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Words that describe behavior Questions about behavior

x Active: always busy with something x What is good behavior?

x Aggressive: verbally or physically threatening x What is bad behavior?
x Ambitious: strongly wants to succeed x What are some of your good
x Bossy: always telling people what to do characteristics? Bad?
x Careless: not being careful; rushing into things x What type of personality traits do you find
x Cautious: being very careful
attractive? Unattractive?
x Conceited: thinks he is better than others;
arrogant x Were you well-behaved as a child?
x Considerate: thinking of others x What influences people to make good
x Conscientious: taking time to do things right choices?
x Creative: someone who can make up things x Is there any behavior that you do not find
easily or think of new things acceptable?
x Curious: always wanting to know things x Do friend’s behaviors influence you? How?
x Deceitful: doing or saying anything to get x How has your upbringing influenced your
people to do what you want or to get what you behavioral characteristics?
want x Do you care what other people think of
x Docile: submissive, does what he is told you? Give examples.
x Domineering: constantly trying to control x Should people behave differently with
friends than with family? Explain.
x Extroverted: very outgoing; confident
x Faithful: being loyal x Does the behavior of well-known people,
x Impulsive: saying or doing things without such as celebrities, affect how average
thinking first people behave?
x Inconsiderate: not caring about others or their x Does economic status affect people's
feelings behavior? How?
x Introverted: keeps to himself, doesn’t share x Who is affected by your behavior? How?
thoughts and feelings x In what ways have the choices of others
x Inventive: thinks of new ideas affected you?
x Irritating: bothering people x Does your happiness depend on the
x Manic: acting just a little crazy behavior of others?
x Manipulative: always trying to influences other x Should people act on their feelings? Give
x Moody: being unpredictable; changing moods
often x Is it possible to change one's behavior?
x Nervous: very uncomfortable x What behaviors are expected from children
x Passive: does not argue; does as he is told towards their parents?
x Perfectionist: wants everything to be done right x Can you think of a behavior that is 'good'
and perfectly behavior in one culture and a 'bad' behavior
x Pragmatic always sees the practical side of in another culture?
things x Have you ever been embarrassed by your
x Reserved: keeps thoughts and feelings to friend's/girlfriend's/husband's misbehavior?
x Serious: no-nonsense kind of behavior
x Shy: quiet and reserved; lacking in confidence
x Sincere: being totally honest
x Spiteful: seeking revenge; hurting others
because you didn’t get what you want
x Trustworthy: simply worthy of someone’s trust
x Volatile: changing moods very quickly

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