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on is a stormy realm dotted by
mountains and filled with goblins, Chapter 4 Overview
korreds, brigganocks, cyclops, and In contrast to Hither and Thither, there’s
fearsome shadows. This download aims no expectation that the characters visit the
to help DMs run Yon by providing the following: locations in Yon in a linear fashion. That being
• 4 Battlemaps. Full-color VTT-ready maps for said, Yon does have a rough blueprint to follow:
running encounters in Yon, including two Yon • Arrival in Yon. Shortly after arriving in Yon,
Encounter Maps, Lockbury Henge, and the the characters meet Amidor and Gleam who
Rivenwish Chasm. give them the lay of the land and point them
• Running Yon. Overview and troubleshooting toward Lockbury Henge and the Fey Beacons.
of the locations and events in Yon. • Fey Beacons. At the Fey Beacons, the
• Running Motherhorn. An overview of characters can help Prince Alagarthas escape
Motherhorn and a run-down of the events Yon and discover a way to return Gleam and
that take place there, including an enhanced Glister to the Witchlight Carnival after they
statblock for Endelyn Moongrave. have been reunited.
• Encounter Sheets. Encounter sheets with • Lockbury Henge. At Lockbury Henge, the
statistics for all monsters in the chapter characters can gain information from the
(doesn’t include statistics for monsters unique korreds and form an alliance with them, and
to The Wild Beyond the Witchlight)! learn about a secret passage to Motherhorn in
• Magic Item Cards. Handouts for all non- the Brigganock Mine.
unique magic items featured in the chapter! • Brigganock Mine. At the Brigganock Mine,
the characters can find a passage that leads
directly to Motherhorn and help resolve the
feud between the brigganocks and korreds.
• Motherhorn. At Motherhorn, the characters
can either strike a bargain with Endelyn
Moongrave, destroy the hag, or bypass her as
they free Glister and/or summon Endelyn’s
giant cranes (area M20) to take them to the
Palace of Heart’s Desire.
• From Yon to Palace of Heart’s Desire.
Whether guided by Amidor or flying on the
back of giant cranes, the characters can
eventually make their way to the Palace of
Arrival in Yon Heart’s Desire.

