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Republic of the Philippines


Metro Manila

4th Regular Session

Republic Act No. 13


Be it Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the
Philippines in Congress assembled:
Republic of the Philippines
Metro Manila

4th Regular Session

Republic Act No. 13


Be it Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the
Philippines in Congress assembled:

SECTION 1. ​Short Title.​ ​This Act shall be known as the Revised

Penal Code

SECTION 2. ​Declaration of Policy. ​This bill’s sole purpose is to

establish the Criminal Justice System (CJS), and take into effect certain
crimes that were not listed in the Philippine National Code and Penal Code
of the Philippines. This bill will also state the penalties for each crime
SECTION 3.​ Definition of Terms. ​For the purpose of this act, the
following terms are defined:

(a) “Penal” - mean relating to, used for, or prescribing the punishment
of offenders under the legal system.
(b) “Felony” - Acts and omissions punishable by law.
(c) “Liability” - the state of being responsible for something, especially
by law.
(d) “Principal” - Whoever commits an offense against the Philippine
Republic or counsel, advises, commands or procures an offense, is a
punishable offense.
(e) “Accessory” - Defined as having knowledge that an offense has
been committed while relieves, comforts, or assists the offender in
order to prevent his/her apprehension.
(f) Attempted - Such an act has already gone through the commission of
the crime but failed to complete.
(g)Frustrated - The crime has been completed and committed.

SECTION 4. ​Crimes against the State .

(a)Impersonation of a state employee.

(i) Defined as someone who falsely assumes or pretends to
be an employee of the state and acts uses that authority
to obtain money, paper, documents, or possessions of the
(ii) State employees are those members in the government
(b)Obstructing Traffic
(i) Stopping or parking a vehicle upon a park road, except

as authorized by the superintendent, or in the event of an

accident or other condition beyond the control of the

(ii) Operating a vehicle so slowly as to interfere with the

normal flow of traffic.

(iii) Standing upon a road with or without the intent of

blocking the regular flow of traffic.

(iv) Except as otherwise expressly provided by an Act of the

Legislature or executive pardoning, perpetrators of

obstructing traffic shall be imprisoned no more than a

day or be put to rest.

(c)Reckless Driving
(i) Driving a vehicle with willful or wanton disregard for
the safety of persons or property.
(ii) No person shall drive a motor vehicle on the site at a

speed greater than or in a manner other than what is

reasonable and prudent for the particular location, given

the conditions of traffic, weather, and road surface and

having regard to the actual and potential hazards


(iii) No person shall likewise drive a motor vehicle that will

endanger the life of a human being or animal.

(iv) No person shall disobey traffic signs as well as traffic

(d)Driving under the influence:
(i) driving whilst intoxicated with alcohol or drugs that
may affect the capability of an individual to drive within
the scope of what is safe.

(e) Alarm and Scandal

(i) When an individual disturbs the community by terms of


(ii) Using a firearm to gain attention in a closed


(iii) Causing a public commotion

(f) Resisting Arrest

(i) When the person is ordered to place his hands behind his

back by an agent in authority and refuses to.

(ii) When the person is ordered to stop and refuses to.

(g)Employment Discrimination

(i) The individual is applying for a job.

(ii) The individual was then insulted in terms of his

race,color,body and mental capability.

(h) Disclosure of Classified Information.

(i) The individual has access to such information.

(ii) The individual willingly gave information to an

unknown source.

(i) Threats against Government

(i) Anyone who willfully messages, publishes
documentation, or uses any other means of
communication which contains threats to take the life of,
kidnap, or inflict bodily harm against any member of the
Philippine Government shall be punished under this title.
(j) Treason
(i) shall consist of levying War against the country, or in
adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and
Comfort. This includes the illegal transfer of state
secrets, military plans and documents and any other
material to the enemy that may endanger the national
security position of the country. This also includes
allegiance or membership to other nations whilst serving
in any government, military or civil service position.
(k)Disorderly Conduct:
(i) includes the acts of public drunkenness, loitering,
disturbing the peace, and loud threats or parties.
(l) Disobedience to a Person in Authority
(i) Not obeying a lawful command given by a person in
(ii) Continuously disobeying the law enforcement officer.

SECTION 5. ​Punishments for Crimes against state.

(a) If the person is convicted under section 4, said person shall be
punishable to incarceration, with maximum of 10 days and
minimum of 4 days.
(b)If a person is convicted under section 4 he/she shall be put
under group restrictions accordingly.
SECTION 6. ​Crimes against Person
(a) Murder:
(i) Defined as unlawful killing of a being with malice
aforethought. Every murder perpetrated shall be
punished under this title.
(ii) Killing a person with intent.
(iii) With Superior Strength
(b) Kidnapping
(i) The unlawful seizure, abduction, and holds for ransom
or reward for any person shall be punished under this
(ii) is the unlawful transportation, asportation and
confinement of a person against their will.

