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Online Blood Groups Practical Write-Up Semester 2 2021

Name: __________________________

INTRODUCTION: Please answer the following questions, you may need to do some research.

1. List the 4 components of blood:


(2 marks)

2. How many basic human blood types are there? What are they?



(2 marks)

3. Is blood more complex than just the basic types of blood? If yes, how so?



(2 marks)

4. What structures allow humans to have different blood types? Describe their function.



(2 marks)

5. What is an antibody?



(1 mark)

6. Why do humans need different blood types?



(1 mark)
AIM: This section identifies the purpose of the investigation. Explain what you are trying to find
out from this investigation. Think about keywords here – blood groups, antibodies, antigens




(2 marks)

HYPOTHESIS: What changes do you expect to see?




(2 marks)


• 16 cups filled with water (four for each blood type)

• Red food colouring
• Blue food colouring
• Pen or pencil and paper to record data


1. Fill 16 cups with water, the same amount of water in each cup.
2. Put red food colouring in four cups. They’ll represent Type A blood.
3. Put blue food colouring in four cups. These will represent Type B blood.
4. Put blue and red food colouring in four more cups to make a purplish colour; this will
represent Type AB blood.
5. Leave only water in the last four cups; this will represent blood Type O.
6. Pour one of the red “A” blood type cups into another one of the “A” blood type cups.
Since the colour did not change, blood Type A is compatible for blood transfusions with
blood Type A. Once you’ve recorded that data, discard the cup.
7. Next, pour another red “A” into a blue type “B” cup. Since the colour changed to purple,
Type A blood and Type B blood are not compatible. Make a note of this as well.
8. Then pour a different “A” cup into the purple AB blood type.
9. Finally, red type A will pour the last cup into type O.
10. Repeat the steps with type B, AB, and O and record the results.
RESULTS: You are not going to be able to generate a graph here – this in qualitative data, not
quantitative (nothing has been measured, only observed). Complete the following table,
describing the colour change that occurs. Type A has been answered for you.

Blood Sample Type A Type B Type AB Type O

Type A No Change Purple No Change Red

Type B

Type AB

Type O

(4 marks)

PHOTOGRAPHIC DATA: please add some pictures of your experiment here:

(4 marks)

DISCUSSION: What did you find out?




(2 marks)

1. Explain what application this sort of information can have in the following fields:
a. Blood Donation:



b. Forensic Science:



(2 marks)

2. What would happen if someone with negative blood was given positive blood and
what would happen if someone with positive blood was given negative blood?



(2 marks)

3. What is the purpose of finding the Rhesus Factor?


(2 marks)
4. Using the image above, what is the most common and least common blood type within
the Australian human population?



(2 marks)

5. What are some possible next steps for a forensic scientist to take if the suspect’s blood
type matched the blood from the Crime Scene?


(2 marks)

6. If the suspect’s blood is a match to the blood found at the crime scene, does this find
the suspect guilty of the offence? Explain your answer.


(2 marks)
ERRORS: Are there any errors that may have affected your results (there always is!)? What are
they and how do you think they affected your results?





(2 marks)

CONCLUSION: Was the hypothesis supported? Why/why not?




(2 marks)

Total: ___ / 40 marks

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