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Unit 1: Let’s practice values for living

together at the school

Week 4: A good Celeino is..!
Meaningful situation: Some Celeino students show difficulties
for the development of a harmonious coexistence: lack of
good treatment, democratic sense, tolerance and empathy.
Faced with this problem, the need arises to reflect and
provide suggestions that help improve our harmonious school
coexistence. To achieve this, we have the following question:
In your opinion, how do you think we develop coexistence
in the classroom?
Learning Purpose: Exchange specific and
relevant information about positive
qualities of a good Celeino student,
classmate, teacher, friend, and citizen.
Competence: Communicate orally in english
as a foreign language.
Skill: Strategically interact with his peers
talking about positive qualities of a good
Celeino student, classmate, teacher,
friend. and citizen.
According to your opinion, do
you agree or disagree with the
quote? Tell me why?
Let’s practice these sanitary suggestions
all the time!
Look at the picture and talk about it. What
do you opinion about it?
Let’s Practice: In your opinion, how can you be a good
Celino student, classmate, teacher, friend and citizen?
using the vocabulary, pictures and a graphic organizer.
Open the link and share your ideas.

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