(c) Causing mass hysteria:

(i) It shall be unlawful for any person to induce panic by
initiating or circulating a report or warning of an alleged
or impending fire, explosion, crime, or other catastrophe
in a public area knowing that such report or warning is
false. Any persons found guilty of this shall be punished
under this title.
(ii) Threatening to cause acts of violence against the public
or against an individual in order to induce panic shall
also be punished under this title.
(d) Unlicensed distribution/acquisition of firearms
(i) It shall be unlawful for any person except a licensed
manufacturer, or dealer, to engage in the business of
importing, manufacturing, or dealing firearms. Those
found in violation shall be punished under this title.
(ii) illegal transportation and selling of ammunition, guns,
and other contrabands within, to and from the country.

(i) Anyone who attempts to forcefully take any personal
property belonging to other people, or property
belonging to the state shall be punished under this title.
(ii) With the use of Violence and Intimidation

(f) Exploiting/Cyber Crime

(i) Anyone who uses programs to exploit, or hack a game
owned by the Philippine republic or it’s departments
shall be punished under this title.
(ii) Anyone who uses programs/malware to compromise the
safety of any other citizen’s account shall be punished
under this title.
(g) Assault
(i) Anyone who inflicts harm, or offensive contact with
another person, without that person’s consent, shall be
charged under this title.
(i) Anyone who shows nepotism or clientelism by giving
political favors to family members, friends, or
acquaintances without otherwise notifying the public
beforehand shall be charged under this title.
(ii) Abuse of discretion by misusing one’s powers and
decision-making facilities, an example including a judge
improperly dismissing a criminal case shall be charged
under this title.

(i) Extortion
(i) The person wilfully asked gifts in return for a favor.
(j) Corruption of a Public Official
(i) The person committing such crime is a private individual
and is not in the government service.
(ii) he/she is giving bribes/gifts to a government official
wilfully and knowingly with a favor in return after such
transaction has transpired.
(i) The simple taking of a property that is not yours.
(ii) Intent to gain
(l) Obstruction of Justice
(i) Misleading investigators or an agent in authority.
(ii) Giving false or misleading information to authorities that
will help solve a case.
(m) Physical Injuries
(i) The individual inflicted harm to a person.
(ii) Can be categorized on how the injury was made and how
harsh it was inflicted to the victim/individual.
(n) Direct Assault
(i) The victim is a person in authority.
(ii) The individual inflicted harm to the person in authority.
(o)Reckless Imprudence
(i) The individual was reckless in nature.
(ii) With malice
(p)Grave Threat
(i) The person used words that will make the individual feel
unsafe and afraid.
(ii) The individual pointed a weapon and told the person that
he/she will “Kill” the person.
(iii) a​ny person who shall threaten another with the infliction
upon the person, honor, or property of the latter or of his
family or any wrong amounting to a crime.

SECTION 7. ​Punishments on Crimes Against Person

(a)Any Person convicted under section 6 shall be incarcerated to
a sentence of Not less than 15 days and not more than 25 days.
(b)Convicted person shall be restricted from group access
(c)A Person convicted under section f shall be banned from the
group in the discretion of the Group Moderators.
LIABILITY​. Anyone who acts in defense of his person or rights,
provided that the following circumstances concur;
A. Unlawful aggression.
B. Second. Reasonable necessity of the means employed to prevent
or repel it.
C. Third. Lack of sufficient provocation on the part of the person
defending himself.


A. The following are criminally liable for grave and less grave
1. Principals.
2. Accomplices.
3. Accessories.
B. The following are criminally liable for light felonies:
1. Principals
2. Accomplices.
C. Principals. - The following are considered principals:
1. Those who take a direct part in the execution of the act;
2. Those who directly force or induce others to commit it;
3. Those who cooperate in the commission of the offense by another
act without which it would not have been accomplished.
D. Accomplices. - Accomplices are those persons who, not being
included in Article 17, cooperate in the execution of the offense by
previous or simultaneous acts.
E. Accessories. - Accessories are those who, having knowledge of the
commission of the crime, and without having participated therein,
either as principals or accomplices, take part subsequent to its
commission in any of the following manners:
1. By profiting themselves or assisting the offender to profit by the
effects of the crime.
2. By concealing or destroying the body of the crime, or the effects
or instruments thereof, in order to prevent its discovery.
3. By harboring, concealing, or assisting in the escape of the
principals of the crime, provided the accessory acts with abuse of his
public functions or whenever the author of the crime is guilty of
treason, parricide, murder, or an attempt to take the life of the Chief
Executive, or is known to be habitually guilty of some other crime.

SECTION 10 ​Separability Clause. ​If for any reason any provision

of this Act is declared unconstitutional or invalid, such parts or portions
not affected thereby shall remain in full force and effect.

SECTION 11 ​Repealing Clause.​ ​All laws, decrees, orders, rules and

regulations or parts thereof inconsistent with the act or the rules and
regulations promulgated pursuant thereto are hereby repealed or amended

SECTION (12.) ​Effectivity Clause.​ ​This Act shall take effect three
(3) days after publication in the “Government News” channel of the

Inncup1ds Keyk_Volk
Speaker of the House of Senate President

This Act which originated in the ​House of Representatives​ was passed by

​ ouse of Representatives​ on 1​ 0/17/2020​, p
the H ​ assed​ ​by the S
​ enate​ on

General-Secretary of the Senate Secretary-General of the House of
Approved: ​(12/11/2020)

President of the Philippines

Executive Secretary

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