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--------- beginning of main


22:48:07.138 .themusicplaye E Not starting debugger since process

cannot load the jdwp agent.
22:48:07.223 I The ClassLoaderContext is a special
shared library.
22:48:07.265 W JIT profile information will not be
recorded: profile file does not exits.
22:48:07.265 W JIT profile information will not be
recorded: profile file does not exits.
22:48:07.296 MultiDex I VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex
22:48:07.296 I Installing application
22:48:07.296 I VM has multidex support, MultiDex
support library is disabled.
22:48:07.338 FirebaseApp I Device unlocked: initializing all
Firebase APIs for app [DEFAULT]
22:48:07.399 FirebaseCrashlytics I Initializing Crashlytics 17.2.1
22:48:07.414 zzd W Application name is not set. Call
22:48:07.425 W Application name is not set. Call
22:48:07.440 DynamiteModule I Considering local module and remote module
22:48:07.440 I Selected remote version of, version >= 54
22:48:07.450 FirebaseInitProvider I FirebaseApp initialization successful
22:48:07.479 Pi_MyApplication I onCreate() :: starting onCreate
22:48:07.480 Pi_TypefaceHelper I Initializing TypefaceHelper instance
22:48:07.480 I Spawning off a thread to setup All
22:48:07.488 I setAllTypefaces() :: Trying to set up
all typefaces
22:48:07.488 I :: Got the lock to
set up all typefaces
22:48:07.488 I Exobold-italic is null . Creating it
22:48:07.514 CurrSongInfo I setPlayerPostion() :: PlayerPostion :
[ 0 ]
22:48:07.515 Pi_TypefaceHelper I proxima-Regular is null . Creating it
22:48:07.517 Pi_TinyDBHelper I getting
DefaultMainActivityTabsOrderList . CurrentThread : [ main ]
22:48:07.517 I defaultTabsList : [ [Tracks,
Playlists, Discover, Folders, Albums, Artists, Genres] ]
22:48:07.518 Pi_RemoteConfigManager I init() :: RemoteConfig init started
22:48:07.518 Pi_TinyDBHelper I loadPreference() :: Load Preference
22:48:07.518 zzd W Application name is not set. Call
22:48:07.518 Pi_TypefaceHelper I proxima-Light is null . Creating it
22:48:07.521 Pi_MyApplication I onCreate() :: AudienceNetworkAds init
22:48:07.525 Pi_RemoteConfigManager I init() :: RemoteConfig init ended
22:48:07.525 I fetchAndActivate() :: RemoteConfig
fetch started
22:48:07.525 Pi_SDKUtil I initAdmobSDK() :: start
22:48:07.542 Pi_TypefaceHelper I Proxima Semi-bold is null . Creating
22:48:07.545 Pi_DataLoaderFactory I loadAllData(): starting to preload
app data
22:48:07.562 Pi_BillingManager I executeServiceRequest() :: Service is
not connected. We are gonna retry to get the connection and do our task
22:48:07.564 Pi_TypefaceHelper I Total time : [ 75 ms ]
22:48:07.579 Pi_SongIdMigrator I
checkAndDoSongIdMigrationForUserPlaylist() ::
22:48:07.579 I backUpAllPlaylist() ::
22:48:07.580 Pi_PiPlaylistBackupMan I backUpAllPlaylist() : Backing up all
22:48:07.583 Pi_MyApplication I queryAndSavePurchases() :: Time
Taken to initialize BillingManager : [ 20 ms ]
22:48:07.583 I initFlurrySDK :: method start
22:48:07.598 DynamiteModule I Considering local module and remote module
22:48:07.598 I Selected remote version of, version >= 213806100
22:48:07.613 Pi_DataLoaderFactory I loadAllData(): externalStorageState =
22:48:07.625 .themusicplaye I The ClassLoaderContext is a special
shared library.
22:48:07.630 Pi_MyApplication I :: Time Taken to init
Flurry : [ 47 ms ]
22:48:07.630 I onCreate() :: ending onCreate. Time
Taken for onCreate : [ 151 ms ]
22:48:07.632 Pi_DataLoaderFactory I getDataForTracks() :: getting data
for tracks
22:48:07.632 I :: not having
the data for tracks in cache
22:48:07.633 Pi_TracksDataLoader I loadData() :: starting to load data
for tracks
22:48:07.653 Pi_FileUtil I getPiPlaylistSongFile() ::
isDirCreated : [false]
22:48:07.663 Pi_PiPlaylistBackupMan I
| PlaylistBackUpOperation :: Periodic
playlist backup successful |


22:48:07.668 Pi_TracksDataLoader I loadData() :: Within TracksDataLoader

Adding songs to the List :: cursor count -> 80
22:48:07.708 Pi_SplashActivity I [[ Android Lifecycle Method ]]
onCreate() :: start of method onCreate < HIGH >
22:48:07.714 Pi_TracksDataLoader I loadData() :: tracks count : [ 80 ],
idList size : [ 80 ], tracks count in data cache : [ 80 ]
22:48:07.714 I
22:48:07.727 FirebaseRemoteConfig W No value of type 'String' exists for
parameter key 'sessions_feature_enabled'.
