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Narrator Quaye; Today, we are presenting the case of the People of the Philippines v Kenneth
Crisostomo, the case stems from a violation of Section 5 paragraph (i) of Republic Act No. 9262
otherwise known as the Anti-Violence against Women and Their Children Act of 2004.

Court Interpreter Quaye; All rise, the court in session the honorable Judge Jason Robinos, presiding

Judge Prince; Members of the jury, your duty today will be to determine whether the defendant is guilty
or not guilty based only on facts and evidence provided in this case. The prosecution must prove that a
crime was committed and that the defendant is the person who committed the crime. However, if you
are not satisfied of the defendant's guilt to that extent, then reasonable doubt exists and the defendant
must be found not guilty. Call the cases

*uupo lahat*

Court Interpreter Quaye; For arraignment: Criminal Case No. 14344-D People of the Philippines v.
Kenneth Crisostomo for violation of REPUBLIC ACT 9262. Appearance for prosecution and the defense

Pros. Yulene; Your Honor, I am Prosecutor Jessa Tadeo appearing as Public Prosecutor for the

Atty. Jake; Your honor, I am atty. Jeffrey Valenzuela entering my appearance as counsel for the accused

Quaye; Criminal Case of No. 14344-D People of the Philippines v. Crisostomo That on or about July 15,
2005, in Quezon City within the jurisdiction of the Honorable Court, accused KENNETH CRISOSTOMO,
knowingly and willfully did not give monthly financial support to ELISA CRISOSTOMO and his children in
Violation of Section 5 (i) of Republic Act No. 9262 thereby, causing mental or emotional anguish to
private complainant ELISA CRISOSTOMO. Mr. Crisostomo, do you understand the crime charged against

Carl Dave; yes, your honor

Quaye: What is your plea?

Carl Dave: Not guilty, your honor.

*titingin kay prince

Quaye: The accused pleaded not guilty, your honor.

Prince: Let it be on the record that the accused pleaded not guilty for the violation of Republic Act No.

9262 (Anti-violence Against Women and their Children Act of 2004).

Yulene: Your honor, we would like to set the case for pre-trial on October 26, 2008.

*titingin si prince kay jake

Prince: Are you amenable with the schedule defense counsel?

Jake: Yes, your honor.

Prince: Ok. Set the pre-trial of the case on October 26, 2008.

Prince: Order!

In today’s arraignment, accused Kenneth Crisostomo pleaded not guilty to the

information, that was read to him in a language known and understood by him,.... assisted by his

counsel Atty. Jeff Valenzuela. As prayed for,..... the case is set for pre-trial on October 26, 2008. The
opposing counsels are notified in open court. So ordered.

Quaye: Pre-Trial ensued, marking the exhibits for the prosecution, as Exhibits A to F with
submarkings,which are the Marriage Certificate, Birth Certificate, Statement of Accounts, Prescription
and Receipts of payment for medicine respectively and the witnesses for the prosecution are Elisa
Crisostomo, Maryl Crisostomo, and Dr. John Paul Versoza as witnesses. The accused adopted the
Marriage Certificate presented by the prosecution and also presented his Birth Certificate as Exhibits 1
and 2 and the accused himself as the lone witness.

Yulene: May we call to the witness stand Elisa Crisostomo. May we pray for the exclusion of the public,
Your Honor.

Prince: Granted.

Quaye: Please raise your right hand. Do you swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth in this

Reynalie; Yes, Maam.

Quaye; Please tell your name, age and other personal circumstances.

Reynalie; My name is Elisa Crisostomo, 64 years old, married, living in Quezon City, housewife.

Yulene: Your Honor, we are offering the testimony of this witness in order to prove the material
allegations charged against the accused; she will testify to the fact that she is the wife of the accused;
that they were married on May 15, 1969; that 4 children were born out of their union; she will also
identify the accused, identify pertinent documents and to testify on other related matters.

Yulene; What is the occupation of your husband?

Reynalie; He used to render military service as a Philippine Air Force pilot and then later on, he worked
as a commercial pilot for the Philippine Airlines.

