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Art & Design: International Equivalence Program (1 year)

  École Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Nantes Saint-Nazaire


  Reference: art0975

 Institutional profiles

Degree level Other

Fields of study Art / Visual arts / Fine arts; Design

Specializations Contemporary art; Visual arts; History of art / Aesthetics; Graphic design / Visual communication; Product design / packaging

 Program level in EQF (European Qualifications Framework) classification: None

 Program description
The International Equivalence Programme Nantes Saint-Nazaire is a one-year refresher course combining artistic subjects and intensive French language courses. This
course is aimed at international students who have already received at least two years of higher education in the arts in their country of origin.
At the end of the international equivalence programme, you will be able to pass the equivalence commission to enter the Nantes Saint-Nazaire School of Fine Arts in
Licence 2, Licence 3 or Master 1 or pass the equivalence commissions (L2, L3, M1) in another art or design school in France or in a French-speaking country
This programme offers you :
- A tailor-made accompaniment for your personal artistic project and the preparation of your application to enter the school of your choice in art or design.
- A study trip to discover the great art collections and artistic events in France and Europe
- A year of language immersion
At the end of this year, students will be able to pass the equivalence commissions of the Nantes Saint-Nazaire School of Fine Arts for the following courses
In Nantes :
- National Art Diploma, Art option (Licence 2 or Licence 3)
- Diplôme National Supérieur d'Expression Plastique, option art (Master 1)
- Diplôme National d'Art, option Art mention Art Science in partnership with the École Centrale de Nantes (Licence 2 - subject to the opening of the degree in September
In Saint-Nazaire :
- National Diploma of Art, option Art mention Territories, Landscapes and Public Spaces (Licence 2 - Opening of the diploma in September 2023)
Please note: Students who have not completed the CampusArt application in their personal account and/or have not paid their application fees will not be
registered for this program. Their names will not appear on the list sent to the Campus France country offices.

 Main disciplines taught

On the basis of cross-disciplinary courses and studio practices adapted to their more advanced levels, students approach the whole range of mediums linked to the
practices of image (drawing, colour, photography, video, new media), installation (sculpture, modelling, moulding, ceramics), painting, performance, print (lithography,
serigraphy, publishing) and design (object, space, graphic).
- History of art and design, seminars: contemporary studies and criticism
- Artistic practice workshop and methodological tools by speciality (art/design)
- Production workshops
- Masterclasses and workshops with French and international guest artists
- Study trips to discover contemporary creation in Europe
- French courses applied to the artistic field

 Annual cost of studies

 Training highlights
Individualised support for the artistic project and creation of a portfolio for presentation to the equivalence commissions of the higher art schools
Programme connected to higher education partners in Nantes, in Europe and internationally
Discovery of major European art collections
Quality French language training applied to the artistic field

 Program taught in English: No

Do you wish to apply to this program online?

Click the link to begin your application on our dedicated website:

Please read the application conditions and guidelines:

 Apply online

 Age
18 years old minimum

 Level of study required for admission to the program: 2d year of higher education (L2)

 Required level of French proficiency: Beginner (A1,A2)

TCF, TEF, DELF level A2 recommended
Exemptions listed here: on page 4.
In these cases, the certificate of French is not compulsory

 Portfolio required with application: Yes

 Additional prerequisites
For international candidates with a minimum of two years of university education in art or design (Bachelor 2)
curriculum vitae - cv to be added to the CampusArt electronic file

 Arrival and settling in
The Nantes Saint-Nazaire School of Fine Arts has developed a reception system for students on this course:
- Rapid opening of a bank account
- Individualised assistance in finding accommodation (contact with a network of residences and individuals).
- Assistance with administrative procedures (social security, OFII, Caisse d'Aide au Logement, etc.)
- Follow-up of students throughout their studies

 Housing
The Nantes Saint-Nazaire School of Fine Arts has an agreement with the CROUS and can reserve, on request, a room in a university hall of residence, provided that the
student agrees to stay there for the whole academic year (September-June). The accommodation consists of a room with a private bathroom and kitchen (18m2) and
shared spaces (living room, dining room etc.), for a rent of approximately 340€/month (subject to availability).

 Other housing options

- Homestay
- Real estate agencies
- Associations hosting seniors in exchange for services

 French lessons offered within the institution: Yes


 Address of institution
École Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Nantes Saint-Nazaire
2 allée Frida Kahlo, CS 56340
44263 Nantes cedex 02
Tél : +33255586515

 Type of institution: Public institution

 Attached ministry:
Ministère de la Culture

 Contact
Executive Director
Tél: +33255586515

 Office hours
Monday to Friday: 9am - 6pm

 Strong points of the institution

The Nantes Saint-Nazaire School of Fine Arts is at the heart of a very active region in France in terms of artistic and cultural offerings: museums, art centres, galleries,
festivals... An essential context for preparing art and design students to become the artists of tomorrow.
The school has been awarded the Welcome to France Label 2019-2023 for its quality of welcome for international students.


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