22:48:07.728 Pi_TracksDataLoader I
fetchNullTracksCursorAndAddTrackPathToList() :: pathListToScan size :: 0
22:48:07.728 I loadData() :: finished loading data
for tracks
22:48:07.728 FirebaseRemoteConfig W No value of type 'String' exists for
parameter key 'sessions_feature_enabled'.
22:48:07.728 Pi_DataLoaderFactory I getDataForTracks() :: Total tracks
loaded :[ 80 ]
22:48:07.728 Pi_MainActivityTabsOrd I checkAndAddNewTabs() :: Start current
thread : Async Thread : PreLoadAllData
22:48:07.730 I :: mainTabsList
: [[Tracks, Playlists, Discover, Folders, Albums, Artists, Genres]]
22:48:07.730 I ::
tabsVisibiltyStateList : [[true, true, true, true, true, true, true]]
22:48:07.731 I :: End current
thread : Async Thread : PreLoadAllData
22:48:07.766 MultiWindowDecorSupport I [INFO] isPopOver = false
22:48:07.766 I updateCaptionType >>
DecorView@8d1a2aa[], isFloating: false, isApplication: true, hasWindowDecorCaption:
false, hasWindowControllerCallback: true
22:48:07.789 Pi_SplashActivity I [[ Android Lifecycle Method ]]
onCreate() :: end of method onCreate < HIGH >
22:48:07.793 I [[ Android Lifecycle Method ]]
onStart() :: start of method onStart < HIGH >
22:48:07.793 I loadImagesAndAnimate() :: start of
22:48:07.807 .themusicplaye I The ClassLoaderContext is a special
shared library.
22:48:07.824 Pi_SplashActivity I initImpObjectsAndServices() ::
starting other services init
22:48:07.824 I ::
ending other services init
22:48:07.828 FirebaseRemoteConfig W No value of type 'Long' exists for
parameter key 'ad_cache_prune_time_ms'.
22:48:07.828 Pi_AdCache I start() called.
isPruningINProgress :false
22:48:07.828 I invoking startPruning()
22:48:07.828 I start of startPruning()
22:48:07.829 I preLoadAd() :: preloading ads for : [
2 ] elements
22:48:07.829 I
22:48:07.829 I --------------Starting new
22:48:07.829 I size of sortedQueue : 0
22:48:07.829 I .....................ending
22:48:07.829 I :: checking whether to
preload ad for : [ MAINACTIVITY_BOTTOM ]
22:48:07.829 I :: is Ad Already present
for [MAINACTIVITY_BOTTOM ] : [ false ]
22:48:07.829 I loadAdFor() :: loading ad for :
22:48:07.829 I ::
isLoadingAlreadyInProgress : [false ]
22:48:07.829 I setLoadingInProgress() :: setting
loadingInProgress = true for key : [ MAINACTIVITY_BOTTOM ]
22:48:07.830 I preLoadAd() :: checking whether to
preload ad for : [ PLAYACTIVITY_BOTTOM ]
22:48:07.830 Pi_NativeBannerAdLoade I loadNativeBannerAd() :: start of
method for key : [ MAINACTIVITY_BOTTOM ]
22:48:07.830 I Waiting for SDKUtil to finish
initialization for : [MAINACTIVITY_BOTTOM ] curr Thread : [ pool-15-thread-1]
22:48:07.830 Pi_AdCache I preLoadAd() :: is Ad Already present
for [PLAYACTIVITY_BOTTOM ] : [ false ]
22:48:07.830 I loadAdFor() :: loading ad for :
22:48:07.830 I ::
isLoadingAlreadyInProgress : [false ]
22:48:07.830 I setLoadingInProgress() :: setting
loadingInProgress = true for key : [ PLAYACTIVITY_BOTTOM ]
22:48:07.832 Pi_NativeBannerAdLoade I loadNativeBannerAd() :: start of
method for key : [ PLAYACTIVITY_BOTTOM ]
22:48:07.832 I Waiting for SDKUtil to finish
initialization for : [PLAYACTIVITY_BOTTOM ] curr Thread : [ pool-15-thread-4]
22:48:07.833 Pi_SplashActivity I [[ Android Lifecycle Method ]]
onStart() :: end of method onStart < HIGH >
22:48:07.846 FirebaseRemoteConfig W No value of type 'String' exists for
parameter key 'sessions_max_length_minutes'.
