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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Libertad, Antique



Note: Do not write anything on this paper. Use the ANSWER SHEET provided.
I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read the following questions below and choose the letter of the correct answer by blackening the
circle on the ANSWER SHEET.

1. The physical objects used to communicate with, or the mass communication through physical objects such as
radio, television, computers, film, etc. It also refers to any physical object used to communicate messages.
a. Media c. Information
b. Media Literacy d. Information Literacy
2. The ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create media in a variety of forms.
a. Media c. Information
b. Media Literacy d. Information Literacy
3. The ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate and compute, using printed and written
materials associated with varying contexts.
a. Literacy c. Information Literacy
b. Media Literacy d. Media and Information Literacy
4. The essential skills and competencies that allow individuals to engage with media and other information
providers effectively, as well as develop critical thinking and life-long learning skills to socialize and become
active citizens.
a. Literacy c. Information Literacy
b. Media Literacy d. Media and Information Literacy
5. A broad term that covers processed data, knowledge derived from study, experience; instruction, signals or
a. Media c. Information
b. Media Literacy d. Information Literacy
6. People harnessed the power of transistors that led to the transistor radio, electronic circuits, and early
a. Pre-Industrial Age c. Electronic Age
b. Industrial Age d. Information Age
7. People used the power of steam, developed machine tools, established iron production, and the
manufacturing of various products.
a. Pre-Industrial Age c. Electronic Age
b. Industrial Age d. Information Age
8. People advanced the use of microelectronics with the invention of personal computers, mobile devices, and
wearable technology.
a. Pre-Industrial Age c. Electronic Age
b. Industrial Age d. Information Age
9. It is a media consisting of paper and ink, reproduced in a printing process that is traditionally mechanical.
a. Print Media c. New Media
b. Broadcast Media d. Social Media
10. It is a media such as radio and television that reach target audiences using airwaves as the transmission
a. Print Media c. New Media
b. Broadcast Media d. Social Media
11. A grammar of the camera where it is the view of a figure’s entire body in order to show action and/or
constellation group of characters.
a. Long Shot c. Full Shot
b. Extreme Long Shot d. Medium Long Shot
12. Often used at the beginning of a scene to indicate the location or setting, it is usually a long shot taken from
a neutral position.
a. Establishing Shot c. Aerial Shot
b. POV Shot d. Tracking Shot
13. It is a systems of signs that when you put together it creates meaning.
a. Conventions c. Codes
b. Language d. Message
14. A content organized and distributed on digital platforms.
a. Social Media c. New Media
b. Media Convergence d. Indigenous Media
15. A knowledge that is unique to a specific culture or society; most often it is not written down.
a. Social Media c. New Media
b. Indigenous Knowledge d. Indigenous Media

II. A IDENTIFICATION: Identify the Evolution of Traditional to New Media. Blacken the circle A if it is Pre-Industrial Age,
circle B if it is Industrial Age, circle C if it is Electronic Age and Circle D if it is Information Age.

1. Cave Paintings 6. LCD Projectors

2. Papyrus 7. Augmented Reality/ Virtual Reality
3. Television 8. Personal Computers
4. Google 9. Motion Picture Photography
5. Printing press using wood blocks 10. Cloud

III. B IDENTIFICATION: Read the following questions and identify the correct answer. Write your answers on the
ANSWER SHEET provided.

1. A legal device that gives the creator of a literary, artistic, musical, or other creative work the sole right to
publish and sell that work.
2. Using other people’s words and ideas without clearly acknowledging the source of the information/.
3. Bullying that takes online or using electronic technology such as cell phones, computers and tablets.
4. People engaged in the process of creating and putting together media content to make a finished media
5. It is known as violation of a copyright,
6. An economic inequality between groups in terms of access to, use of, or knowledge of ICT.
7. People discovered fire, developed paper from plants, and forged weapons and tools with stone, bronze,
copper and iron.
8. Facts that can be found in numerous places and are likely to be widely known.
9. The group of consumers for whom a media message was constructed as well as anyone else who is exposed
to the message.
10. Using someone’s ideas, but rephrasing them in your own words.

IV. ENUMERATION: Enumerate the following:

1-7 - Stage/ Elements of Information Literacy

8-10 - Types of Media

11-15 - Give at least 5 examples of camera shots

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