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Dear Sir/Madam,

I have just read your magazine´s article about friendship, and I believe it was an
excellent topic to share about. I would like to describe you a little about my experience into
friendships, knowing you are glad to receive different views and opinions.

Personally, my friends were of big importance through all my lifetime, they had always
helped me when I was at my deepest, and I can also remember them at my side in my happiest
memories. I think that is what friendship is about, to have someone who enjoy sharing
moments, but even better, to have someone who makes it more amusing. It is of primary need
to have them, because they are keen on your issues at the same time you are keen on them.

Specially, I feel all these things with one specific friend, or I should say my best friend,
Mark. He and I were on the same class plenty of years ago, and we get on since there. We
were also teammates on our school team, we used to practise twice a week and after that, we
had liked to go eat to a near restaurant of Mexican food. I also remember the times I was
trying to ask a girl out, and he was analysing every possibility to help me, he also figured out to
tell me some really functional advice, even though he had never talked with a girl before!

But nothing is easy on life, and life have changed us, at the same time we were
changing our environment. We parted ways in university, and for a short time we involuntarily
cut out any communication. Luckily, time made us thought about our situation and now we are
frequenting each other every week, we also have created a new friend’s circle joining both of
our previous circles of university. I have lost tons of friend on the way, I maintain a few, lots of
things happen in the middle, from betraying to only preferring different hobbies, but the ones
who bring joy to life are the ones to keep near.

I hope this letter could share a little more about friendship, thanks for reading,

Your Faithfully,


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