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Criteria for Assessment:

Appropriation of Original Artwork (30 points): The extent to which the student has effectively and
creatively appropriated the original artwork, while adding new meaning or value to it.

Artistic Skill and Technique (30 points): The level of artistic skill and technique demonstrated in the
student's new artwork, including use of color, composition, and use of media.

Concept and Execution (20 points): The clarity of the concept and the student's ability to execute the
artwork in a way that communicates their ideas effectively.

Reflection and Analysis (10 points): The depth and thoughtfulness of the student's reflection and analysis
of their artwork and the process of appropriation.

Originality and Creativity (10 points): The originality and creativity demonstrated by the student in their
appropriation and transformation of the original artwork.

Scoring Guide:

90-100 points: Excellent The student has demonstrated a high level of artistic skill and creativity, and has
effectively appropriated the original artwork in a transformative and meaningful way.

80-89 points: Very Good The student has demonstrated a strong level of artistic skill and creativity, and has
effectively appropriated the original artwork in a way that adds value and meaning to it.

70-79 points: Good The student has demonstrated a moderate level of artistic skill and creativity, and has
appropriated the original artwork in a way that shows some originality and meaning.

60-69 points: Fair The student has demonstrated a basic level of artistic skill and creativity, but has
struggled to effectively appropriate the original artwork in a transformative or meaningful way.

Below 60 points: Poor The student has not effectively demonstrated artistic skill or creativity, and has not
appropriated the original artwork in a meaningful or transformative way.

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