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Saint-Etienne Higher School of Art and Design

  École Supérieure d'Art et de Design de Saint-Étienne


  Reference: art0427


Degree level Preparatory class

Fields of study Art / Visual arts / Fine arts; Design

Specializations Fine arts / Plastic arts; Applied arts / Ceramics / Various materials; Contemporary art; Graphic design / Visual communication; Product design /

 Program level in EQF (European Qualifications Framework) classification: None

 Program description
Esadse is a public art and design school located in Saint-Etienne, the only Unesco Creative City of Design in France. It has unique resources in France, notably thanks
to its links with the Cité du design and the Saint-Etienne International Design Biennial.
The International Preparatory Class is a class designed for French and international candidates who wish to take the competitive exams of French art and design
schools (1st year) or for entry during the course of their studies (depending on their level through the equivalence system).

To give international and French students a unique artistic experience, to decompartmentalise teaching and to encourage inclusion - this is the mission of the
international preparatory class. Here, you will be included in the pedagogy and life of the school!
The working language is French, the group is made up of half French and half foreign students, encouraging peer learning and collaboration.

To help you prepare for the competitive entrance exams (or the equivalent entrance juries), the programme offers:

- to help you build your portfolio for the competitions and juries
- to discover French culture and the French approach to art and design with the programme's teachers, during conferences and meetings with artists and designers, and
through visits to exhibitions and cultural venues offered by Esadse
- to learn about art and design education in France through the project
- to study in collaboration with French students and to participate in critical artistic and intercultural exchange sessions
- to prepare for interviews in French thanks to the courses offered by Esadse
Capacity 12 French and 12 foreign students

First admission session :

Deadline for applications: 1 April
Response from the selection committee at Esadse: 17 April
The selected candidates are asked to give a final answer on their registration before 1 June.
Second admission session (subject to availability of places)
Closing date for applications: 12 June (local time)
Response from the selection committee at the Esadse: 20 June

Please note that any student who has not completed his or her CampusArt application on his or her personal account and paid the CampusArt application
fee will not be registered for this course and will not appear on the list sent to the Espaces Campus France in his or her country.

More information on the following link :

 Main disciplines taught

382 hours of classes/workshops (including a minimum of 72 hours of art and design history)
Composition and representation - Art and colour - Supervised personal project - Creative approach: coherence and unity - Portfolio building - Urbanism, landscape and
space - Preparation for oral interviews for competitions
5 hours of individual follow-up
27 hours of lectures (artists and designers)
12 hours of screen printing workshop

48 hours of French as a Foreign Language classes (possibility of booking additional classes with an Esadse partner)
Linguistic improvement - Preparation for entrance exams:
Written expression: cover letter, CV and portfolio
Oral expression: preparing for the interview

 Annual hours of instruction: 474 hours

 Annual cost of studies

Program fees: €2500
CVEC: 95€ (indicative rate 2022-2023)

 Training highlights
Access to the Esadse technical workshops, the media library and the material library. You have a dedicated workroom that you can use outside of class hours.
You benefit from personalised support in preparing for competitive examinations.
Guidance and advice in choosing schools.
Production of individual and collective works to be presented to the Art and Design school entrance juries.
Creation of a digital portfolio to be sent to the preselection boards.
Preparation for interviews (oral presentation and selection of works to be presented).
Preparation for the plastic and general culture tests.
Exemption from the presentation fees for the ESADSE competition.

 Program taught in English: No

Do you wish to apply to this program online?

Click the link to begin your application on our dedicated website:

Please read the application conditions and guidelines:

 Apply online

 Age
From 18 yp

 Level of study required for admission to the program: Baccalauréat (secondary school diploma) or equivalent

 Required level of French proficiency: Intermediate (B1)

Intermediate (B1)
TCF, TEF or DELF level B1 minimum: checked during the selection of candidates
Exemptions listed here: on page 4.

 Portfolio required with application: Yes

 Additional prerequisites
Show your creations online (photos, drawings, paintings, music, 2D or 3D animation, sculptures or engravings, ...)
Cover letter + cv to be added to the CampusArt electronic file

 Arrival and settling in
Help with settling in France and assistance with administrative procedures (visa, booking accommodation, insurance, banking etc.)

 Housing
Possibility of accommodation in a residence close to Esadse.
The student is free to accept or not this reservation.
The average rent is 400 € for a 20m2 furnished apartment.

 French lessons offered within the institution: Yes

 French lessons offered nearby


 Address of institution
École Supérieure d'Art et de Design de Saint-Étienne
3 rue Javelin Pagnon
42000 Saint-Etienne
Tél : +33477478856

 Type of institution: Public institution

 Attached ministry:
Ministère de la Culture

 Contact
International Mobility Officer
Tél: +33699234965

 Strong points of the institution

A unique environment in France: united since 2010 with the Cité du design within a Public Establishment for Cultural Cooperation (EPCC), the ESADSE is at the heart of
an ambitious project for the development of the territory, research and innovation which crosses the artistic, cultural and economic fields. Within the Cité du design, a
platform dedicated to design as a vector of social change and economic dynamics, the ESADSE is both a demanding artistic institution and a higher education
institution, offering training and research structured around two axes: art and design.

 Enrollment: 480


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