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Nowadays, large families are becoming less and less ubiquitous. These
days, the size of a families being tighten up by the cost of raising sons, and
although having many relatives can make you learn a lot, can also cause
Firstly, the cost of raising a family is becoming higher over time. Having a
small family certainly reduce the living cost. Some people chose to have
many siblings as they have money to raise them, while others prefer to
have one child and give him a better live.
Secondly, having many relatives can be a positive aspect, once they can
learn from each other many things. However, in a small family, people
might be closer so they can spend more time together.
Finally, in both family sizes, discussions about a specific subject such as
politics can be common. Even though small families also fight, with a large
number of people, there are more opinions, which can make the
discussions worse.
Overall, I believe that it is better to take part of a small family as people
can have better relationships. Moreover, family members can spend more
time together.
More than a school subject
I don’t really know how my life would be if I hadn’t started to study
English a couple of years ago. These days, I realise how important it is for
my life.
When I decided to study English five years ago, I wasn’t aware of its
importance. At the beginning, I wasn’t really sure about how useful
learning a new language would be. After some months of classes, I could
already understand some songs and speak a handful of phrases.
The decision itself wasn’t really difficult as I always liked to learn new
things. Some friends of mine were also English students, what encouraged
me to join an English course. In addition to this, I’m thankful I hadn’t
turned down the opportunity of learning a new language.
After some years studying English, I see the benefits of it. The decision of
studying a new language is crucial for anyone who wants to have a
successful career the days and, not only travel abroad. What’s more
difficult than build your future?

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