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Question 1

Over the past 20 years, the services of call centers have changed alone. In the past, call

centers were only used to connect businesses with their clients. Nowadays, call centers handle

customer helplines (P & A, 2011). Sometimes customers can have several questions concerning

business services. Call centers now address such situations by providing the customers with the

kind of information they need. In the past, when such a case came, the call centers could transfer

the call to the business officials. This has helped most businesses since they can now focus on

other services knowing that the call centers will handle customer helplines.

Nowadays, call centers help place customer orders in the computer system (Robinson &

Morley, 2006). This has helped in facilitating the sales of a business. In the past 20 years, call

centers could not involve themselves in business sales services. The roles of call centers have

now changed because they can be applied in sales services. Now customers can make their

orders through the call centers without calling the head office of the business. This has improved

most customers' experience because calling the head office can be stressful since other people

will be on the line. Companies have also benefited from this since they can now handle several

clients at the same time.

Call centers' role has also changed since nowadays can they can identify problems and

report to the supervisor. Call centers can now analyze the complaints raised by most customers

and identify where the problem is coming from (Robinson & Morley, 2006). This is vital

because if the issues are not identified and solved, customers may abandon the business. Many

businesses have benefited from this because they have retained most of their clients. Customers

will only use a company that can address all their complaints. In the past years, call centers could

not identify business problems since they only gave reports of the calls made, and the supervisors

could figure it out alone.

Another way the call centers' roles have changed is to offer product and service

communication to customers (Robinson & Morley, 2006). Customers need to know about the

new products and services the business has brought. In the past, business supervisors are the ones

that could convey this information to their customers. Nowadays, call centers offer these services

relieving supervisors from several duties (Robinson & Morley, 2006). This has also ensured that

business services run smoothly because customers know about the new arrivals. Businesses can

now rely on call centers in providing product and service communication to customers.

Question 2

One of the key factors in an effective call center is the best management. The

management of the call center plays a vital role in ensuring that businesses get quality services.

The management of the call center will ensure that the needs of most companies (P & A, 2011).

The management help in making the right decision when it comes to business call services. The

other role played by the management of the call center is to monitor their workforce. This is a

crucial role because monitoring the employees ensures that the right thing is done. A call center

cannot be significant enough if it lacks proper management.

The effectiveness of a call center also depends on their communication skills (Manzoor a

K, 2018). The primary role of a call center is to ensure that businesses get the best

communication services. Therefore, the communication skills of the call center matter a lot since

customers will pass through them. If the call center has poor communication, then most clients

will turn down the services of the business the call center is outsourced to. This is because clients

will conclude the company does not offer the best services when they are talked to unpleasantly.

Thus communication skills are an essential factor in an effective call center.

Pieces of equipment are also crucial factors in an effective call center (Manzoor a K,

2018). The tools of the call center determine the quality of services they offer to their clients.

Thus, an effective call center should have the best equipment to ensure the best results in the

services they offer. Call centers have experienced technological advancement in the past years

because the facilities they used in the past are not acceptable today (Manzoor a K, 2018).

Effective call centers must update all their equipment to the latest ones, which ensures quality

services. Call centers that still use outdated facilities cannot deliver quality services to their


Another critical factor in effective call centers is their workforce. Effective call centers

hire the best workforce to handle their services (Manzoor a K, 2018). This is because the

employees play an integral role in ensuring that the call center delivers the best services. The

right workforce is the one with the best qualification and experience for the work. The

employees should also have the best personality for them to handle clients. The best personality

means that the employees must be friendly to all clients they come across during the call

services. The call center without the right workforce is not effective enough.

Question 3

A virtual call center is an excellent example of an effective call center (P & A, 2011).

The type of call centers where agents answer calls from different locations. The agents can either

work from home or work in various offices. This is beneficial since the agents choose to work at

their satisfaction. Thus, virtual call centers have easen their agents' work because they get to

decide where to use. The agents are connected with virtual call software that helps them deliver

the best customer services. Most businesses consider virtual call centers because they are

believed to be more effective.

One of the reasons why virtual call centers are effective is their improved customer

relationship management (YILMAZ, 2006). Customers are the greatest assets a business has

since they determine if the profit margin is increased or decreased. Customers can decide to shift

to another business when they do not get the call services' best experience. Therefore, virtual call

centers play an integral role by ensuring that customers get the best experience. This is because

virtual call centers can trace calls and ensure the needs of a customer are met. Customer

relationship management is improved when customers get the best experience. Businesses will

thus retain their customers when the customer relationship management is increased.

Virtual call centers are also cost-effective. When businesses decide to outsource their call

services, they will not work with call centers to drain their bank accounts (YILMAZ, 2006).

Thus virtual call centers are believed to be effective since their agents can work from home. This

reduces the cost involved because there is no need to rent or build an office. For this reason,

many businesses today make considerations of virtual call centers because they save a lot of

money. Virtual call center software can also manage the whole call center without purchasing

any equipment.

The other reason why virtual centers are effective is that they can cover several areas

(YILMAZ, 2006). The need for most businesses is to have diverse customers from different

regions. Virtual call centers can make this possible since it is possible to hire agents from

different geographic areas (YILMAZ, 2006). This has made it easier for businesses to reach

people in different areas. The virtual call center does not bound their agents in location because

they can also work from home. Many companies will benefit from virtual call centers because

they can now extend their territories. This has increased the profit margin of most businesses in

the market.


P, M., & A, P. (2011). Services marketing management.


Robinson, G., & Morley, C. (2006). Call centre management: responsibilities and

performance. International Journal Of Service Industry Management, 17(3), 284-300.

Manzoor a K, S. (2018). A study on key performance indicators and their influence on

customer satisfaction in call centres. Retrieved 9 October 2020, from


YILMAZ, G. (2006). Call Center Work From Employer And Employee Perspective: Two Field

Studies From Turkish Banking Sector. ISGUC The Journal Of Industrial Relations And

Human Resources, 8(2), 22-35.

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