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Getting Started

Matching Game
Four equations are given. Match each equation to a graph or table
and explain your reasoning. Then, complete the table and graph for
the unmatched equation.

Equations Tables and Graphs

A. y
1. The equation y=6 matches up to 1. y 5 6 B. 15
table B. because in the table no matter 1x
2. y 5 __
what number replaces the variable x 6 C. 10
the answer will always end up being 3. y 5 2x 1 6 A.
6. Thus the equation y = 6 matches.
4. 2x 1 y 5 6 unmatched 5
2. The equation y = 1/6x matches up
to graph C. because in the graph it 2(1) + 4 = 6
displays how y is equal to and –5 5 x
2x + y = 6 2(2) + 2 = 6
intersects with 1. Based on unit rate y = -2x + 6 2(3) + 0 = 6
1/6 equals one thus the graph is y = B.
1/6x. x y x y

1 4 1
__ 6
3. The equation y = -x + 6 matches up 6
to graph A. because the y intercept is
six and instead of going up the slope 2 2 0 6
is going down thus equaling -x. In
3 0 1 6
conclusion the graph equals y = -x+6

y C. y = 1/6x y
8 4
4 2
2 x x
-8 -6 -4 -2 2 4 6 8 –20 –10 10 20
-6 –2
-2 –4

M3-170 • TOPIC 3: Multiple Representations of Equations

Starting with a Verbal
4.1 Description to Solve
a Problem

A tank that currently contains 2500 gallons of oil is being emptied

at a rate of 25 gallons per minute. The capacity of this tank is
3000 gallons.

1. How many gallons are currently in the tank?

2. How fast is the tank being emptied?

3. What are the two quantities that are changing? Define

variables for these quantities and identify which is the
independent variable and which is the dependent variable.

4. What is the unit rate of change in this situation?

Explain your reasoning.

5. Write an equation that relates the two quantities.

LESSON 4: Texas Tea and Temperature • M3-171

6. How many gallons will be in the tank after:

a. a quarter of an hour?

b. five and a half minutes?

c. an hour and a half?

7. When will the tank be:

a. half full?

b. empty?

8. How long ago did the tank contain 2600 gallons?

9. How long ago was the tank full?

M3-172 • TOPIC 3: Multiple Representations of Equations

10. Complete the table for this problem situation.

Independent Dependent
Quantity Quantity

Units of Measure


11. Label the units of measure on each axis and plot all the points
How does
from the table. Then, graph the equation for this situation.
your graph
Make sure to label the units on the axes.
show that the
y tank is being









–40 –20 20 40 60 80 100 120 x

LESSON 4: Texas Tea and Temperature • M3-173

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