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's Second Grade Checklist for ‘April 6" — April 10" ;_ Please read one attached story and answer questions. * Writing: Choose a Journal prompt for Monday. + Math: Choose one or two sides of a Math page + Check your work with an adult ‘+ Reading: Please read one atlached story and answer questions. * Writing: Choose a Journal prompt for Tuesday. * Math: Choose one or two sides of a Math page . * Check your work with an adult Wednesday: + Reading: Please read one attached story and answer questions. * Writing: Choose a Journal prompt for Wednesday. + Math: Choose one or two sides of a Math page * Check your work with an adult + Reading: Please read one attached story and answer questions. + Writing: Choose a Journal prompt for Thursday. + Math: Choose one or two sides of a Math page . + Check your work with an adult * Reading: Please read one attached story and answer questions. + Writing: Choose a Journal prompt for Friday. + Math: Choose one or two sides of a Math page: * Check your work with an adult. + Ready ~ At least 45 minutes per week {find on Westside’s website) EPIC books ~ read and Isten to « good book or two. Your teacher sent you an Invite to join EPIC for free through June. (Email if you do not see the invite) + Raz Kids ~Isten and read two stories and fake a quiz on what was read fing on Westside's website). + Mysteny Science ~ i + Seesaw = Check for assignments, f your classroom has already been using it . iwnew hooctiver 12 oF fe = 9549 - Online Resources from Hood River County School District “Teacher Contact Info —> ‘Teacher Contact information: Joelena Evans igeleng.evans@hooctiver.k12.o1us (anytime!) ‘541-806-1658 (Office hours only, please call or tex!) Office Hours: Monday-Friday 11:00-1:00 Brittney Bauer biitiney.baver@hoodirver k12.onus (anytime!) 303-263-2894 (Office hours only please, call or text!) Office Hours: Monday-Friday 1:00-1:00 Beth Hoezee beth hoezee@hoodtiver (email me with questions any time!) 503-232-7400 (Office hours only please, call or text) Office Hours: Monday-Friclay 1:00-1:00 <—- atat foatne? rsnlsesT7 Jenny sat on her horse, Jake. They were near ther house onthe farm, Jenny looked at the paths ahead. One way went toward the pond. One way ent ack tothe farm, ‘Jenny wanted to goto the pond. There, she could watch the ducks or read a book. ‘But Jake cant want fo watch the ducks, Jake couldn't read books. Jake just ‘wanted to go home. He walked toward the farm, “No, Jake” Jenny sad, and pulled back on the rope around Jake's neck ‘Jake's big brow head came up. He stopped and looked at her. He was not happy. ReadWorks* senda "Ava, poor Jake," ho sald. "He's ust bam sour” "Wat does bam sour mean?” Jenny asked, "It means he wants to go back tothe bam. He is hungry and ted, Jake i a ‘sweet hors, but hell be sour now untihe gets home,” Bil smile. "So bam sours bad Jenny said "Jake is bad? "No, Jako ig not bad." Bl sad, "We Maybe you should take him home now: and hungry sometimes. il walked tothe bar, ‘Jenny frowned. "But | want to go tothe pond," she said. ‘She got down from Jake and is ope. Jake's head came down toward Jenny. But bis fet id not move ‘Jenny pulled again, using both hands. She pulled hard. Her small round face tuned red. Her hair lopped up and down on her back. ‘Jake took two steps down the path to the pond, But then he stopped again Now he looked mad, ‘Jenny was mad now, too. She pulled one more tine, even harder, Her boots Kicked up a cloud of dust trom the path "Come on, Jakel™ ‘This time, Jake didnt goto her. He pulled, too! Jake was a big, strong horse. Jonny was a small gf. Jenay coud not stop sake. And she didnt just step. She flow! ‘The rope fl. Jenny fell. hurt She looked at Jake. ReadWorks! uncae ‘Jake looked at Jenny. Then, he put his had down and started eating the raze near the path, Jenny knew she was not going to win, And now, she was tred 100, She the dinner bell at her house. Jenny sighed. Sho got back onto Jake. "Come on, Jake” she said. "Lets go home. tm sory ‘am barn sour Jake seemed to nod. They walked together toward home. ‘ReadWorks! oa Corn mnt 1. Wn ieiske? ‘A sennys arse B Jems dat ©. sory doa 2. Animponant par tne sary when Jae tops on te path Why doe nay pull con Jak’ rope ater he sons? Jey wach ower as (ser war ita go te pnd 8. sake warts to go backtothe farm, Watevisene fom the try suppor ts | skoig ron Ned cue up. He stopped and bokeh” 15k st wad og oe, He wake . sa cots 5. What isthe sory mest about? 