Fey Beacons Lockbury Henge Brigganock Mine


Guide to Palace of
Heart's Desire

Running Yon A rrival in Yon
On the following pages, we take a look at Per the book, the characters run into Amidor,
how you can handle the characters’ arrival in Pollenella, and Gleam shortly after they arrive
Yon and discuss the lightning rods, random in Yon. During this encounter, they can learn
encounters, and locations that are found in Yon. about Pollenella and her cyclops beekeeper,
Gleam and Glister’s tragic tale, Endelyn’s fear
Lightning Rods of eclipses, as well as information about the
The book describes the copper lightning rods korreds, the elf prince Alagarthas, and Hurly.
that Endelyn Moongrave uses to harness That is a lot to dump on the characters, so you
electricity and “power the contraptions” in may want to hold back on the less significant
her theater. While we’re told how they can be pieces of information. The most important
climbed, toppled or destroyed, we aren’t given information the characters should learn is:
a good description of what happens if the • Amidor can guide them to the Palace of
characters interact with them. Heart’s Desire (or elsewhere).
• Amidor wants to help Gleam and Glister first.
Destroying the Lightning Rods • The korreds may be able to help fight Endelyn.
Though several NPCs (including the korreds) • Alagarthas may know a way to leave Prismeer.
throughout the chapter talk about the lightning • Endelyn is afraid of eclipses.
rods’ importance to Endelyn, we aren’t told what
Armed with this information, it is likely that the
happens if the lightning rods are destroyed. It’s
characters will seek out the korreds at Lockbury
clear that the Orrery of Tragedies (area M14)
Henge or Alagarthas at the Fey Beacons.
will cease to function, but it is also suggested
that without lightning “the show can’t go on”, Starting with Action
which indicates that without the visions from If you want to add some more drama to
her Orrery, Endelyn isn’t inspired to write new this introduction, you can have the cyclops
plays and set up rehearsals. beekeeper Mudlump show up shortly after the
Endelyn’s Response. If the characters take characters find the trio of NPCs. Amidor rises to
the time to destroy one or more lighting rods, Pollenella’s defense and the characters can help
what impact does that have on Endelyn and how as described under “Cyclops Beekeeper”.
the chapter is run? As the book isn’t of much
aid, it is up to you to decide what happens. This A midor and the Other Guides
could include: Since Motherhorn offers a direct way to reach
• Endelyn sends out the 25 darklings (area the Palace of Heart’s Desire – by using the
M2) to repair the lighting rods, significantly cranes summoned by the Hidden Belfry (area
reducing Motherhorn’s defenses for a few days. M20) – the characters strictly don’t need
• Endelyn sulks in her shadow theater (area Amidor or any of the other guides. So, if you
M10) when she isn’t sleeping in her bedroom. would rather not have these NPCs following
• Endelyn hasn’t foreseen the characters arrival the characters around for the remainder of the
and won’t know that they’re coming. adventure, you don’t have to.
Other Guides. You can have any NPC that
Using the Lightning Rods helped the characters get to Yon (likely Squirt
If you want to make the lighting rods a bit more the Oilcan) say their goodbyes and leave shortly
exciting and interactive for the characters, you after they have arrived.
can decide that the lightning rod can be used Amidor and Pollenella. If you ran the
to charge metallic weapons with electricity. A Cyclops Beekeeper encounter shortly after
character with proficiency in Arcana will realize the characters’ arrival, this may be the cue for
this simply by looking at the lightning rod. Amidor and Pollenella to say goodbye and leave
To charge their weapons, a character must Gleam in the party’s capable hands. It may
first climb to the top before making a DC 13 be as simple as Amidor or Gleam telling the
Dexterity saving throw as lightning strikes, characters about the belfry if they accept to help
taking 14 (4d6) lightning damage on a failed free Glister. Gleam can then accompany the
save, and half as much damage on a successful characters while they’re in Yon, but is unlikely to
one. Whether they succeed or not, any metallic accompany them into Motherhorn (unless they
weapons they have brought with them become take the brigganocks’ hidden tunnel). In either
lightning-charged weapons (see Appendix A in case, you will at most have one NPC to deal
this document) for 24 hours. with, instead of a whole company.

