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The Russi Ukranie invasión of Ukraine is a war episode that is ongoing and is part
of the Russian-Ukraine war.
The historical background of this war , are cultural, social, and ethnic factors that
contribute to the protests in the east and south of Ukraine.
Some of the consequences of this conflicto are above all humanitarian.
Russia acussed Ukraine of leaning on the extreme right , but it must be remembered
that Putin has become a model of extreme right in Europe.
Russuian took its armies to the border with Ukraine and on 24.2 .2022 it decided to
launch its tropos from various points , bombing cities, airports and comunication
The Russianns do not accept that Ukrainians can direct their own destiny, and make
the decisions of what they want.
Putin and Russia are used to being an empire. It is a Humiliation for Russia that
Ukraine goes its own way in international Politics.
The European Union is the result of two terrible barbarisms, the First and the Second
World War. However, according to the most successful example of what Karl
Deutsch calls a security community, that is, a group of countries with such a strong
security architecture that they have practically banished violence as a mechanism to
resolve their conflicts. This is a long and difficult process, and obviously an institution
like the European Union cannot be built with Russia. But we must go towards
institutional architectures that guarantee the security of all the countries of the
European continent and that guarantee a peaceful management of conflicts. The
alternative is to increase military spending and bring a new war closer, perhaps
fatally. We play a lot. And we must start working now, not when the cannons sound

Today, March 21, 2023, the US believes that the war will not end soon, according to
the White House spokesman. The reality is that Vladimir Putin and his Chinese
counterpart have not been trustworthy with the latest statements.
The reality is that Russia feels threatened because Ukraine is going to be part of
NATO and since the US is a member of them, it feels at risk. Russia is looking for
alliances with China since they are number one enemies of the US and the US has
supported Ukraine in a very stealthy but at the same time very complete way,
providing help with weapons, tanks so they can defend themselves.
Russia has made up this entire war by saying that it is for a matter of protecting the
Russians who live on the border with Ukraine, something that is not true.
The international criminal court issued an arrest against Putin, this president really
came to damage the democracy that Russia had achieved over the years, turning it
into a country of fear for power and with a freedom crushed by panic.
In my opinion, this war is something that affects the economy worldwide because
the main stock markets stop and when there is an imbalance of this, the dollar can
rise or fall.
However, I dare to say in this writing that despite the war that is going on at the
moment and that we are a country so far from it, we are seeing ourselves affected
in the same way in our economy since we went from a pandemic to a war, with a
strong economic recession and a ruler from the right to one from the Left equal to
Putin, which will lead us to high poverty.
What I want to say is that at the end of the day, this war is sad for everyone, but at
this moment we are living our own war as Colombians, falling in the blink of an eye
and a reality that we did not want to face.



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