8a and Jonny arta goto pod sae and.sey want goto itor laces Sister Problems bi ‘Mari’ ite sisters were fighting. She could hear them frm har room, ‘Maria as supposed tobe babysiting. She knew that ehe should goin and ‘check on them. She put her book on the bed, and wont dawn the hall to ‘Anna and Olivia's room, "What is going on here?" Maria asked. rs stared angtly at each other. There wore clothes all over the "Tell Anna she is wrong," shouted Ovi wrong," shouted Anna, Maria shook her head. "Lets slow down,” she said, Fist, [need to have all the information and understand the problem. Then, whon | know what fe 9g on, I can tol you what I think. Why are you fighting?" Oia took a deep breath. "Well, Anna borrowed my shir.” she sai. "My green shit Its my favorite one, She took t without asking, and then she gett stained Olivia held out a green T-shirt witha brown stain on. "Okay" sad Marla. "Now I know what you are fighting about. can tell ou how we solve this problem.” ‘She sat the gis down on the bed. "Anna," sald Maria, "you took Olivia's ponsibilty because you took it" ter and throwing her clothes your sistor sto be calm and talk about what is wrong" livia nodded. "So go ahead, and talk to each other calmly." Maria said ‘Qva tumed to Anna. "lam sory | threw your clothes around, she sald," Read Works sere irwhen you take my tings without help you “and | am sort that I Yook the shir,” said Anna, “ket but | should have asked you.” "S00?" said Maria, "srt it wat you spoke about i?" “The girs nodded, Maria smiled. "Okay, so I put this shit into the washing machine. Let's see itwe can get tis stain out. The 1s can eat some icecream while we wait” “Thank you, Maria," sid Oliva, "We love it when you babys 8 va ans as mara se tae 2.Thefghthat Anne end Ola hae problem How dss Mai hep sve this probe? 8. Speaking calmly aber way or Ana an Olt ste tha pebiem hen fahing wit each tt, What infomation tom the sry support this sateen? ‘A. Maa baby trie stars, Ara and lv, Whi eadg ihr com. 6 ‘Tha problemi ahd when nga git nes. Aa ea ‘het joa hr en row ha aso be fo, 4. Whi aster hasnt done anything wrong? Bowe ‘5. What isthe main dea this tory? |. Siar aud never ach ober brow doing. 18. Sitzs sau anys ech car boro thing (People snol eave he ratios by ak, nt ohn. Chirping Chirp ‘twas a bright and sunny moming. Darel woke up and jumped out of bed, ‘ready fora full day ousido. He ran down the stairs and eat down at te pancakes every Saturday morring, "What do you want todo today?” she asked Danial “I think tm going to go exploring in our backyard," he told her. "itso nice outside Danie! gobbled up his pancakes and rushed upstairs to get dressed. He put (0n a red tehit and jeans, she told hin, ‘When he opened the door, Danie fl a rush of warm alr He smiled a the ‘un. Perfect hiking weather, he thought. Daniel loved bis backyard. There 8 cod. ‘The leaves were just beginning to grow on the tres ater the cold winter. Danie! wandered for abit. He picked up @ long stick and used it to clear a way through the forest. ReadWorks! around. Then, he ran back to his house, "Mom, found a bid that's hurt he told her as he ran through the door. ‘She looked fora shoebox, and then she sald, "Well, let's go have a look: Danio ie his mom back tothe injured bird. His mom knett down and looked 1 Sai She gently pleked up the bird and puttin the ‘shoebox. Then he said, "We can take it tothe animal hospital in town" the bid chirping when they opened the door. ‘The vet sald, “The bird is ready to go back to itshome in the tres.” Daniel was so excited. He looked a the bird and sald, "Ym going to name you Chirp! hope I can see you again. Bye, Chirp Read Works tp commas nt Read Works! 6 Rea he folowing soreness 1. What 9s Dani let investiga H ‘abies 60 fea cole ‘As used nhis sertance whet oes the worsnveatigat” most nest mean’? C amater da 2. Dani and mam ae he jure bo he areal spa What ota his ‘A Thy warto hue bra 8. They mao se tobe, 6. Tey want help fre its mote ‘5. What th story mesty about? wy can Ane anny tom meting .yotaboutsoneting 7-Cheose te answer tat ost competes he sentence belo. anit tosh om, ater shapes top? tne bio thesia hosp? momtakes that hep seve the inured Supper your anewor wen fomaton om eee The Wishing Tree ya an rrr Deep inthe woods isa secret trae, Only one boy knows about ft. I's a wishing tee (One day, the boy flowed his dog into the woods. They stopped atthe toe. “wish cou this toe he boy sald POOF! His wish was granted. Ho was inthe toe! “Tho leaves began to gage “ve they sald. “Pleased to mest yout” "My name is Noah," the boy said. "What's yours?” All the leaves start to tlk at once ReadWorks! od "We are the Wishing Tree, the leaves sald, "We see good children and give ther gts, "wish [had one milion dolarst" sald Noah. But nothing happened. "I said wish | had a milion dois Nosh said, louder. “We heard you the frat tie,” sald the eaves "What good ar you, anyway?* "Very good sai the loaves, "Thisiea very good ree." “Then give me money! Noah demanded. "We can only give you good things. Things that wil make you a better person." ‘Weil that didnt sound tke much fun. He thought ofa new wish "Do you honestly think we would conjure a dragon?” asked the leaves “guess not." sald Noah. "Wel then, | wish | were brave enough to fight @ ew EP Eats ‘wr currraescaom Name Date 2-Digit Subtraction with Regrouping Solve the problems. Remember to regroup. Look at the ones. To regroup, borrow Ifyou can not subtract 1 ten from the tens. the bottom from the Add it to the ones. top number, regroup. 6) 1 tren trom 5G MY 6 tens leaves 8 sts, 2 8 Subtract 11 take away 8 is 3 5 tens minus the ones first, then the tens. & ae 1 ten plus 1 equals 11 1 36 33 51 =17Z =14 =34 19 2 85 64 67 = 26 =18 =29 3. 61 43 20 =32 =34 12 4. 83 52 63 = 55 =35 =26 2 tons equals Sitens. 53, 24 30 =18 35 =16 84 =27 34 le 43 egy. SREP OES wwwarnetieaciencom

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