R andom Encounters G oblin Procession
Below is a quick summary and discussion of This encounter is flavorful and can provide some
each of the eight random encounters in Yon. foreshadowing for the characters. It is a great
way for the characters to get some answers, so
A stronomer’s Throne make sure you put it in front of them if you know
This is a fun scenario with a good reward. they have nagging questions about what’s going
Share the Fun. In order to make it a bit more on in Yon, Motherhorn, or Prismeer as a whole.
significant, you can ask a character that sits
on the throne to make a DC 15 Intelligence G oblin Shadows
saving throw. On a failure, the creature takes 10 In this encounter, the characters are trailed by
(3d6) psychic damage and suffers one level of goblin shadows that try to spook and threaten
exhaustion as their mind reels from absorbing them with gestures.
Mazikoth’s psyche. Whether they succeed or fail, Begone Shadows! Because of the way this
they gain proficiency in one of the skills listed in encounter is worded, there are really only two
the book. If you want to, you can also decide that solutions: ignore the shadows or destroy them.
each character can sit on the throne in turn, so Neither is particularly exciting. You may allow
that everyone gets to learn a new skill. for the characters to scare the shadows away
with bright light or magical sunlight.
Awakened Giant G oats A Shadowy Gift. You can decide that a
This encounter is fun and provides some destroyed shadow leaves behind a ring of the
foreshadowing for Endelyn and Motherhorn. shade (see Appendix A in this document).
Map. You can use the Yon Encounter Maps Alternatively, a shadow that is treated kindly can
provided with this download when running an also give the ring to a character.
encounter with the galeb duhr.
Pageant Wagon
Cyclops Beekeeper In this encounter, the characters see a puppet
This is a fun encounter that it makes sense to play of themselves and get an invite to an
run if Pollenella is with the characters. audience with Endelyn Moongrave.
Honorable Duel. It isn’t described exactly Invitation. The performance bit is fun, but
what an “honorable duel” means, but going toe- the invitation makes it so that the characters
to-toe with a CR 6 cyclops is extremely difficult won’t have to enact their own play upon arrival
even for a 6th-level character. You can decide at Motherhorn, which is a pity. You can instead
that an honorable duel could mean a contest or have the note to the characters read: “You’re
series of contests against the cyclops instead. invited to perform a play for Endelyn Moongrave
Perhaps characters need to wrestle Mudlump and earn a private audience – no strings
using Strength (Athletics), outrun him using attached!” This way, the characters will realize
Constitution (Athletics), perform poetry using what is likely to happen at Motherhorn, but
Charisma (Performance), and so on. Allow the won’t miss out on enacting their own play.
players to come up with their own fun ideas for
contests that could see Mudlump “defeated” Tornado
without having to fight him in single combat. In this encounter, the characters are picked up
Map. You can use the Yon Encounter Maps by a tornado that may whisk them away.
provided with this download when running an Tornado Destinations. Before using this
encounter with the cyclops. encounter, you may want to consider whether or
not it will be fun for the characters – and good
Evil K ite for the adventure – to have them be transported
In this encounter, the characters meet a goblin to another location in Prismeer. You run the
child bound to a cursed kite. risk of either having the characters skip a lot
Figuring it Out. Having the player characters of fun content (such as if they’re whisked away
realize how the kite works with just an to Motherhorn or the Palace of Heart’s Desire
Insight check seems a bit too convenient (or before visiting locations in Yon) or forcing the
inconvenient, if they fail the check). Instead, characters to do a lot of boring backtracking (if
you can describe to the characters how the they’re brought back to Hither or Thither). If you
wind picks up as the goblin becomes agitated don’t think these options sound appealing, you
and how it seems to mellow when she is calm. may want to skip this encounter. If you like an
Dropping a few subtle hints makes it more likely element of crazy randomness, well, this is the
that the characters realize what’s going on. perfect opportunity for it!

Locations in Yon Fey Beacons
Below we will briefly discuss Lockbury Henge, At the Fey Beacons, the characters can help
the Fey Beacons, and the Brigganock Mine. Prince Alagarthas return to his homeland by
contending with a pack of perytons.
Lockbury Henge Portal to the Material Plane. One thing to
At Lockbury Henge, the characters can meet consider when running this location is that it
Princess Argantle and her korred kin, learn provides the characters with a way to return to
more about Endelyn and Motherhorn, and the Material Plane. Now, if they are set on going
become entangled in the feud between the to the Palace of Heart’s Desire and liberate
korreds and the brigganocks. Zybilna, this shouldn’t be an issue. If they have
Playing the Game. As written, the korreds already gathered their lost things and everything
hide inside the megaliths when the characters else they need in Prismeer, however, they may
arrive and come out if they complete their board take this opportunity to return home – and
game or attack if the characters ruin the game putting an abrupt end to the campaign. In either
or annoy the korreds. This narrows the options case, you should make sure that Alagarthas
down quite a bit, as the characters can only meet makes it clear that the portal is a one-way
the korreds on friendly terms if they choose to portal, so the characters don’t think they can use
study the game board, realize that one player it to go back-and-forth between Prismeer and
can win, and then make that move. If they don’t the Material Plane at will.
do so, they either won’t meet the korreds at all
or will have to fight them. To make it a bit more Brigganock Mine
likely the characters actually get to speak with At the Brigganock Mine, the characters can
the korreds, you can have the Fey emerge if the help resolve the feud between brigganocks and
characters call out to them (they have been told korreds, and find a secret tunnel to Motherhorn.
that they’re here by Amidor) or study the game Rivenwish Chasm. The book doesn’t say
board, but don’t make a move. explicitly, but we can assume that the three
The Korreds’ Aid. The characters have flameskulls appear when the characters step
presumably come to Lockbury Henge to get out onto the bridge and attack immediately. The
the korreds’ aid, but we’re not really told point of the encounter is for the characters to get
how the korreds can help on their own (the past the bridge’s midpoint before the flameskulls
chapter later tells us how the korreds and the incinerate them. A character that beats the
brigganocks can help the characters if their flameskulls’ Initiative roll can do so by simply
feud is ended). You can decide that the korreds using the Dash action to move 50+ feet, if they
respond to any pleas for help that extends realize what they’re supposed to do. It should
further than information by saying that as long be noted that even at 6th-level, three fireballs
as the brigganocks are around and working for can be quite lethal, so any characters that don’t
Endelyn, the korreds dare not leave Lockbury move fast enough may end up as piles of ashes.
Henge for fear that the brigganocks will destroy To avoid the entire party getting incinerated,
their homes! Thus, to get substantial aid, the you can decide that only one flameskull casts
characters must first deal with the brigganocks. fireball, while another uses flaming sphere, and
This has the added benefit of motivating the the last only uses its Fire Rays, vastly increasing
characters to visit the Brigganock Mine. the characters’ chances.
Lockbury Henge Map. You can use the Wish Stones. The characters receiving their
Lockbury Henge Map provided with this own wish stones is fun, but since there are
download when running this encounter. few opportunities for trade in Prismeer, the
characters will get more out of reward that
has some utility. If you prefer, you can replace
these gemstones with magical wish stones (see
Appendix A of this document). As in the book,
the strength of the wish stone depends upon the
originality of the wish.
Rivenwish Chasm Map. You can use the
Rivenwish Chasm Map provided with this
download when running this encounter.

