Analysis of Services at

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To do a GAP analysis of Fast Trax in terms of service quality and identify various gaps in service of FasTrax.t

Methodology Identification of gaps in service quality was mainly done by collecting data through personal observation, interview of few customers and information given by the manager and employees of Fast Trax at V3S Mall, Delhi . The employees and customers were asked questions regarding service quality and there response was used in finding gaps in services.


GAP 1: Not Knowing What Customers Expect LISTENING GAP Reasons:
Inadequate Market Research. Lack of Upward Communication. Insufficient Relationship Focus. Inadequate Service Recovery

GAP 2: Service Design and Standards Reasons:

Poor Service Design. Absence of customer Driven Standards. Inappropriate Physical Evidences and Servicescape

GAP 3:Delivering Service Design to Standards Service performance gap Reasons:

HR Policies. Customers not fulfilling roles Intermediaries. Fail to Match Supply and Demand

GAP4: Not Matching Performance to Promise. COMMUNICATION GAP

Lack of Integrated Service Marketing Communication. Overpromising. Inadequate horizontal communication. In appropriate pricing Ineffective management of customer expectation

Service quality gaps model Questions

PROVIDER GAP 1 : LISTENING GAP 1) Market research orientation
a) Is the amount and type of market research adequate to understand customer expectation? b) Does the company use this information in decision about services?

2) Upward communication
a) Do managers and customers interact enough to know what customers expect? b) Do contact people tell management what customer expects?

3) Relationship focus
a) To what extent company understand the expectation of different customer segment? b) To what extent company focus on relationship with customers?

4) Service recovery
a) How effective are the service recovery efforts of the organisation? b) How well does the organisation plan for service failure? c) PROVIDER GAP 2: SERVICE DESIGN AND


5) Systematic service design

a) How effective is the company service development process? b) How well are new services defined for customers and employees?

6) Presence of customer defined standards

a) How effective are the companys service standards? b) Are they defined to correspond to customer expectation? c) How effective is the process for setting and tracking service quality goals?

7) Appropriate physical evidence and service-scape

a) Are the companys physical facilities, equipment , and other tangibles appropriate to service offering? b) Is the physical evidence attractive and effective?

PROVIDER GAP 3: SERVICE PERFORMNANCE GAP 8) How effectively does the company recruit, hire, train, compensate, and empower employees?
Is service delivery consistent across employees, teams, units and branches?

9) Effective role fulfilment by customers

a) Do customers understand their roles and responsibilities?

b) How does company manage customer to fulfil their roles?

10) Effective alignment with service intermediaries

a) How well are the service intermediaries aligned with company b) Is there conflict over objective and performance?

11) Alignment of demand and capacity

How well is the company able to match supply with demand fluctuation?

PROVIDER GAP: COMMUNICATION GAP 12) Integrated service marketing communication a) How well Does Company communicates with Customers b) Does company avoid overpromising? 13) PRICING a) Is company careful not to prise too high b) Is price in line with customer perception of value


1) There was particularly no gap found in Fast Trax in terms of understanding customer expectation, Fast Trax spends a lot of effort on marketing research , it continuously takes customer feedback with the use of well designed questionnaire and use this information in improving its service delivery. Fast Trax has a good upward communication process the manager of the store consistently try to be in touch with customer and there are regular meetings within employees to discuss improvement in services Response was service recovery was not satisfactory at Fast Trax as the manager of the store was not able to give a satisfactory response when asked about what measure does Fast Trax takes when there is a service failure Company focus a lot in maintaining relationship with customers by continuously improving its quality of service delivery and regularly interacting with customers and getting their feedback





1) Service design and standard of the company was found be good and according to the expectation of customers, company regularly brings changes in service delivery on the basis of feedback provided by customers. At Fast Trax there is process of self service in which the customer has to take his own order at the time of rush the employees help in delivering order to table 2)The service place and physical evidence of the company is quite good , the interior , furniture , layout , tangibles are as per customer expectation , company continuously changes the look of its store according to changes in expectation of customers , the seating arrangement , music , interiors are good and provide a good eating experience to the customers 3) Service standards of the company were also found to be quite good and were according to the expectation of customers


1) There was gap found in service delivery of the company by the employees. Fast Trax has very effective human recourse policies but in most of the places the service delivery of the employees is not same as it is found in other places mainly due to poor recruitment and selection of employees. The main problem is that in certain outlets most of the employees , these employees are not well educated and lack proper training there performance in service delivery is poor in comparison to other outlets of the competitor companies. The company has a gap in performance in most of its branches. 2) There is also problem in effective fulfilment of role by the customer as the company need to educate the customer to fulfil their role especially in terms of self service 3) Company has good relationship with its intermediaries and it quite efficiently handles supply and demand fluctuations


1) Operation of the company is integrated at all level and company communicate well with its customers in terms of its offering and products. company advertise heavily through all communicating mediums like electronic , print and internet media 2) The menu has a lot of burgers that add to the Indian taste like lamb, kebab burgers etc. 3) Company avoids overpromising and promises only that services which it can deliver 4) Price of the product are also in line with customers perception of value the customer feel that they are having value for their money overall there is no visible gap in communication of the company to customers. The Price is rather much less as compared to other food chains like KFC and McDonalds.

1. Introduce the drive through outlets at as they dont have any. 2. Increase the number of cash counters in peak hours 3. Have a better recruitment policy for crew members 4. Can open store for the breakfast. 5. Introduce more offering in non-veg menu of the company 6. The home delivery of the company needs improvement where delay causes lot of dissatisfaction and needs to be extended.

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