Freedom Stories Worksheet

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Freedom Stories-

Ordinary people caught up in extraordinary circumstances

Mustafa’s Story

1. Why is Mustafa’s place of employment an appropriate setting for the telling of his



2. What is the name of the detention centre Mustafa was in?


3. Describe Jim’s reaction to learning more about Mustafa’s history.



4. What did you think and how did you feel as you watched and listened to Mustafa tell
the story of his journey to Australia?



5. Why is it the responsibility of the Australian Navy to intercept asylum seeker boats?



6. What does the symbol of a crossed-out Australia on the sign mean?



7. In the shape below design a sign you think should be shown to people seeking asylum

from Australia.

8. Describe the home that Mustafa and his family have made for themselves in Canberra.



9. What do the photographs tell the audience about Mustafa and Amir’s time in



10. Why is it important stories like Mustafa’s are continued to be told?

Shafiq’s Story

1. What does Shafiq’s work ethic suggest about his character and his priorities in life?


2. Name the group that imprisoned Shafiq.


3. Given the danger and difficulties of an asylum seeker’s journey, why do you think
Shafiq tried to save his painting?


4. Were you surprised by Shafiq’s description of his experience in the boat? Why/ why


5. What was the name of the detention centre Shafiq was detained in?

6. Why do you think the authorities refer to detainees by number rather than name?

7. Choose one of the murals painted by the asylum seekers and write a short description
about it and what it may symbolise.


8. Take a longer look at Shafiq’s entry in the art exhibition at the detention centre. Use
the following sentence starters to make a response to the artwork:

I see in the painting:



I think the painting is discussing:




What colours have been used and why have they been chosen:




9. What is surrealism and why are Shafiq’s art classified as surreal art?


10. Attempt your own surreal art in the box below:

Shafiq’s daughter Mahdiyah

11. How old was Mahdiya when she was separated from Shafiq?
12. What did you think and how did you feel as Mahdiya told her story of being reunited
with her father after a ten-year separation?



13. How did the separation from his wife and children affect Shafiq?



14. What is resilience? Why is Shafiq’s story one of resilience?




15. Shafiq uses an umbrella frequently in his art, what does the symbol of a red umbrella
mean to him?



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