KH!Winter!Challenge!-!Weeks!1&5: Workout 1-Legs, Calves, Cardio

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! KH!Winter!Challenge!–!Weeks!

! ! !
Workout 1- Legs, Calves, Cardio

Leg extensions- We re going to pre-exhaust our quads to start this leg day. On
a seated leg extension machine, bring your feet straight out in front of you and
squeeze your quads for 1 second for 10-12 reps. 1 warm up set followed by 4
working sets. #khextensions

Barbell squats- Since quads are fatigued, don t be discouraged if your squat
weight is lower than usual. There will be plenty of time to squat heavy over the
next 8 weeks. Choose a weight you can squat for 10-12 reps. 1 warm up set
followed by 4 working sets. #khbarbellsquats

Reverse lunges- Hold a dumbbell in each hand at your sides. Step back into
lunge position with your right leg, then step together. Step back into lunge
position with your left leg, then step together. 4 sets of 12 reps each leg.

• Leg press x BW squats- Place your feet shoulder width apart on the leg press
platform. Complete 4 sets of 12 reps. Complete 25 body weight squats between
all 4 sets. #khlegpressxbws

Calf raises- If this is your first time training calves, I recommend cutting the
sets in half... so complete two total sets instead of four. If you aren’t used to
training calves and you over do it the first day they’ll become extremely sore
and make it difficult to walk. If this isn't your first Challenge or you’re familiar
with training calves often you should be fine to complete all four sets. 2 sets of
12-15 reps seated & 2 sets of 12-15 reps standing. #khcalfraise

Cardio- Week 1: Complete 15 minutes stairmaster.

Week 5: Complete 30 minutes stairmaster.

Go as hard as you can handle it. Aim for 70-90 steps per minute.

This plan was purchased by Tania Caloca

Genovevo Rivas Guillén 203, Madero, Tamaulipas 89510 MX
(833) 381-8076 -
Copying, sharing or other unauthorized use of this plan is prohibited.
! Workout 2- Chest, Shoulders, Core
! !
Incline dumbbell press- Set a bench to a slight incline and hold a dumbbell in
each hand. Press both dumbbells up, squeeze your chest and bring them back
down. 1 warm up set followed by 4 sets of 10-12 reps. #khinclinedbpress

DB Side raise- Hold a dumbbell in each hand and complete 5 sets of 12-15 reps.

Cable fly- Set cable adjustments to shoulder height. Grab a handle in each hand
and stagger feet, one being more forward. Focus on bringing your elbows together,
although they may not touch. Focusing on driving your elbows towards each other
will help with the chest contraction. 4 sets of 10-12 reps #khcablefly

Arnold press- Hold a dumbbell in each hand seated on a bench. Hold the
dumbbells up in front of your face, palms level with your forehead. Press the
dumbbells up and as you re pressing, rotate your palms so they re facing forward. 4
sets of 12 reps. #kharnoldpress

Incline pushups x Front raises- Set a bench to a slight incline (the more incline,
the easier it will be) and complete 10 pushups or go until failure if you can t get 10.
Then immediately complete 10 front raises with dumbbells. Alternate arms, 10 each
arm. 4 sets of each exercise. #khinclinepushxfr

Core- Hanging leg raises- Hanging from pull-up bar or elbows on pads of
the captains chair complete 3 sets of 15 reps. You may do lying leg
raises if these are too difficult.

Russian twists- Complete 3 sets of 10 reps (double count). You may

place your heels on the floor if these are too difficult.

Workout 3- Back, Cardio

Dumbbell pullovers- Lie on a flat bench holding a single dumbbell with both
hands. Allow the dumbbell to lower down past your head, then squeeze your lats
and press it straight back up. 5 sets of 10-12 reps #khdbpullovers

Assisted pull-ups- If you do not have an assisted pull-up machine, do pull downs
instead. Complete 5 sets of 15 reps. #khassistedpullups

This plan was purchased by Tania Caloca

Genovevo Rivas Guillén 203, Madero, Tamaulipas 89510 MX
(833) 381-8076 -
Copying, sharing or other unauthorized use of this plan is prohibited.
! Close grip stretchers- Attach a close grip handle to your lat pull down machine.
! Place one foot! on the seat, grab the handle and lean forward to get a good stretch
in your lats. Drive your elbows down and squeeze your back. 5 sets of 10-12 reps

Seated wide grip cable row- Attach a wide grip bar to your seated cable row
machine. Grab the bar just wider than shoulder width, with an overhand grip. Drive
your elbows back and squeeze your lats. Complete 5 sets of 10-12 reps.

