PET 2020 Reading Part 1 PDF

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What do you have to do in Part 1?

3-option multiple matching. You get five short texts, for example notices or messages, which you
might find in real life. For each text you have to choose the best option A, B or C.

Example of Reading Part 1

This is what a question in Reading Part 1 might look like. You can see that the text is really short and
on the right there are your three possible options A, B and C.
Your task is to decide which of the three options reflects the meaning of the text or which of
them a fully true statement is.

What is difficult about Part 1?

Read the texts and the answers carefully

Very often you will find that some of the possible answers are almost correct, but a little twist with
the grammar or just one word that makes the whole sentence negative can turn a correct answer into
an incorrect one.

In the example above you can see that all three possible answers talk about the age of the people
who can enter the competition to win a car. In the text on the left it says that you have to be at
least 18 years old.
You have to be very careful and find the answer that means the same as the text. ‘At least 18 years
old’ means 18 years or older so 18 is the minimum. Therefore, option B can’t be true because it talks
about a maximum age. Also, option C says that you have to be exactly 18 years old, which isn’t what
the text says either because you can be older than that. As a result, option A must be the correct

Tips and strategies for Reading Part 1

In this section you will find out a little bit more about the things you can do and the strategies you
can use in order to be successful in Reading Part 1.
Underline the key words
When you read the texts and the possible answers, make sure that you underline the most
important words. In our example from before we would underline everything that is about the age of
the people in the competition, so it would look like this:

This makes everything a lot easier for you because you can now focus on the important parts of the
task and ignore everything else. You save time and you can work in a more relaxed way.

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