LU1 D CH 4 Questions

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Question 1 – Virtue theory

A public servant working in the IT division of a state department goes

on an expensive 18-month specialist training programme overseas, paid
for by taxpayers' money. On her return, she starts doing private
consulting after hours, using her newly-acquired skills and
qualifications. Soon she is in high demand and starts to spend
increasingly more time working on private contracts, leaving her tired
and unmotivated at work in the public service. She cannot resign,
because she signed a post-training obligation with the public service
when the study programme commenced.
How can the understanding and practice of personal virtue assist this
woman to act in a moral way? What should she do?

Question 2 – Deontological ethics

Suppose you are offered a bribe to accept some business on behalf of
your company. You discover that your company has already decided to
accept this business, but the person offering the bribe does not know
this. By accepting the bribe you will gain R10,000.00.
What would you do in this situation and can your decision be
defended on the basis of moral norms or principles?

Question 3 – Utilitarianism
You are the owner of a company that produces medical machines and
instruments. You are currently filling an urgent order from several rural
clinics for 10 incubators for babies who are born prematurely. Two days
before you are ready to deliver the incubators, you receive another
urgent order for 10 incubators from a hospital based overseas that
offers to pay you 10% more.
What would you do in this situation? Defend your decision.
BEE and fronting example
The following should be considered:
Virtue theory:
Does BEE enable each individual to cultivate their virtues, find their
own mean, and reach their telos?
Does fronting do so?
Deontological ethics:
By trying to overcome particular wrongs committed in the past, does
BEE fulfil the categorical imperative?
Does BEE treat people as ends or means?
Does fronting do any of the above?
Does BEE grant the greatest happiness to the greatest number?
Does fronting?

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