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30 DAYS WITHOUT JUNK FOOD WHAT IS UNHEALTHY FOR YOUR BODY Ce kore ee oe ee ‘same time ae the fret concept Se ee eee eee erate ee an we ad Cee eee ema tees Junk food is another thing. Its main feature is no need for any ere No ee see eo eed er ae ee ee ea ‘sugar, dapending on the type) fats, and many chemical additives. However, from the point of view of nutritionists and gastroenterologiss, everything harmful from food is “junk” food. eeslomer ets ‘Therefore, in this challenge, we will include both “junk food and “fast food Afterall, there is no point in giving up one but eating Bost netneeemr ceteris oats Pes eee ee eee eee ere Jn‘ etc), popcorn, snack packs, boullon cubes and instant soups Cr tes corey Pens store hamburgers, store sandwiches, store hot dogs, store com dogs, store pizza, store samsa, patty, es In this challenge, we suggest you reconsider your diet and replace a oy nome OF THE hile J -Se ; fal gnc ee nT MOTIVATE YOURSELF TO FOLLOW A BALANCED DIET ‘To avoid unhealthy food, namoly fast-food and junk food, you have to put in alot of effort. After allt meets us every day: on the way home or with friends in a cafe. Every supermarket fils us with bags Of crisps. Fast food outlets offer to grab a few bags of French fries Poene ee ir se es ee ee eae eee) naturally build up fat mass at an "unlimited" rate, but when it comes ee ee ee eer eg Co ae a ere ge ee ss Cee ee ee ner nt oa ener keener ary Pee aCe ees er aes ene ee et eT an ere na na remnant) a ce ea Perera) Se ACE een Pee ed CR ace ean emotional reactions Oe Of course, the lst is rather big! So how ean you slowly exclude items er wm a ee Lr) oe a eet rene ras eae eer ee en econ ae See ee ee se eens ee ee oe eee) inert ere rarer) ee oe ere a nag Yyou endure another 90-120 seconds, you will satisty the senses, and This simple 120 second rule will help you avoid junk food the first Cae tera CO eee Ce made from vegetables, meats, and legumes. feo ea er ers prereiess Give yourself or other people a say on social eee ues you take @ more responsible atitude towards pt 4 4 Uren eee ee ee Cay Pee ee aed eet eS Pee Ey rs ier eerer ey balanced diet. Then youll deal with any “ried Ser asl Vath A ca 7 tot} Many people reject unhealthy food as a eal to become an adherent PCa en eee ae ote nc Eee ee eee on re ae See roe ee er ee Ce Ora ar a eer) Premera Eating right means keeping track ofthe calorie content of food and Petr Etre Cn ‘THE DIET MUST INCLUDE FOODS FROM. Ded Por Co Pein Healthy eating cannot be equated with fasting and strict diets. It PS SC er nie ees Poe ee ee a can ar proper norms and procedures (Tor example, intermittent fasting Coe econ) Ce ee ee eee Prenat ey i ena ae i eee en ees RO te eos Pn ree eee ret rey rere neta) Pemrace ett ie Taito s as ete te eres Remember that all food groups must be present. eet a ee Cea eae iy the key to normal weight, Meals should be at peenireeanti ts Lee eer mene ieee rm irae) person should dink 30 ml of water per day for Seem seers pyar ‘The method of processing food is essential. itis better to cook food, steam, or gril. Reduce fried to yaaa eee ee TAs as ‘Skipping breakfast isa bad habit. the morning, ‘metabolic processes start. Plus, having breakfast, Pee ics es Se aes Recs e Te eens us) Seo oe ao Sea Ee ene omer] Pe ere nn ec) ices Inthe morning, you better consume foods rich in ee ection ets ers Ng a PRODUCTS For food to be beneficial, you must give Pe ee Rey rr eno wee ris) Sree eer bite thoroughly 6 ate) a eee eT) Seer Ae et ot ee tea See cet ony een Pes ene De ee nc ee ery ees Denney Itis impossible to doprive the body of any component completely. A Pee ee eon ee eet Emenee MARK YOUR PROGRESS Dey one) EL oe ered Cay Cet Pa Daa Ou ers Cd ) Cee ee poeta ee Pee ce tee eve ‘You have successfully passed the challenge and peer et Leer net es

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