22:48:07.856 W No value of type 'String' exists for
parameter key 'trace_flimit_time'.
22:48:07.857 W No value of type 'String' exists for
parameter key 'trace_flimit_events'.
22:48:07.857 W No value of type 'String' exists for
parameter key 'trace_blimit_time'.
22:48:07.858 W No value of type 'String' exists for
parameter key 'trace_blimit_events'.
22:48:07.858 W No value of type 'String' exists for
parameter key 'network_flimit_time'.
22:48:07.859 W No value of type 'String' exists for
parameter key 'network_flimit_events'.
22:48:07.859 W No value of type 'String' exists for
parameter key 'network_blimit_time'.
22:48:07.860 W No value of type 'String' exists for
parameter key 'network_blimit_events'.
22:48:07.862 W No value of type 'String' exists for
parameter key 'sessions_feature_enabled'.
22:48:07.893 Pi_DailyJobIntentServi I onCreate ::
22:48:07.894 I onHandleIntent :: intent : Intent
{ flg=0x4
ailyJobIntentService (has extras) }
22:48:07.897 I checkAndCreateNotificationChannel::
Channel already exists
22:48:07.899 Pi_SDKUtil I initFirebaseAnalytics() ::
Installation ID: cn_3GDUIPXY
22:48:07.906 Pi_BillingManager I onBillingSetupFinished() :: Response
code: [ 0 ]
22:48:07.906 I queryAndSavePurchases() :: Setup
successful. Querying inventory.
22:48:07.908 I onPurchasesUpdated() - result code :
22:48:07.909 I onPurchasesUpdated() - purchases list
: []
22:48:07.909 I onPurchasesUpdated() - purchases list
size: 0
22:48:07.911 AdInternalSettings I Test mode device hash: d8d4a5ab-e11d-
22:48:07.912 I When testing your app with Facebook's
ad units you must specify the device hashed ID to ensure the delivery of test ads,
add the following code before loading an ad: AdSettings.addTestDevice("d8d4a5ab-
22:48:07.926 Pi_DailyJobIntentServi I onHandleIntent() :: startForeground
22:48:07.927 Pi_PlaylistUtil I checkAndBackUpPlaylist() ::
isStoragePermissionGiven : [true]
22:48:07.928 I checkAndBackUpPlaylist :: backup time
22:48:07.928 Pi_PiPlaylistBackupMan I backUpAllPlaylist() : Backing up all
22:48:07.945 Pi_FileUtil I getPiPlaylistSongFile() ::
isDirCreated : [false]
22:48:07.960 Pi_PiPlaylistBackupMan I
| PlaylistBackUpOperation :: Periodic
playlist backup successful |


22:48:07.960 Pi_PiEventsHandler I
computeAndSendActiveUsersAggregationEvent() :: computing userInfo and sending
Aggregation Event
22:48:07.970 Pi_DailyJobIntentServi I onHandleIntent() :: stopForeground
22:48:07.971 I onHandleIntent() Ended with: intent =
[Intent { flg=0x4
ailyJobIntentService (has extras) }]
22:48:07.993 System.out I (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled
22:48:07.993 I (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled
22:48:07.998 mali_winsys I new_window_surface() [720x1480]
return: 0x3000
22:48:08.000 DynamiteModule I Considering local module and remote module
22:48:08.000 I Selected remote version of, version >= 213806100
22:48:08.004 Gralloc3 W mapper 3.x is not supported
22:48:08.015 gralloc I Arm Module v1.0
22:48:08.051 ConnectionStatusConfig W Dynamic lookup for intent failed for
22:48:08.053 GmsClient W unable to connect to service: on
22:48:08.060 InputMethodManager I startInputInner -
22:48:08.081 Pi_SDKUtil I initAdmobSDK() :: end
22:48:08.163 WebViewFactory I Loading
version 95.0.4638.74 (code 463807433)
22:48:08.198 cr_WVCFactoryProvider I Loaded version=95.0.4638.74
minSdkVersion=29 isBundle=true multiprocess=true packageId=2
22:48:08.235 cr_LibraryLoader I Successfully loaded native library
22:48:08.235 cr_CachingUmaRecorder I Flushed 8 samples from 8 histograms.
