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Experiment 16 – Discrete-time filters


Part 1 Dynamic range at internal nodes

In this part we examine and compare magnitude responses at internal nodes for the DF2
(Direct Form 2) and the transposed DF2 structures.

Task 1:

Direct Form 2 IIR

11. Patch up the SIGEx model of Lab 15 Part 2.

 Set the gains and polarity settings for the values given in Prep (Q2) above- -> a1 = -1.84
, a2 = 0.90 , b0 = 1 , b2 = b0 , b1 = -1.7.
 Use an input signal amplitude of 400mv pp.
 This is quite small but necessary due to the large internal gains you will encounter.
 Use the sample rate from the PULSE GENERATOR set to 10kHz.

NB: The values given in Q2 are transfer function coefficient values.

 Measure responses at the output y and also at the internal nodes x1, x2 for frequency
from 0 Hz to 2k Hz.
 Fill table 1.1 and Plot the Magnitude responses for y,x1 and x2 ( gain in dB Vs Freq)
 Calculate and record the ratios |y/x2| and |y/x1| at the peaks of the responses.

Ensure that you capture enough information to determine the 3dB bandwidth of the filter.

REMINDER: To measure the 3dB bandwidth of the filter, find the difference between the
upper -3dB frequency and the lower -3dB frequency.

Table-1.1 for Frequency Responses:

Frequency Gain n dB Gain in dB Gain in dB
y X1 X2
Hz (y) (x1) (x2)
13. Enter your measurements into the following table.

Question 8

What is the maximum level of internal gain you have measured in this filter ?
( x1 or x2)/ input voltage
Observe Pole Zero plot from the panel.

Task 2:

Part 2 Implementations with high sampling ratio (Fom II structure):

 Use the same diagram and coefficient values as per that Form2(partI).
 Set the sampling clock rate to 20,000 Hz
 Use an input amplitude of 400 mv as before.

17. Switch to the PZPLOT tab to view the pole and zero positions for this filter.

Question 12
Document the poles and zeros for this filter.

Question 13
What do you expect will happen to the pole and zero positions for a sampling rate of 20,000
samples/sec ?

Question 14
What do you expect this filter response to be like with a sampling clock rate of
20,000 samples/sec ?
Peak occurs @frequency =
Null occurs @frequency =
Question 15
What are the -3dB points and bandwidth for this filter at 20,000 samples/sec ?

Task 3:

Transposed Direct Form 2 IIR

14. Patch up the SIGEx model of the Transposed DF2 system in Fig 5.
 Repeat the steps above and enter your measurements into the above table also.
 Plot the response on the graph as well.
 Reminder: the responses at x1 and x2 are not the same with this structure.

NOTE: The transposed form uses 3 adder junctions. What is available on the SIGEx board is a
triple ADDER a, triple ADDER b, and dual ADDER f+g.

The following figures show how to wire up the modules, as well as how to enter the
coefficient values into the SFP.
In Figure 6, the coefficient labels in the diagram do not correspond to those in the block
diagram due to the varied connections needed. Follow the patching diagram and use the Table
2 below for guidance on entering the values correctly.
15. We now have two sets of ratios of the values of y/x2 and y/x1 at the peaks of
the responses for each of the two structures.

Express the comparisons as ratios in dB units.

Question 11:

What is the difference (comparisons as ratios )in internal gain between the non-transposed
and transposed structures (in dB) ?

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