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TITLE: Bernoulli’s apparatus.

AIM: To verify the modified Bernoulli’s equation by energy loss analysis along flow direction.

APPARATUS: Bernoulli’s equation Set-up, Stopwatch.

Bernoulli’s equation is the principle of conservation of energy when applied to the
flowing fluids. It is derived from integration of Euler’s equation. In its ideal form, Bernoulli’s
equation states that for steady flow of a non-viscous fluid, the total energy consisting of potential
energy, kinetic energy and pressure energy remains constant along the passage of the flow.
However in case of flow of real fluids, the total energy goes on decreasing in the direction of the
flow due to various types of energy losses. Hence in the modified form of Bernoulli’s equation,
the energy losses are required to be taken into consideration.

In its ideal form Bernoulli’s equation as applied to two sections of flow passage can be written
P1 V 21 P2 V 22
+ + Z = + + Z2
ρg 2 g 1 ρg 2 g
P/ ρg=¿Pressure head
V /2 g=¿Velocity head
Z=¿Datum head
When energy losses are taken into consideration, Bernoulli’s equation gets modified into,
2 2
P1 V 1 P2 V 2
+ + Z 1 = + + Z 2+ ∑ hL
ρg 2 g ρg 2 g
Where, ∑ hLrepresents sum of all the possible losses occurring between the sections under
Actual measurement of total energies at the two sections will indicate the loss of energy
and Bernoulli’s equation in its modified form is thus verified. Bernoulli’s equation can also be
presented graphically by plotting hydraulic grade line and total energy line along the passage of
1. Switch on the set up. Allow the water to flow through pipe.
2. Allow some time, so that water level gets stabilise and then measure the piezometric
heights at each vertical tube.
3. Note down the initial and final reading of water level in the tank by counting time using
4. Carry out the required calculations. Draw the graphs of HGL (Hydraulic grade line) and
TEL (Total energy line).

Draw the figure of experimental set -up

Sr No. Distance of Cross Piezometric Velocity Velocity Tota Cumulative
tube from sectional head of flow head l head loss
supply tank area (cm) (cm/sec) (cm) head (cm)
(cm) (cm2) (cm)
1 5 8.05
2 10 6.65
3 15 5.6
4 20 4.55
5 25 3.85
6 30 4.55
7 35 5.6
8 40 6.3
9 45 6.65
10 50 7.35
11 55 8.05
∑ hL

Sample calculation:
Discharge measurement:
 Supply tank head (cm) = ________ cm
 Delivery tank head (cm) = _________ cm
 Area of tank, A = 2420 cm2
 Final tank water height reading, F R , (cm) = cm
 Initial tank water height reading, I R , (cm) = cm
 Time required,t = seconds
 Discharge,Q , m3/s = A
Head loss calculations:
 Velocity of flow = Discharge /(Tube cross sectional area)=Q/a=¿
 Velocity head = V 2 /2 g =
 Total energy head = P/ ρg+V 2 /2 g+ Z =
 Loss of head= Initial height - Final height =

Draw the graph of Head Vs Distance of tube from supply tank

Total energy loss = cm.

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