22:48:08.398 chromium E
[] Failed to grant sandbox access to
network context data for
/data/user/0/com.Project100Pi.themusicplayer/app_webview/Default with result 7: No
such file or directory (2)
22:48:08.502 cr_media W Requires BLUETOOTH permission
22:48:08.522 mali_egl I eglDestroySurface() in
22:48:08.522 I eglDestroySurface() out
22:48:08.572 Pi_SDKUtil I :: AdmobSDK
onInitializationComplete called.Invoking latch.countDown()
22:48:08.574 Pi_NativeBannerAdLoade I Latch released by SDKUtil for :
[ MAINACTIVITY_BOTTOM ] after : [743 ms ]
22:48:08.574 I Latch released by SDKUtil for :
[ PLAYACTIVITY_BOTTOM ] after : [742 ms ]
22:48:08.590 I loading NativeBannerAd with
networkSelect : [ 0 ] for key : [ MAINACTIVITY_BOTTOM ]
22:48:08.590 I loading NativeBannerAd with
networkSelect : [ 0 ] for key : [ PLAYACTIVITY_BOTTOM ]
22:48:08.606 Pi_MyApplication I initFlurrySDK :: Flurry new session
started. sessionID : [ 1637185688586 ]
22:48:08.608 System.out I (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled
22:48:08.608 I (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled
22:48:08.609 Ads I Use
4B814941FF48")) to get test ads on this device.
22:48:08.609 I Use
4B814941FF48")) to get test ads on this device.
22:48:08.625 DynamiteModule I Considering local module and remote module
22:48:08.625 I Selected remote version of, version >= 213806100
22:48:08.628 GASS I GassClearcutLogger Initialized.
22:48:08.662 DynamiteModule I Considering local module and remote module
22:48:08.662 I Selected remote version of, version >= 213806100
22:48:08.678 GASS I GassClearcutLogger Initialized.
22:48:08.979 Ads W Not retrying to fetch app settings
22:48:08.990 W Not retrying to fetch app settings
22:48:09.048 System.out I (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled
22:48:09.048 I (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled
22:48:09.053 I (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled
22:48:09.053 I (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled
22:48:09.151 ActivityThread W handleWindowVisibility: no activity
for token android.os.BinderProxy@794d817
22:48:09.165 Pi_Pi_ActivityTracker I increment() :: AliveActivities =
[ 1 ]
22:48:09.166 Pi_MainActivity I [[ Android Lifecycle Method ]]
onCreate() :: start of method onCreate < HIGH >
22:48:09.167 MultiWindowDecorSupport I [INFO] isPopOver = false
22:48:09.168 I updateCaptionType >>
DecorView@a43712b[], isFloating: false, isApplication: true, hasWindowDecorCaption:
false, hasWindowControllerCallback: true
22:48:09.219 Pi_AdCache I preLoadAd() :: preloading ads for : [
1 ] elements
22:48:09.219 I :: checking whether to
preload ad for : [ PLAYACTIVITY_BOTTOM ]
22:48:09.219 I :: is Ad Already present
for [PLAYACTIVITY_BOTTOM ] : [ false ]
22:48:09.219 I loadAdFor() :: loading ad for :
22:48:09.219 I ::
isLoadingAlreadyInProgress : [true ]
22:48:09.230 Pi_MainActivity I onCreate ---> SongInfoObject is null
22:48:09.231 CurrSongInfo I setPlayerPostion() :: PlayerPostion :
[ 0 ]
22:48:09.231 Pi_TinyDBHelper I getting
DefaultMainActivityTabsOrderList . CurrentThread : [ main ]
22:48:09.231 I defaultTabsList : [ [Tracks,
Playlists, Discover, Folders, Albums, Artists, Genres] ]
22:48:09.231 I loadPreference() :: Load Preference
22:48:09.231 Pi_MainActivity I onCreate() :: Setting up IMPORTANT
DATA for the first time
22:48:09.231 I :: Song : null
22:48:09.231 I :: Artist : null
22:48:09.231 I :: Album : null
22:48:09.231 I startMyService() :: Starting
PlayHelper Service
22:48:09.233 System W A resource failed to call close.
22:48:09.235 Pi_MainActivity I setUpViewPager() :: Setting up view
22:48:09.245 FirebaseRemoteConfig W No value of type 'Boolean' exists for
parameter key 'show_main_nav_video_player_redirect'.
