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In today's society, with the strong development of the internet, people gradually
encounter many problems, one of which is body shaming.
"body shaming" is to speak of someone's physique. Your own body or someone
else body is involved. Comments can be directed at a person's size, age,
appearance, weight, or perceived beauty (Resnick, 2022). According to “ Words
Have Power: Can They Lead To An Eating Disorder?” One of the most popular
social media platforms is Instagram, which has over 200 million daily users.There
are 161 million everyday Snap chat users.Over 65.8% of US businesses use
Twitter for marketing.Making rude and offense comments online requires a lot of
"keyboard courage"(2019). The purpose of body shaming research is to inform
about its causes, negative effects, and ways to deal with it.

2. Discussion
2.1. What is the cause of body shaming?

Diversity identities of Body Shaming symptoms are devastating consequences of a

large of causes but not limited to. It was true that individuals who have borderline
personality disorder or sore may face more domination.

2.1.1. Social Anxiety

Social Anxiety may be one of notable reasons generating to this mental problems.
According to wecapable (2023), people develop this when someone is ridiculed for
their shape and they bond to avoided meeting. This may even lead to more stress
and isolation.

2.1.2. Persistent and life-threatening eating disorder

It is also true that the main cause of body-shamed by prolonged and life-
threatening eating disorders . As a survey by an eating disorder charity in the UK,
cleared that about 65% people confirmed that badly treat and body shaming had
led their eating rise (wecapable, 2023). As a result, victims lose in a repeated
cycle : be bullied for their weight, can not stress buster and eat more , heavier
weight, and be more body-shamed.
Obviously, it is hard for victims those were faced with body Shaming and were
susceptible to create separate personalities. Sincerely, those horrible feelings
belongs to unforgettable memories.

2.1.3. Refuse to accept the difference

We have yet to learn to accept human differences, which is another major
contributing factor to body shaming. We feel compelled to draw attention to
someone who stands out from the crowd when we see them. Furthermore, we often
point out differences in an insult way because we don't take differences seriously.
This is why people get ridiculed for being both skinny and overweight. Both the
very tall and the short were humiliated. For this reason alone, bullying often targets
people with disabilities. Most individuals lack the ability to recognize and accept
differences.(wecapable, 2023)

2.2. How does body shaming effect?

In life, not everyone is perfect. When you do not meet the standards that other
people find beautiful, they will have a lot of negative, unfriendly words. Body
shaming can lead to many devastating consequences affecting human health and
psychology. This manifests itself in the form of several effects:

2.2.1. The development of an eating disorder

As stated by Antonatos (2022),the development of an eating disorder like bulimia
or anorexia is a result of body shaming. According to E. Schluger (2022), You can
start a diet to alter the size or shape of your body. However, these diets might
result in dangerous habits including fasting, skipping meals, post-meal vomiting,
excessive activity or using medications. The body will eventually stop absorbing
the nutrition it needs.Comments that ridicule the body such as “Did you lose
weight? You look so much better,” activated and promoted the diet to maintain
weight loss.

2.2.2. Affect Self-harm Behavior

Negative effects can affect Self-harm Behavior. When people feel ashamed of their
body, people begin to judge themselves. Not only does it cause a person to lose
self-esteem, but it can also lead to self-harm behaviors, including suicidal thoughts
( wecapable, 2023). Besides , Antonatos (2022) also writes Excessive worry about
body image manifests in unhealthy behaviors including extreme dieting, over-
exercising, repetitive plastic surgery, etc. to change or "improve" the appearance.

2.2.3. Stress and depression

One of the more serious consequences of body shaming is escalated stress and
depression. Body shame can cause or worsen preexisting symptoms of anxiety and
depression. When people experience body shaming in public or on social media,
they often try to stay away from public places where there are many people,
afterward, is the feeling of isolated and lonely.Hearing negative comments about
your appearance can make you feel embarrassed, increase fear, and lower your
self-esteem. Therefore, when you hear negative words and start talking negative to
yourself. You might say to yourself, "I'm a nasty person," or "I'm completely
useless." This can lead to extreme loneliness, depression, anxiety, and a negative
self-image.(E.Schluger, 2022)

2.3. The reality of body shaming.

2.3.1. Figures of body shaming

According to a recent study, 30% of boys and 45% of girls reported feeling
pressured by their friends to maintain a particular appearance. This is more than
double what researchers discovered in 2014 and is an increase from the 42 percent
of girls and 25 percent of boys in 2020(WHN, 2022). According to Good mental
health for all, teenagers expressed 37% unhappiness and 31% humiliation about
their body images. Just 34% and 35% of individuals, respectively, admitted to
experiencing anxiety or depression as a result of their body image. One in eight
(13%) adults reported having suicidal ideas or sentiments as a result of body image
issues. Only 21% of adults reported that advertisements use of imagery had made
them self-conscious about their appearance. Beside, just 40% of teenagers and just
over one in five adults (22%) reported that images on social media made them
worry about their bodies. In the past year, 20% of adults reported feeling ashamed,
34% reported feeling depressed or gloomy, and 19% reported feeling disgusted by
their appearance.
2.3.2. For example
With the development of the internet, social networking sites, body shaming have
become popular with many people, especially with celebrities.
Selena Gomez, who has had a troubled connection with social media for a long
time, attended the 2023 Golden Globes on Tuesday. Gomez confessed in 2019 that
she no longer uses the app because it made her feel "depressed" when people left
harsh comments on her postings ( Najib, 2023)

2.4. How to Overcome Body Shaming

2.4.1. Choose one or more aspects of your physique that you like
It would be great if we resisted some of the ads we see about how to achieve whiter
teeth and millimeter longer eyelashes by appreciating what we already have.
Maybe despite your problems with body image, you still love a new hairstyle
you've done. You may have observed that eating a balanced diet makes you feel
stronger. Find an element of yourself, whether it's physical or not.(Vargas)

2.4.2. Exercise health, change yourself

As written by Antonatos (2022), make maintaining your general health a priority
by giving yourself time for things like eating well-balanced meals, getting enough
sleep, maintaining your personal cleanliness, practicing mindfulness, keeping a
diaries, and socializing with friends. Although it requires hard-working work and
practice, you'll find that.

2.4.3. Contact a somebody you can trust.

There's no need for you to tackle the body shaming on your own, even if you feel
clumsy about confiding in someone about it. Let people know what you are going
through and ask them for advice and support. It's important to find someone you
can confide in and feel at ease with. Having a secure place to vent your feelings
might help you deal with the anguish and embarrassment of being body shamed (
E. Schluger, 2022)

2.4.4. Establish a healthy connection with food.

As stated by Dubé ( 2023), when women gain weight or stop spending money on
plastic surgery and makeup, it is assumed that they are "indulging themselves",
while the fad diet ensures that you can lose more weight than the experts suggest.
Health experts recommend as healthy.Move away from "guilty pleasure" or
limiting mentality and towards consuming nutritious meals that also bring joy. You
deserve to enjoy food and give your body the nutrients to keep you going. if you
really want

2.4.5. Appreciate what you have.

Keep in mind that you are more than your physical self. Even if you dislike some
features of your appearance, you are far more valuable as a person than just your
physical self. Your unique self is made up of all of your thoughts, feelings, and
deeds. ( Fontes, 2020)

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