Running Motherhorn Sneaking In
The characters may also sneak in to
Motherhorn is a complex location with a lot
Motherhorn, most likely utilizing the tunnel that
going on. There are a few key events that likely
leads from the Brigganock Mine to the storage
happen while the characters are at Motherhorn:
rooms underneath the amphitheater (area M12).
• The characters may perform a play for If the characters arrive in the storage room,
Endelyn at the amphitheater (area M2). they are likely to have a fight with Skylla and
• The characters may free Glister (area M17). her 8 animated props (area M11) after which
• The characters may have an audience with they can either walk up to the stage (in which
Endelyn in her audience chamber (area M18) case they will be asked to perform a play) or
In what order these things happen depends in take the lift to the stage left (area M3).
large part on the characters actions – and the If they take the lift, the characters can head
directions they are provided by NPCs, which we into Motherhorn unnoticed. Skulking around,
will discuss below. they may find the bugbear Hurly (area M6) and
converse with some darkling elders (area M7),
A pproaching Motherhorn but are unlikely to run into trouble before they
There are two ways of approaching Motherhorn encounter Endelyn on her balcony (area M21),
that seem to be the most likely. Each method of the viewing gallery (area M19), or in her room
entry lends itself to a particular string of events, (area M22).
both of which we’ll quickly discuss below.
Pick Your Preference
Direct A pproach These two approaches play out in very different
If the characters approach Motherhorn directly, ways. One has the characters acting on stage
they go through the main entrance (area M1) and bargaining with Endelyn, while the other
to the amphitheater (area M2), where they are involves sneaking around and (most likely)
asked to put on a play. Depending on their fighting Endelyn directly.
performance, they are either led to Endelyn’s If you really want the characters to perform
audience chamber (area M18) or asked to leave in the play (which is quite fun), you may want to
Motherhorn, which may result in a fight with steer them in that direction. This can be done by
Endelyn Moongrave and her 25 darklings. making some or all of the following adjustments:
If the characters gain an audience with
• Have the characters meet the pageant wagon
Endelyn, they can get her to hand over an item
and be invited to perform a play (see “Pageant
or creature (including Glister, presumably) by
Wagon” earlier in this document).
either giving up their own shadow, finding her
• Don’t let the characters know about the tunnel
cat Gloam, or delivering the unicorn horn to her.
from the Brigganock Mine to Motherhorn or
The characters may also use the audience as an
have the lift from the workshop (area M11) to
opportunity to attack Endelyn while she is alone.
the stage left (area M3) be out of service, so
the characters have to get up unto the stage.
• If the characters have snuck into Motherhorn
and encounter Endelyn, the hag doesn’t attack
them but instead asks them to perform a play.

