Research Paper 18

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Figure 4.

Minoxidil Targeting Hair Follicles and enhance hair growth [12]


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11. Suchonwanit, P., S. Thammarucha, and K. Leerunyakul, Minoxidil and its

use in hair disorders: a review. Drug Des Devel Ther, 2019. 13: p. 2777-2786.

12. Oaku, Y., et al., Minoxidil Nanoparticles Targeting Hair Follicles Enhance
Hair Growth in C57BL/6 Mice. 2022. 14(5): p. 947.

(06): 00:45:37 Increase Blood Flow: Massage, Tadalafil, Platelet-Rich

Plasma (PRP), micro-needling

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