Upright row x Band pull-apart- Complete 12 upright rows with dumbbells

immediately followed by 20 band pull-aparts. 5 sets. #khurxbp

Cardio- Week 1: Complete six 30 second treadmill sprints with a 1-minute

walk between sprints. Walk uphill until you reach the 15-minute mark
after your sprints are completed.

Week 5: Complete eight 30 second treadmill sprints with a 1-minute

walk between sprints. Walk uphill until you reach the 30-minute mark
after your sprints are completed.

Workout 4- Legs, Core

• Barbell/Straight bar hip thrusts- Choose a weight heavy enough that you’re only
able to complete around 8-10 reps. Get into position, upper back on bench, drive
knees outward and push through your heels as that will help with targeting the
outer glutes. Pause and squeeze at the top for a 3-5 second hold. 5 sets

• Romanian deadlifts- Use a barbell or preloaded bar for these. Stand straight
holding the bar in front of you. Keep a flat back, bend forward and keep the bar
touching your legs. Push your butt back and let the bar come down just enough
that you get a good stretch in your hamstrings. Stand and squeeze glutes. 5 sets
of 15 reps. #khrdls

• Elevated curtsy lunge- Stand on a low step with a dumbbell in each hand. Step
diagonally left with your right foot, then together. Step diagonally right with your left
foot, then together. Complete 12 reps on each leg. 5 sets. #khecl

• Ham curl- Standing, seated or lying. 5 sets of 10 reps.

This plan was purchased by Tania Caloca

Genovevo Rivas Guillén 203, Madero, Tamaulipas 89510 MX
(833) 381-8076 -
Copying, sharing or other unauthorized use of this plan is prohibited.
! • Cable kickbacks- Choose a weight you can do 8-10 reps of. Adjust a cable tower
! to the lowest setting. Use an ankle cuff or fabric handle if you don’t have a cuff
! (amazon sells them for cheap, mine is Harbinger brand). Bend over so your upper
body is parallel to the floor, this is very important to prevent lower back pain/ get
the best squeeze in your glute. Kick your leg back and squeeze your glute at the
top of the movement. 4 sets. khcablekickbacks

Core- Plank- Complete three 1-minute planks.

Side crunches- Complete 3 sets of 12 reps (each side). Crunch up

and bring your right elbow to left knee 12 times, then left elbow to
right knee 12 times.

Week 1: No cardio.
Week 5: Complete 30 minutes stairs.

Workout 5- Arms, Shoulders, Conditioning

Shoulder press x Curls- Using a straight bar, complete 10 shoulder presses

then immediately complete 10 bicep curls. 4 sets. #khpressxcurl

2 sets 1-minute jump rope

Seated side raise x DB kickbacks- Sit on a bench and complete 10 side raises,
immediately followed by 10 dumbbell kickbacks on each arm. 4 sets.

2 sets 1-minute jump rope

Front raise x Cable curls- Attach a straight bar to the cable set at the lowest
setting. Stand with your back to the cable tower, grab the bar between your feet
with a palms up grip and complete 10 front raises. Immediately turn around and
complete 10 cable curls. 4 sets. #khfrxcc

2 sets 1- minute jump rope

Rear delt cross cable fly x Cross cable tri- Set both cable attachments to the
highest setting with no handles attached. Grab the left cable with your right hand
and the right cable with your left hand so they cross in front of you. Bring your
arms straight out to your sides and squeeze your upper back for 10 reps. Then,
immediately drop your arms to your sides and complete 10 tricep extensions. 4
sets. #khrdccxcct

2 sets 1- minute jump rope

This plan was purchased by Tania Caloca

Genovevo Rivas Guillén 203, Madero, Tamaulipas 89510 MX
(833) 381-8076 -
Copying, sharing or other unauthorized use of this plan is prohibited.

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