to be out in the fresh air. Seeing the stars at night.
Man: I know what you mean. And when did you two first meet?
Ron: It was when we were in high school. We were in the same history class. That was
. . Let me think . . 10 years ago.
Man: And you’re still good friends.
Ron: Yes. The best!
Next, Sally.
Man: Ok. Sally, how about you? Who’s your best friend?
Sally: My best friend’s name is Susan.
Man: Ahuh. And what do you two like to do together?
Sally: All kinds of stuffs. We spend a lot of time together.
Man: Ok. But what’s your favorite thing to do? Do you two go camping like Ron and
Sally: No. we never go camping. No. What we like to do is got to the movies. We go
almost every Friday night.
Man: I see. And, when did you first meet?
Sally: Ah. A long time ago. When we were both seven years old.
Man: You were seven?
Sally: Yes. A very long time ago. Almost 25 years ago.
Man: That is a long time ago.
Next, Ken.
Man: Do you have a best friend, Ken?
Ken: Oh, yeah. My best friend is Jim.
Man: And, how long have you known each other?
Ken: Ah. Not so long. About a year. Oh, wait. No . . Ah two years. Yeah. We met at
the tennis club two years ago.
Man: Oh. So, you play tennis with each other.
Ken: Well against each other. Really. You know, we both try to win.
Man: And who you usually wins? You or him?
Ken: Definitely Jim. I almost always lose. I’m not very good at tennis. But I usually
win when we play chess.
Man: Ah. You guys play chess, too.
Ken: Oh, yeah. And I’m definitely a better chess player than he is.

Finally, Alice.
Man: Alice, how about you? Do you have a best friend?
Alice: Ah. Yes, I do. Her name is Anna.
Man: When did you meet her?
Alice: Ah. Let me see. Oh. It was in our freshmen year. So, three years ago.
Man: Aha. Did you meet in high school?
Alice: No. Freshmen year of college. We’re on the same team.
Man: [Chuckles] So. What do you play?
Alice: Oh. Soccer. We’re both on our college soccer team.
Man: Soccer’s a great game. Do you like to watch soccer, too?
Alice: No. Not really. But Anna and I talk about all kinds of sports when we’re together.
Man: Ok. Thanks, Alice. And good luck in your last game.

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