Yulene; How often does your husband come home?

Reynalie; Once every two months, for two weeks at a time.

Yulene; Is this because of his work?

Reynalie; Yes, he is always on flight in long intervals.

Yulene; When was the last time he went home?

Reynalie; November 2004

Yulene; Ever since Mr. Crisostomo stopped going home and ignored your calls, were you able to get any

information about his whereabouts?

Reynalie; Yes, ma’am, from his colleagues in PAL.

Yulene; What have you found out about him?

Reynalie; That some time in February 2005, he married one Marilou Osias Ramboanga in Paranaque.

Yulene; What did you do after you learned that your husband has a second wife?

Reynalie; I verified it. I went to the local civil registrar in Paranaque and asked for a marriage certificate

of Kenneth Crisostomo. The LCR gave me a marriage certificate of Kenneth Crisostomo married to
Marilou Osias Ramboanga.

Yulene; Is this the marriage certificate you are referring to?

Reynalie; Yes.

Yulene: For the record Your Honor, the complainant identified the marriage certificate previously
marked as Exhibit A.

Jale: Madam witness, you said in your testimony that Mr. Crisostomo rendered service in the military

as an airforce pilot, is that correct?

Reynalie: Yes.

Jake; And after his stint as an airforce pilot, he became a commercial pilot for the Philippine Airlines, is

that correct?

Reynalie: Yes.
Jake: And you also said that due to the nature of his work, he is rarely at home, is that correct Madam


Reynalie: Yes.

Jake; When were you married with Mr. Crisostomo, Madam witness?

Reynalie: According to our marriage certificate, we were married on May 15, 1969.

Jake: On or around May 15, 1969, was Mr. Crisostomo already rendering service as an airforce pilot?

Reynalie: Yes.

Jake: So for Mr. Crisostomo to attend your wedding and consummate your marriage, did he take a

leave of absence from his job?

Reynalie: Yes, he was on leave for two months.

Jake; Do you have proof?

Yulene; Objection, Your Honor, that was not taken up during the direct examination

Prince; Sustained

Yulene; May we call on our second witness, Your Honor.

Prince; Please raise your right hand. Do you swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth in this

*tataas right hand

Cassandra; Yes, sir.

Prince; Please tell your name, age and other personal circumstances.

Cassandra; Maryl Joy Villacorta, 36 years old, married, a resident of Calasiao, Pangasinan, a government


Yulene: The purpose of the testimony of this witness Your Honor is to corroborate the testimony of her

mother and that she discovered that her father had contacted a second marriage and will testify

on suffering deprivation of financial support. May we proceed, Your Honor?

Prince: Proceed.

Yulene: Madam Witness, do you know one Kenneth Crisostomo?

Cass: Yes.

Yulene; How do you know him?

Cassandra; He is my father.

Yulene; What is your proof as to that?

Cassandra; Here is my birth certificate.

Yulene: Witness showing a document previously marked as Exhibit B-1 for the prosecution.

*papakita sa lahat yung birth cert

Yulene; How about Elisa Crisostomo, what is her relation to you?

Cassandra; She is my mother.

Yulene; Was there any unusual incident that happened recently?

Cassandra; Yes. My father stopped coming home. Later, my father stopped sending financial support to
my mother and my other sisters.

Yulene; When was that?

Cassandra; He stopped coming home in November 2004 and he stopped sending them financial support
in July 2005

Yulene; That will be all Your Honor

Prince: Call your next witness.

Yulene: May we call on our third witness, Your Honor

Prince:Yes. Swear in the witness.

Quaye: Raise your right hand. Do you swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth in this Court?

Witness 3 Dr; Yes, sir.

Quaye; Please tell your name, age and other personal circumstances.

Witness 3 Dr; Dr. John Paul P. Verzosa, 41 years of age, married, Cardiologist-Endocrinologist and a
resident of Dagupan City.

