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Representing Inequalities
3.2 on Graphs

You can use your graph to estimate solutions to inequality problems.

Use the graph to estimate the times Deep Flight I will be more than
1400 feet below sea level and the times Deep Flight I will be less
than 1400 feet below sea level.


Each of these graphs shows the relationship between the time in minutes and the depth
of Deep Flight I.
The rectangle on the left graph shows the set of all depths for Deep Flight I less than
1400 feet below sea level. The oval on the right graph shows the set of all depths for
Deep Flight I more than 1400 feet below sea level.
less than 4.5 4.5 or more
Time (minutes) Time (minutes)

–1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 x –1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 x
–350 –350

–700 –700

–1050 –1050

–1400 –1400
Depth (feet)

Depth (feet)

–1750 –1750

–2100 –2100

–2450 –2450

–2800 –2800

–3150 –3150

y y

–1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Deep Flight I will be greater than 21400 feet for times less than 3 minutes. Deep Flight I
will be less than 21400 feet for times greater than 3 minutes.

M3-160 • TOPIC 3: Multiple Representations of Equations

1. Use the graph to estimate the times Deep Flight I will be:

a. less than 2100 feet below sea level.

Less than 4.5 or 4 1/2 minutes

b. more than 2100 feet below sea level.

4.5 or 4 1/2 or more minutes

2. Write an inequality and solve it to determine the time

Deep Flight I is:

a. less than 2100 feet below sea level.

inequality: - _____
2,100 > -480t
____ divide by -480 on both sides
-480 -480 the time: about 4.4 minutes
-480t/-480 = 1
-2,100/-480 = 4.375 or about 4.4

b. more than 2100 feet below sea level.

How do the
graph and
the inequality
model the
3. How do your answers using the graph compare to those when depth?
you wrote and solved inequalities?
Answers: 4.4 or 4.5

The two values 4.4 and 4.5 are very close, but not exact.

LESSON 3: Deep Flight I • M3-161

Graphing Equations and
3.3 Inequalities

Deep Flight I can dive to a depth of 3300 feet below sea level and
can ascend to the surface at a rate of 650 feet per minute.

1. Suppose Deep Flight I is going to ascend to sea level starting

at its maximum depth of 3300 feet below sea level. Identify
the independent and dependent quantities, define variables
for these quantities, and write an equation to represent
Deep Flight I’s depth.
d = -3,300 + 650t

2. Use your equation to complete the table shown for this

problem situation.

Independent Dependent
Quantity Quantity
3. Why does the table end at
Quantities time depth
5 minutes for this problem
Units of Measure minutes feet

Variables t d

0 -3,300 + -650

-2,650 +-650 4. Consider the possible values

1 for time and depth.

2 -2,000 +-650
a. What do you think are all
the possible values for time
3 - 1,350 +-650 in terms of this situation?
Write inequalities to
4 -700 +-650 express your answer.

5 -50 +-650

M3-162 • TOPIC 3: Multiple Representations of Equations

b. What do you think are all the possible values for depth
in terms of this situation? Write inequalities to express
your answer.
the possible values are either less than or equal to -3,300 + 650t
d -3,300 + 650t

5. Examine your table. What do you notice about each depth

value in relation to the one before and the one after?
I noticed that each of the depths have a 650 feet distance between each
of them as another minute passes.

6. In this problem, what is the unit rate of change?

The unit rate of change would have to be -650 feet

How do I
7. How deep would the submarine be after ascending for:
d = -3,300 + 650t represent "sea
a. 2.5 minutes? b. 90 seconds? 90/60 = 1.5 minutes level" as a
d = -3,300 + 650(2.5) d = -3,300 + 650(1.5) number?
d = -2,650(2.5) -1,675 feet deep d = -2,650(1.5) -2325 feet deep
d = -1,675 feet d = -2325 feet
c. 45 seconds?
d = -3,300 + 650(0.45)
d= -2,650(0.45) -3007.5 feet deep
d = -3007.5 feet
8. How many minutes would it take Deep Flight I to ascend to:
t = d/650
a. 1000 feet below sea level? b. 2100 feet below sea level?
t = d/650 t = d/650
t = 1000/650 t = 2100/650
t = 1.538... or 2 minutes t = 3.23... or about 3 minutes
sea = 0 feet? c. sea level?
t = d/650
t = 0/650
t = 0 minutes

LESSON 3: Deep Flight I • M3-163

9. Use your information to construct a graph of this problem
How does the situation. First, label the units of measure on each axis. Then,
graph show plot all the points from the table and from Questions 7 and 8.
that Deep Finally, draw the graph to represent the problem situation.
Flight I is time (minutes)
going up? x
–1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7



depth –1400





10. Draw a box or oval on the graph to estimate each.

a. the time Deep Flight I is above 1000 feet below sea level
about 3 or more minutes

b. the time Deep Flight I is below 2000 feet below sea level
about 2 minutes or less

11. Write an inequality and solve it to determine the time

Deep Flight I is above 1000 feet below sea level.

1000 > 650t

12. Write an inequality and solve it to determine the time

Deep Flight I is below 2000 feet below sea level.

2000 < 650t

M3-164 • TOPIC 3: Multiple Representations of Equations

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