HOTS Questions

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Q1: Is it important to hit the learner’s HOTS rather than their LOTS?

Module #4
Lesson #4.2
Page # 83
Expected answer:
HOTS refers to the Higher Order Thinking Skills, thus, it is important rather
their LOTS or the Lower-Order Thinking Skills. HOTS refers to those skills that
beyond memorization. It helps learners to engage in problem solving because this
skills has an ability to analyze information, evaluate data collected, and synthesize
or create new ideas. So, by this, the learners can solve their problem more effectively
and efficiently.

Q2: Are the curriculum necessary in education?

Module #1
Lesson #1.1
Page #1
Expected answer:
Without curriculum, there is no education, classrooms, teachers and
learners. So, yes. It is necessary because curriculum is the heart of teaching
profession or the education. It serves as guides to have a certain path ways in
achieving the goals of the future globally competitive and lifelong learners.

Q3: Among of the two points of view, which one is the very useful in acquisition of
Module #2
Lesson #2.1
Page #16
Expected answer:
There are two points of view of curriculum. The Traditional and the
Progressive. The Progressive one is the very useful in acquisition of knowledge
because it is not only focus on disciplines. It also focuses on experiences of an

Q4: In planning, designing, and implementing the subject matter/content, what are
the components need to consider?
Module #3
Lesson #3.1
Page #44
Expected answer:
There are 4 elements or components that should be consider when
implementing the subject matter/content of the curriculum. It includes objective or
intended learning outcomes, content/subject matter, references, and teaching and
learning methods.

Q5: What, Why and How to Evaluate a Curriculum?

Module #5
Lesson #5.1
Page #111
Expected answer:
Curriculum evaluation is a process for gathering data and providing useful
information for deciding alternatives for purposes of modifying or eliminating the
curriculum. Evaluating curriculum means identifying the strengths and weaknesses
of an existing curriculum. To evaluate the curriculum, there are many questions
needed to ask by the curriculum specialists. It includes the learning outcomes,
methods, and assessments.
Q6: What is the role of technology in delivering the curriculum?
Module #4
Lesson #4.3
Page #95
Expected answer:
Technology plays a crucial role in delivering instruction to learners. It has a
huge impact on the delivery of more effective, efficient, and humanizing teaching
and learning because there are so many tools that easily to use and adapt in
delivering or implementing the content. This technology helps to upgrade the quality
of teaching and learning in schools.

Q7: Does the result of periodical test reflect evaluation of a curriculum?

Module #5
Lesson #5.2
Page #124
Expected answer:
Yes, it reflects evaluation of a curriculum. Assessing or evaluating the
acquired knowledge of the learners are not the only focus of periodical test, it also
the curriculum implemented in the school. From this result can conclude if the
teacher’s strategies in implementing curriculum achieved the desired learning
outcome that the institution wants to acquire by all the learners.

Q8: Why DEPED pushed K to 12 implementation?

Module #6
Lesson #6.1
Page #144
Expected answer:
DEPED pushed k to 12 implementation because the mastery of basic
competencies is insufficient due to congested curriculum and the Philippines is the
only remaining country in Asia with a 10 years basic education program.

Q9: How teaching-learning can be done in OBE?

Module #7
Lesson #7.1
Page #156
Expected Answer:
There are some tips to achieve the teaching-learning in Outcome-Based
Education. It includes teachers must prepare students adequately and teacher must
create a positive learning environment.

Q10: What does a teacher do to deserve the label curricularist?

Module #1
Lesson #1.2
Page #9
Expected Answer:
To have the label curricularist, the teacher should knows, writes, plans,
initiates, innovates, implements, and evaluates the curriculum.

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