22:48:09.250 Pi_MainActivity I logMainActivityOrientation() ::
MainActivity orientation is ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT
22:48:09.250 I [[ Android Lifecycle Method ]]
onCreate() :: end of method onCreate < HIGH >
22:48:09.251 Pi_UtilFunctions I isNetworkAvailable() ::
isNetworkAvailable : [true]
22:48:09.252 FirebaseRemoteConfig W No value of type 'Boolean' exists for
parameter key 'show_in_app_update'.
22:48:09.252 Pi_MainActivity I onCreate() :: Time taken for onCreate
: 86
22:48:09.253 Pi_UtilFunctions I isNetworkAvailable() ::
isNetworkAvailable : [true]
22:48:09.255 PlayCore I UID: [10086] PID: [11875]
AppUpdateService : requestUpdateInfo(com.Project100Pi.themusicplayer)
22:48:09.256 Pi_SmartPlaylistDAL I getSmartPlaylistSongIdList() ::
smartPlaylistType : [PI_FAVOURITES]
22:48:09.256 I getConcatKeyListForSmartPlaylist() ::
smartPlaylistType [PI_FAVOURITES]
22:48:09.257 PlayCore I UID: [10086] PID: [11875]
AppUpdateListenerRegistry : registerListener
22:48:09.258 I UID: [10086] PID: [11875]
AppUpdateService : Initiate binding to the service.
22:48:09.258 Pi_SmartPlaylistDAL I ::
return value, piSongInfoPairList : [[PiSongInfoPair{audioSource='local',
key='13139104#547368#Funkytown Eklablog.'}, PiSongInfoPair{audioSource='local',
key='18027643#505929#lazurus man'}, PiSongInfoPair{audioSource='local',
key='22837750#683169#dancing girl'}, PiSongInfoPair{audioSource='local',
key='19649139#568903#african violet'}, PiSongInfoPair{audioSource='local',
key='9189625#287086#Traccia Audio 01'}, PiSongInfoPair{audioSource='local',
key='9592538#299677#Traccia Audio 02'}]]
22:48:09.259 Pi_ConcatKeyUtil I getConcatKeyToSongIdMap() :: initial
index : [0], final index : [6]
22:48:09.259 I ::
22:48:09.260 Pi_MainActivity I [[ Android Lifecycle Method ]]
onStart() :: start of method onStart < HIGH >
22:48:09.267 I
:: end of method onStart < HIGH >
22:48:09.267 Pi_AdManager I AdManager.start() :: registering for
Ad for : [MAINACTIVITY_BOTTOM] as Lifecycle Event OnStart called
22:48:09.267 I AdManager..registerForAd() ::
registering for Ad for : [ MAINACTIVITY_BOTTOM ]
22:48:09.267 Pi_InAppUpdateManager I checkAppLaunchCount() :: adShowLimit
is not multiple of 5 :: 289
22:48:09.267 Pi_MainActivity I [[ Android Lifecycle Method ]]
onResume() :: start of method onResume < HIGH >
22:48:09.269 W updateFrontNowPlaying() :: Error
while updating the NowPlaying Song.
22:48:09.269 W java.lang.NullPointerException:
Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int' on a null
object reference
22:48:09.269 W at
22:48:09.269 W at
22:48:09.269 W at
22:48:09.269 W at
22:48:09.269 W at
22:48:09.269 W at
22:48:09.269 W at
22:48:09.269 W at
22:48:09.269 W at
22:48:09.269 W at
22:48:09.269 W at$H.handleMessage(
22:48:09.269 W at
22:48:09.269 W at
22:48:09.269 W at
22:48:09.269 W at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
22:48:09.269 W at$
22:48:09.269 W at
22:48:09.269 I [[ Android Lifecycle Method ]]
onResume() :: end of method onResume < HIGH >
--------- beginning of system

22:48:09.276 Pi_PlayHelperFunctions I onCreate() :: PlayerHelper Service

onCreate Called.
