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Freshwater has always been a limited resource in some parts of the world.
Today, however, growing worldwide demand has made this a global problem.
What are the causes of the increased demand and what measure could
governments and individuals take to respond to this problem?
Many countries and regions around the world frequently experience a shortage of
water resource, and this has become an alarming issue as the global water demand
rises. While there are several causes of the increasing water consumption, nations
and citizens should take certain steps to tackle this issue.
The surge of worldwide water consumption can be explained in a number of
reasons. Firstly, population explosion is the major contributor to the growing
water use. This, in particular, is severe in countries which could not manage the
birth rate such as Africa. Secondly, as the global population rises, industries and
factories have expanded their business to meet the consumption demand,
discharging more sewage to natural resources, and eventually endangering water
reverses. For example, in many developing countries, small farms still pump
unprocessed wastewater directly into lakes, rivers, or oceans, which contaminate
water reservoirs used for water production.
National authorities must take actions to conserve water resource. Governments
would raise public awareness about the importance of water resources, and
further give courses to citizens on how to optimize their water usage. In addition,
nations would do their best on protecting water reverses by both introducing strict
laws on raw discharges to the environment and raising the higher standard of
industrial sewage disposal. Finally, governments could enact infrastructures
which purify seawater into saline free water. Holland, which is a leading country
in the desalination, has managed to generate a third source of national water
consumption from sea water.
Citizens also have the responsibility for reducing their water consumption. People
should minimize their water use in daily living activities by re-routing runoff from
washing machines and using that water for flushing the toilet, or simply turning off
the tap while brushing teeth or washing hand.
In conclusion, governments and individuals should do more tackle the growing
water use; otherwise, water scarcity will become severe in the global.


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