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Reported by: Denver Alcantara and Diane Kristle Padayao

What is application letter?

 It is a letter that you write to a company or organization when you're applying for a job. Also
known as a cover letter, it is a summary of your strongest and most relevant skills and abilities
that will be expanded in your resume. It introduces you to potential employers and highlights
your suitability for the position you are applying for. All written applications should include an
application letter.

Importance of Application Letter

 The letter of Application is like a personal sales letter because of its task selling the personality
and qualifications to the applicant’s future employee.

Purpose of Application Letter

1. To secure an interview
2. To eventually obtain a job.


An application letter should:
1. Be professional in appearance.
2. Be tailored to the job under application.
3. Be one A4 page in length.
4. Be addressed to a specific person. (only use Dear Sir/Madam if you’re not able to find out the
appropriate person’s name)
5. Include your reason for writing.
6. Demonstrate your interest in and knowledge of the organization.
7. Highlight relevant skills and experience you have to offer.
8. Include evidence that you have the skills and experience you have to offer.
9. Refer to any documents you have enclosed in the application. (e.g. Resume)
10. Express willingness for an interview.
11. Be written using enthusiastic and positive language.

An application letter should NOT:

1. Be generic.
2. Apologize for qualities, qualifications or experience you don’t have.
3. Repeat exactly what’s on the resume.
4. Be copied from resume publications – employers do recognize them.
5. Focus on what you expect to gain from the organization – include what the organization will gain
from you.
6. Include unsupported claims about your skills.
7. Have spelling mistakes and typographical error.
8. Include jargons and acronyms not clear to the reader.
9. Be sent without proof reading it first.


G – contains the address of the sender and the date on which the letter is being written.

2. INSIDE ADDRESS – contains the name of the employer his/her position, company’s name and
the address of the company or organization.

3. SALUTATION – an expression of greeting to the employer that comes immediately before the
body of the letter.

4. BODY OF THE LETTER - it is in this part where you may convey all the messages you want your
reader to understand.
A. FIRST PARAGRAPH – attract attention of the employer
 First sentence - the way the writer know of the job opening. (From whom or from what
publication, advertisement or any source of information did you learn the job opening.)
 Second sentence – the exact purpose of the writer.
B. SECOND PARAGRAPH – create the employers’ interest or desire in your application by indicating
your educational attainment.
C. THIRD PARAGRAPH – indicate your work experience and training sessions attended.
D. FOURTH PARAGRAPH – personal attitudes, interests, qualities, activities towards the job.
E. FIFTH PARAGRAPH – to make the employer believe that you are the right person the company
has been looking for.
F. SIX PARAGRAPH – urge the employer to act on your application letter by requesting an
5. C O M P L I M E N T A R Y C

Ex. Very truly yours,

6. SIGNATURE – contains the name and signature of the writer.

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