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Globalization technologies and the young people.

Globalization is a process that consist in the continuous increase in the interconnection

between the different nations of the world on the economic, political, social and
technological. Globalization has allowed the opening of multiple countries to the free
market, because of these in the resents years there has been a digital revolution and a great
improvement in technology matters. This revolution had had a great impact in the teenagers
and had create a huge change in the behaviors of the younger people compared to past
generations. This change has both positive and negative factors.

In the positive factors we have those technologies

allow young people to be more communicated and
to have the ability to access all the cultures of the
planet in a simple way and the fact of having all the
human knowledge available to date digitally and
for free in its vast majority. Furthermore,
technology enables young people a great freedom
expression, social medias link twitter allows people
to share their ideas and to make campaigns to
create changes in their community’s globalization
and its consequence in new technologies have only
facilitated this youth struggle to achieve a better
world. Proof of this are the multiple manifestations
recently experienced in our country were
technology had a huge role by allowing young
people to organized better and to inform about
what was happening in the different parts of our
However, globalization has also created negative things for young people, with technology
the acts of harassment or threats that previously could be relatively controlled in the
physical field by the forces of order can now go unnoticed in the digital field. In addition,
there is an alarming increase in certain young people of their dependence on new
technologies, which can have negative effects on their social behavior, way of life and
academic or work performance. Also, social media can have negatively affected on teens,
distracting them, disrupting their sleep, and exposing them to bullying, rumor spreading,
unrealistic views of other people's lives and peer pressure. For example, a survey conducted
by the Royal Society for Public Health asked 14–24-year-olds in the UK how social media
platforms impacted their health and wellbeing. The survey results found that Snapchat,
Facebook, Twitter and Instagram all led to increased feelings of depression, anxiety, poor
body image and loneliness.
In conclusion globalization and the new technologies have brings a lot of advantages in
teens that we can observe right now in our society such as more freedom, more
communication and having more young people educated however we can deny that
globalization have also brought bad things to the young people like making them more
exposed to different dangers in the world such as harassment, bullying and feelings of
depression, anxiety, poor body image and loneliness.

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