Yulene; This witness your honor, Dr. John Paul Verzosa, will testify as to the medical condition of Elisa
Crisostomo before the incidents happened and as well as after Kenneth Crisostomo stopped giving

Yulene: Do you know Elisa Crisostomo?

Witness 3 Dr: Yes, she is my patient.

Yulene: Since when?

Witness 3 Dr: Since 2004 when she was first referred to me.

Yulene: What is her medical condition that requires your medical expertise?

Witness 3 Dr: Based on my diagnosis, she has type 2 Diabetes.

Yulene: What is your basis for diagnosing Elisa Crisostomo with the said diseases?

Witness 3 Dr: My basis is the result of the laboratory tests I asked her to undergo.

Yulene: How are you treating her medical condition?

Witness 3 Dr: We conduct regular check-ups and I prescribe her maintenance medicine. I also tell her to
keep a balanced diet and maintain regular exercise.

Yulene: Did she regularly appear in her scheduled check-ups?

Witness 3 Dr: Yes, but she stopped around late 2005.

Yulene: What are your findings?

Witness 3 Dr: She developed hypertension and cardio-vascular disease, on top of her type 2 Diabetes.

Yulene: In your expert medical opinion, how did she develop hypertension and cardio-vascular disease?

Witness 3 Dr: I believe it is because she did not take her maintenance medicine regularly. I also noticed
that she did not appear in our scheduled check-ups and treatment since 2005.

Yulene; That’s all your honor

Prince; Acting on the formal offer of exhibits of the prosecutor, and comments thereon by the
defensecounsel, the Court resolves to admit all the exhibits offered by the defense counsel specified in
the offer.

Jake: For the defense, we are ready to present our lone witness, Your Honor.

Prince: Swear in the witness.

Quaye: Raise your right hand. Do you swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth in this Court?

Carl Dave; Yes, Maam.

Quaye; Please tell your name, age and other personal circumstances.
Carl Dave; I am Kenneth Crisostomo, 58, married, employed as pilot for Philippine Airlines, currently
residing in Paranaque City.

Jake: Do you know the complainant?

Carl Dave: Yes.

Jake: How do you know her?

Carl Dave: She was my common-law wife, of whom we have 4 kids.

Jake: Are you providing for support from then until now?

Carl Dave: No, I am no longer providing support now.

Jake: Why did you stop providing for support?

Carl Dave: Elisa Crisostomo instituted a bigamy case against me, which I considered an act of ingratitude.

Jake: Such bigamy case, is it pending now?

Carl Dave: Yes.

Jake: No further questions, Your Honor.

Prince: Cross Examination?

Yulene: Yes, Your Honor.

Prince: Proceed.

Yulene: You also alleged that your signature in the marriage certificate was forged. Do you have any

proof to show that indeed your signature was forged in that marriage certificate?

Carl Dave: None. But I certainly did not sign that marriage certificate.

Yulene: No more questions, Your Honor.

Prince; Acting on the formal offer of exhibits of the prosecutor and comments thereon by the defense

counsel, the Court resolves to admit all the exhibits offered by the defense counsel specified in the


Prince: Considering that the public prosecutor will not present rebuttal evidence, the court gives the

parties 30 days from today within which to file their respective memoranda. The case shall be

deemed submitted for decision after the lapse of the said period, even without the said


Prince: We have now heard arguments from both sides in the case of People of the Philippines vs
Crisostomo. I must now decide if the State has proven beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant is
guilty of violation of Sec. 5(i) of RA 9262.

Quaye; All rise, the court is now in session.

*tatayo lahat

Quaye: Will the accused please stand.

(Mr. Kenneth Crisostomo stand along with his lawyer)

Prince: You may read the verdict.

Quaye: WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the Court finds accused Kenneth Crisostomo GUILTY

reasonable doubt [of] violating Section 5(i) of Republic Act No. 9262, otherwise known as the
AntiViolence against Women and their Children Act, and is hereby sentenced to suffer an indeterminate
penalty of THREE (3) YEARS of prision correccional, as minimum, to EIGHT YEARS

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