Fighting Endelyn Moongrave Endelyn Moongrave (enhanced)
It is fairly likely that the characters will end Medium Fey (Hag), Neutral Evil
up fighting Endelyn Moongrave. There are Armor Class 17 (natural armor)
essentially two ways this fight can unfold: Hit Points 114 (12d8 + 60)
• The characters are attacked by Endelyn and Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft.
25 darklings in the amphitheater (area M2).
• The characters face Endelyn alone in her 20 (+5) 13 (+1) 20 (+5) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 17 (+3)
audience chamber (area M18), viewing gallery
(area M19), or room (area M22). Saving Throws Con +8, Int +4, Wis +3, Cha +6
Skills Arcana +7, Deception +6, Perception +3,
Fight in the A mphitheater Stealth +4
The fight in the Amphitheater is tough. Endelyn Senses truesight 60 ft., passive Perception 13
Languages Common, Elvish, Sylvan
is mounted on her ornithopter of flying and has
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3
25 darklings to help her. If the characters don’t
have spells that deals damage in an area to even Boon of Immortality. Endelyn is immune to any
out the odds, they could be in a lot of trouble. effect that would age her, and can’t die from old age.
Fey to the Rescue. This is a good opportunity Eclipsed Doom. Endelyn can be killed only if
for the characters to be aided by the korreds and she is reduced to 0 hit points during a solar
eclipse or while she is within 60 feet of a symbolic
brigganocks, if they resolved the feud. The three
representation of one. Otherwise, Endelyn
korreds alone are more than enough to handle disappears in a cloud of inky smoke when she drops
the darklings and with twelve brigganocks to 0 hit points, along with anything she was wearing
to aid them, it is hardly a challenge at all. To or carrying, and reappears 24 hours later in the same
avoid having to control 40+ combatants, you location or the nearest unoccupied space.
can decide that the korreds, brigganocks, and Uncanny Awareness. Endelyn can’t be surprised.
darklings fight in the background, while the
characters deal with Endelyn. You can even have
the korreds suggest as much and shout for the Multiattack. Endelyn makes two Puppeteer’s Lash
characters to chase Endelyn as she flees into
Puppeteer’s Lash. Melee or Ranged Spell Attack: +6
Motherhorn (see “Fighting Endelyn Alone”).
to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 60 ft., one creature. Hit: 17
Fighting Endelyn A lone (4d6 + 3) psychic damage and the target suffers one
of the following effects (Endelyn’s choice):
On her own, Endelyn is barely a challenge for
the characters, who are likely around level 6–7. • The target is moved telekinetically up to 10 feet in
Evening the Odds. To make the fight with any direction horizontally.
• The target must succeed on a DC 14 Strength
Endelyn more exciting, you can have her be
saving throw or be restrained by puppeteer’s
accompanied by the 11 shadows from the strings (escape DC 14) until the end of its next turn.
shadow theater (area M10) or any of her hag • The target must succeed on a DC 14 Charisma
sisters that have fled to Motherhorn. This saving throw or be charmed by Endelyn until the
ensures that the fight is at least somewhat end of its next turn. While charmed, the creature
challenging for the characters. takes only the actions Endelyn chooses, and
Make it More Exciting. Endelyn’s statblock doesn’t do anything that she doesn’t allow it to do.
doesn’t give us a lot to work with. She has a Spellcasting. Endelyn casts one of the following
Puppeteer’s Lash that can move targets, which spells, using Charisma as her spellcasting ability
is only really relevant if there’s somewhere (spell save DC 14):
fun to move them (in her bedroom or audience At will: detect magic, mage hand
chamber, this is completely irrelevant). Besides 2/day each: augury, hypnotic pattern, polymorph
her lash, her only combat spell is polymorph, 1/day each: otto’s irresistible dance, plane shift (self
which just won’t cut it against a party of only)
determined heroes. To make the fight a bit
tougher and more dynamic, you can use the
Bonus Actions
Endelyn Moongrave (Enhanced) statblock Doom Whispers. Endelyn whispers to a creature
within 60 feet that can hear her, describing the
instead. If you have the option, you should also
details of its death. The target must make a DC 14
try to have a fight with Endelyn take place in her Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, it takes 10
viewing gallery (area M19) or her, if you make (3d6) psychic damage and must use its reaction, if
the changes to the mannequins suggested on available, to move as far as its speed allows away
the following page, her room (area M22). from her. On a successful save, the target takes half
as much damage and doesn’t have to move.

