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MAIN SUBMITTER: People’s Republic of China

CO-SUBMITTERS: The Democratic People's Republic of Korea, The United Soviet Socialist
SIGNATORIES: The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Commonwealth of Australia,
Czechoslovakia, The Republic of the Philippines, Kingdom of Colombia

TOPIC: Territorial disputes and the question of peace - Korean War - June 25, 1950

The General Assembly,

Bearing in mind the well-being, stability, and security of the Korean people, which have been,
and continue to be, under occupation threats from foreign powers,

Guided by the three pillars on which the UN was created: international peace and security,
human rights, and development,

Realizing that the ongoing Korean peninsula conflict disrupts the hard-fought peace and stability
in East Asia,

Reaffirming its respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity, the will of the Korean population,
and unity of the Korean peninsula, including Korea's rights with respect to the unification of the
Korean Peninsula

Maintaining Concern about the threat that the prolongation of the current war may pose to the
security, stability, and future prosperity of the Korean people,

Emphasizing the recent situation occurring in Southern Korea regarding the conflicts, that
currently puts the Korean Peninsula, and its people, in instability,

Recognizing that the recent conflict in Korea is a civil war, and maintaining low levels of foreign

1. Calling for an immediate cease-fire between the DPRK and ROK forces on the existing

battle lines, and calls for the creation of theKorea Construction and Security Department

a. The cease-fire will take effect immediately for both parties on 1300 of the 25th

June 1950

b. The KCSD will also welcome any nations who are willing to support the

development of the Korean peninsula.

c. The KCSD will include any nations willing to join in the United Nations. The

details of the development of the Korean peninsula plan will be elaborated in

detail in clause 6.

2. Guaranteeing the independence of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea by the

ACP ( Asian-Comintern-Pact) consists of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the

People’s Republic of China, and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea through

military operations.

a. The military action of securing the independence of the DPRK will only be active


i. There are uniformed foreign military personnel (Not including military

Attaché) present and participating in military action in the Korean


ii. In the case of foreign military forces landing on the Korean peninsula, the

People’s Volunteer Army will deploy 12 divisions of the 9th army, led by

General Peng Dehuai and The Soviet Union will deploy the 64th Fighter

Aviation Corps, led by Terenty Fomich Shtykov will be on stand by

awaiting confirmation on the China-Korea border.

iii. Once foreign hostile activity has been confirmed by the North Korean

Army NCOs, the ACP forces will move into North Korean territory
forming a joint task force with the Kim il sung forces achieving both

tactical and strategic victory

b. The ACP will enact the role of deterrence for the United States and its allies to not

try to escalate the warfare to an international conflict but a Korean-only affair.

3. Reestablish diplomatic negotiations connections between the Democratic People’s

Republic of Korea and the Republic of Korea

a. The location of the negotiations shall be determined by the governments of North

and South Korea and not by any foreign power

b. Discussing efforts for peaceful unification of the Korean peninsula under a new

provisional government.

4. Establish the Korean Provisional Government to unify the Korean peninsula under one


a. The Korean provisional government will be a parliamentary presidential system

i. with the regional government congress holding votes for members of the

parliament through methods of a single-member district.

ii. Local government congress will hold voting and the results of the voting

will be collected and submitted to the national congress by the local

political commissar.

iii. The local political commissar will be appointed by the president of the

provisional government in each different local provinces

iv. The head of the winning party of the parliament will be the prime minister

serving up to 4 years unless removed by votes of no confidence.

b. A fairly UN elected leader will be temporarily appointed the president of the

Korean Provisional Government

i. The temporarily elected leader will serve a term no longer than 4 years

ii. The decision was carefully considered not to elect Syngman Rhee due to

the politician's intolerance to dissents and his brutal methods of

suppressing the opposition


5. Restructuring the Republic of Korea Armed Forces and the Korean People's Army after

the unification under the Korean Provisional Government

a. In order to reduce the military personnel after the unification, the following

measures will be taken in order to reduce the military size of the Korean military

i. Staff members of the Korean People staff member (Including army

conscripts and short-term volunteers who completed their service.)

ii. Officers of the Republic of Korea Armed Forces above the rank of colonel

were fired and replaced by officers of the Korean People's Army.

iii. Other Republic of Korea Armed Forces officers will be given two-year

contracts under probation and reduced in rank.

b. Military hardware excess following guidelines will be dismantled, demolished, or


i. The Navy has no more than 120 vessels.

ii. The Air Force has no more than 200 planes.

iii. The Ground forces have no more than 150 tanks and 200 armed


6. Develop various projects based on improving the infrastructure in all major cities under

the Korean Provisional Government within the Korean peninsula. These projects will

focus on the improvement of three aspects as Basic, Economic, and Social Infrastructure,

implemented by the members of the KCSD.

a. Projects will also prioritize the improvement of underdeveloped regions, noting

which aspects are of the utmost importance, specific to that area, city, town, or

village in question,

b. All infrastructure projects must be sanctioned by the KCSD, and administered by

the governing body of KCSD,

c. Defining Basic Infrastructure as the basic facilities and installations that help a

government or community-run, including roads, schools, phone lines, sewage

treatment plants, and power generation,

i. Improvement of specific facilities will be determined on a case-by-case

basis, depending on the necessity and need of each region,

ii. Development of roads and other means of transport, such as railway, bus

systems, and communication systems will be developed by a collaboration

of countries part of the KCSD, in an effort to connect various regions of

the country that will enhance the economic situation in areas that were

once isolated.
iii. Development of schools, universities, and other institutions will be

established with every region having access to every area of education,

iv. The Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia will introduce a cultural and

educational exchange program, providing a free scholarship fund to 1,000

Korean students to study in The Soviet Union, in various fields to improve

their country and ensure future prosperity in the Korean Peninsula.

v. Czechoslovakia will provide humanitarian aid and the logistics of the

development operation in the Korean peninsula.

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