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The air we breathe, the world we


Due to air pollution using technologies,

articles, or waste that we used today; for
example, the use of automobiles, buses,
motorcycles, machinery in factories that
expel all their waste either into the water or
air, human waste, or the use of aerosols
and aerosol deodorants, among many
other things; increasing the risk of heart
disease, strokes, respiratory infections, or
lung cancer, as, for the planet, we would be
causing environmental problems such as
global warming, the greenhouse effect, acid
rain, ozone layer depletion, etc.

What is happening with the planet; these affectations caused by human beings make me
think that we are a new form of extinction for everything that inhabits the earth. When we
finish exploiting all the resources of the place we inhabit, we extinguish species; we will face
the consequences of our actions. The human being is the biggest threat to the planet. I
honestly don't see a safer solution than the extinction of the human race because there are
many ways to delay the damage we are doing to the earth. But, we choose to ignore them,
or very few people fight for the initiative to take care of the planet. Earth can survive without
us; a new life and; new ecosystem would grow in the places that humans built, like cities; all
the waste and matter will decompose over time.

In conclusion to this sad reality, I would leave two proposals that could provide a solution to
this problem. The first is; to try to invite people to think a little more about what would be
good for everyone, and not only for themselves, because the selfishness of thinking that we
will not be there when the worst happens is what makes us not care about what happens to
our planet. Now, with the materials we throw away, we should create art with them, crafts, or
build instruments; for example, the Colombian bagpipe can be manufactured with polyvinyl
chloride tubes. Graffiti is cool, but with aerosols, we are polluting the environment; that's why
I propose making Moss Graffiti that uses live moss.
The second solution would be a virus that kills the human race because the pandemics have
shown that the planet is breathing a little since energy consumption is down, and there are
fewer planes in the skies and fewer cars on the roads. It may be a hard thing to accept, but
then you find out that you are not giving to the earth, but taking from it.

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