Locations in Motherhorn M22. Endelyn’s Room
Below is an overview of locations in Motherhorn Endelyn keeps any objects stolen from the
that can be difficult to run or you may want to characters here.
make adjustments to. Dangling Marionettes. These marionettes
serve as alarms that can wake up Endelyn,
M9. Backdrop H allway essentially requiring a DC 12 Dexterity (Stealth)
This hallways has a pit trap that has a character check from anyone trying to sneak through the
falling in to see its own tombstone. room while Endelyn is sleeping in her wardrobe.
Tombstone of Dread. As written, nothing The book suggests they can be destroyed but
really happens to a creature that falls into also seem to suggest that Endelyn will wake up
this trap. If you want to make it a bit more instantly if they sound the alarm. To make the
significant, you can decide that a character who marionettes a bit more interactive – and serve a
falls in and sees their own tombstone becomes purpose during a fight – you can decide that:
affected as by the spell bane for 24 hours • Each 5-foot square in the room has 1
because of the dreadful experience. marionette dangling in it.
• When a creature moves into a space with
M18. Audience Chamber a marionette in it, it must make a DC 12
The characters can have an audience with
Dexterity (Acrobatics or Stealth) check.
Endelyn here and learn how they might die.
• On a failure, the marionette wakes and begins
Auguries. The book dictates that Endelyn
laughing maniacally, affecting the creature
performs auguries if the characters request it. If
that disturbed it with the spell tasha’s hideous
you think these are too fun to exclude, you can
laughter (spell save DC 12).
have Endelyn suggest it herself: “Before we get
• Once awakened, the marionette laughs for 1
ahead of ourselves, I have something to show
minute or until silenced, affecting anyone who
you” and launch into her performances.
moves into its space with its laughing spell.
• If either the marionette or the character are
still laughing at the end of the character’s next
turn, Endelyn awakes from her slumber.
• Missing an attack against a marionette also
wakes it up and sets it laughing.
This way, triggering a marionette doesn’t
mean that Endelyn wakes immediately, if the
characters are quick enough to shut it up, as
well as any character that has been affected
by its spell. In addition, these puppets now
serve a purpose in combat, as Endelyn can use
her Puppeteer’s Lash to move creatures into
squares with dolls and activate them, triggering
their magical laughing effect.

Appendix A:
Magic Items
Lightning Charged Weapon
Weapon (Any), Uncommon
When you hit with an attack using this magic
weapon, the target takes an extra 1d6 lightning
damage and it can’t take reactions until the start
of its next turn. R ing of
the S hade
R ing of the Shade
Ring, Rare (Requires Attunement)
This magic ring has 3 charges and regains all
expended charges daily at dawn. While wearing
it, you can expend 1 of its charges on your turn
to become shadowy until the end of your next
turn. For the duration, you gain the following
• You have resistance to necrotic damage and
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage
from nonmagical attacks.
• You can’t be grappled or restrained.
• While in dim light or darkness, you can take
the Hide action as a bonus action.
Wish Stone, Lesser
Wondrous Item, Common (Requires S tone
While carrying this magic stone, you can cast
any spell of 1st level or lower from it, requiring
no material components and using your own
spellcasting ability (or Constitution, if you have
no spellcasting ability). Once you do so, the
stone crumbles into dust and is destroyed.

Wish Stone
Wondrous Item, Uncommon (Requires
While carrying this magic stone, you can cast
any spell of 2nd level or lower from it, requiring
no material components and using your own
L ightning
spellcasting ability (or Constitution, if you have C harged Weapon
no spellcasting ability). Once you do so, the
stone crumbles into dust and is destroyed.

Wish Stone, Greater

Wondrous Item, Rare (Requires Attunement)
While carrying this magic stone, you can cast
any spell of 3rd level or lower from it, requiring
no material components and using your own
spellcasting ability (or Constitution, if you have
no spellcasting ability). Once you do so, the
stone crumbles into dust and is destroyed.


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