ST1 English

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
CARAGA Administrative Region
Division of Surigao del Sur
Lanuza District

Summative Test No. 1 in ENGLISH 5


Name: _______________________________________________ Score: _______

Direction: Identify what kind of text type is the following paragraph. Choose the letter of the
correct answer.

Researchers have used cryogenic electron microscopy to show that coronaviruses enter
human cells through an interaction with angiotensin- converting enzyme 2 (ACE2).
Scientists exploring how coronaviruses like COVID-19 infect human cells have shown that
the SARS-CoV-2 spike (S) glycoprotein binds to the cell membrane protein angiotensin-converting
enzyme 2 (ACE2) to enter human cells. COVID-19 has been shown to bind to ACE2 via the S
protein on its surface. During infection, the S protein is cleaved into subunits, S1 and S2. S1
contains the receptor binding domain (RBD) which allows coronaviruses to directly bind to the
peptidase domain (PD) of ACE2. S2 then likely plays a role in membrane fusion.

1. What is the purpose of the text?

A. Explain how COVID-19 enters human cell.
B. Classify the different corona virus.
C. Entertain the readers about the effects of COVID-19.
D. Enumerate the ways to prevent the corona virus.

As Earth rotates on its axis, around the Sun. the section facing the sun will be the daylight.
The section facing away the sun will be in darkness, experiencing night. One half of the Earth is
always experiencing day while the other half is experiencing night.

2. What kind of text type is the paragraph above?

A. Enumeration Text Type
B. Classification Text Type
C. Explanation Text Type
D. Time-Order Text Type

Animals are born in different ways. Some animals are egg-laying while some are born alive.
Animals which lay eggs to the environment are birds, snakes, frogs, turtles, lizards and insects while
animals which undergo gestation are born alive. Cats, cows, dogs, and whales are animals which are
born alive.

3. What is the purpose of the text?

A. Explain how animals are born.
B. Classify animals as how they are born.
C. Entertain the readers about how animals are born.
D. Enumerate the ways how animals are born.
Forests are very useful. They supply lumber which is used for building houses, stones,
offices and other buildings. Some forest trees give materials for making pulp, paper, wallboard and
furniture, rattan, gum and firewood. Medicinal plants are also taken from forests.

4. What kind of text type is the paragraph above?

A. Enumeration Text Type
B. Classification Text Type
C. Explanation Text Type
D. Time-Order Text Type
Looking like giant mole hills, the chocolate hills are probably Bohol’s most famous tourist
attraction. Most people who first see the landscapes in pictures can hardly believe that these hills are
natural artifact or not man- made. If this idea is true, then the effort of building them surely
surpasses the construction of the pyramids in Egypt. The hills are no less than 1268 the number.
Uniform in shape, they are between 30 and 50 meters high. They are covered with grass, which at
the end of the dry season, turns into chocolate brown. It is from this color that the name chocolate
hills was derived.

5. What kind of text type is the paragraph above?

A. Enumeration Text Type
B. Classification Text Type
C. Time-Order Text Type
D. Explanation Text Type

Weather is the continuous changing conditions of air around us. These changes can take
many forms, including wind, rain, and snow. They influence how people live every day. When it
rains or snows, many persons are often forced to stay indoors. Weather also affects one’s choice of
clothes. One wears light clothes when the weather is hot and thick, close-fitting clothes when it is

6. What kind of text type is the paragraph above?

A. Enumeration Text Type
B. Time-Order Text Type
C. Classification Text Type
D. Explanation Text Type

7. Which of the following is NOT a purpose of the classification paragraph?

A. makes the paragraph logical in order
B. breaks a subject into smaller pronouns and more specific parts
C. define something and place it in a group according to some basis or rule
D. formulate specific reasons for their opinions, and provide an opportunity
to research facts related to their opinions.

8. Why do we need evidence in an explanation paragraph?

A. to support, prove, and explain our claim
B. to practice sentence structure
C. to make the paragraphs longer 
D. to make a claim

9. What kind of text type describes why or how things happen?

A. Enumeration Text Type
B. Classification Text Type
C. Time-Order Text Type
D. Explanation Text Type
10. What kind of text type describes various classes related to one category of things?
A. Enumeration Text Type
B. Classification Text Type
C. Time-Order Text Type
D. Explanation Text Type

11. What is the purpose of an explanation paragraph?

a. to entertain
b. to recount
c. to tell a story
d. to explain something clearly

12. Why do we need evidence in an explanation paragraph?

a. to make a claim
b. to practice sentence structure 5
c. to make the paragraphs longer 
d. to support, prove, and explain our claim 

13. Why is explanation in a paragraph important?

a. It makes the paragraph longer.
b. It gives a specific in an argument.
c. It helps readers formulate their own opinions.
d. It elaborately describes how something works or is done.

14. Which of the following is an explanation text?

a. I really believe that going to beautiful places can improve one’s mental health.
b. Different students attend various types of schools; however, they can usually be
classified as either public, private religious, private non-religious, or alternative. 
c. Dogs are domesticated animals that have been living with humans for generations. Dogs
can be classified in a number of different ways. For example, they can be classified by
d. As the surface of the ocean heats up, the water goes up into the air. This warm air
becomes moist. It starts to form a column. The air around rushes toward the column and
forms a spiral around it. The system is called hurricane.

15. Which of the following explains how rain is formed?

a. Rain is the liquid form of water that falls from the sky in drops.
b. Rain is defined as being water droplets of 0.5mm or greater. Droplets smaller than half a
millimeter are classified as drizzle.
c. Clouds are made of water droplets. Within a cloud, water droplets condense onto one
another, causing the droplets to grow. When these water droplets get too heavy to stay
suspended in the cloud, they fall to Earth as rain.
d. In a tribe long ago there lived a beautiful young girl named Rain. She was the only
daughter to the tribe leader, Amias. Being that she was old enough to marry and she was
the most beautiful woman in the tribe, he wanted only the best man to have her hand in
marriage. He decided to hold a competition and the one to win would get Rain. 
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
CARAGA Administrative Region
Division of Surigao del Sur
Lanuza District

First Summative Test in English 5


(hrs/mins) 15 (60%) (20%) (20%)
Item Placement

 Distinguish text types 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Multipl

5 10 7, 8
according to purpose and 6, 9, 10 Choice
features: Classification.
 Distinguish text types
according to purpose Multipl
and features: 5 5 11 12 13, 14, 15
Explanation. (EN5RC-
TOTAL 10 15 9 3 3

Prepared by: Checked by:


T-I/Grade 5 Adviser HT-I/School Head

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