22:48:09.276 Pi_MediaSessionManager I initializeMediaPlayerHandler() ::
Initializing MediaPlayerThread
22:48:09.277 I ::
Successfully initialized MediaPlayerThread
22:48:09.277 I initializeMediaSession() ::
Initializing mediasession and mediaSession callbacks
22:48:09.281 I ::
Successfully initialized mediasession and mediaSession callbacks
22:48:09.281 Pi_PlaybackManager I PlaybackManager():: begin
instantiating PlaybackManager object
22:48:09.285 Pi_SmartPlaylistDAL I getSmartPlaylistSongIdList() ::
return value, songIdList : [[8369, 8374, 8371, 8353, 8354]]
22:48:09.288 Pi_SSChangeReceiver I register() :: registering for lock
screen state change events
22:48:09.288 Pi_PlaybackManager I PlaybackManager():: end of object
22:48:09.288 Pi_PlaybackStateManager I buildPlaybackStateObj() :: playback
state : [ STATE_NONE ]
22:48:09.289 Pi_MediaSessionManager I storeTokenAndID() :: storing Token
and ID for further use
22:48:09.289 I :: successfully
stored Token and ID
22:48:09.290 Pi_PlayHelperFunctions I prepareMediaPlayerOnCreate() ::
trying to preparing media player for first time
22:48:09.292 I onCreate() :: End of
PlayHelperFunctions onCreate()
22:48:09.292 MSessionCallbacks I onCustomAction() ::
ACTION_SET_UP_AUDIO_PLAYER . Current Thread : [ MediaPlayerThread ]
22:48:09.292 I ::
ACTION_SET_UP_AUDIO_PLAYER . Current MediaPlayerState : [ STATE_IDLE ]
22:48:09.292 Pi_PlaybackManager I audioPlayer() :: begin. current
thread : [ MediaPlayerThread ]
22:48:09.292 I :: isServiceCreated
: [ true ]
22:48:09.292 I ::
isForegroundNotificationStarted : [ false ]
22:48:09.292 I :: isSongPlaying (our
boolean) : [ false ]
22:48:09.292 I ::
localMediaPlayer.isMediaPlayerPlaying() (mp.isPlaying() ) : [ false ]
22:48:09.292 I :: MyApplication
service reference :
[ com.project100Pi.themusicplayer.PlayHelperFunctions@25e7f70 ]
22:48:09.292 I :: MediaPlayerState
22:48:09.292 I ::
isMediaSessionAvailable : [ true ]
22:48:09.293 I ::
isAudioSourceChanged : true
22:48:09.293 Pi_LocalMediaPlayer I setMediaPlayerState() :: [ STATE_IDLE
] ---> [ STATE_IDLE ]
22:48:09.294 Pi_PlayHelperFunctions I [[ Service Lifecycle Method ]]
onStartCommand() :: start of method onStartCommand < HIGH >
22:48:09.294 I onStartCommand() :: End of
22:48:09.294 I [[ Service Lifecycle Method ]]
onStartCommand() :: end of method onStartCommand < HIGH >
22:48:09.294 Pi_PlaybackUtil I
setMainActivityCurrsongInfoFromCursor() :: begin. current thread MediaPlayerThread
22:48:09.294 Pi_AdManager I AdManager.adCacheRegisterTask() ::
Requesting/Registering Ad again for : [ MAINACTIVITY_BOTTOM ]
22:48:09.295 Pi_UtilFunctions I isNetworkAvailable() ::
isNetworkAvailable : [true]
22:48:09.295 Pi_AdCache I registerForAd() :: Registering for
AdPlacement : [MAINACTIVITY_BOTTOM] .Observer :
[com.project100Pi.themusicplayer.ui.activity.MainActivity@104deb3 ]
22:48:09.296 FirebaseRemoteConfig W No value of type 'Long' exists for
parameter key 'ad_cache_prune_time_ms'.
22:48:09.298 Pi_AdCache I start() called.
isPruningINProgress :true
22:48:09.298 I loadAdFor() :: loading ad for :
22:48:09.298 I ::
isLoadingAlreadyInProgress : [true ]
22:48:09.308 Pi_PlaybackUtil I checkAndSongCoverBitmap() :: Bitmap
loaded using : [ URI ] for Q
22:48:09.315 Pi_FirstFragmentTest I First fragment new instance creation
22:48:09.327 Pi_DataLoaderFactory I getDataForTracks() :: getting data
for tracks
22:48:09.327 I :: Total tracks
loaded :[ 80 ]
22:48:09.327 Pi_FirstFragmentTest I setRecylerViewAdapter() :: isAdded is
TRUE. So setting the FirstFragment adapter now.
22:48:09.328 Pi_UtilFunctions I isNetworkAvailable() ::
isNetworkAvailable : [true]
22:48:09.328 Pi_FirstFragmentTest I tryShowingTracksData() :: Setting up
section indexer
22:48:09.335 Pi_FifthFragmentTest I [[ Android Lifecycle Method ]]
onResume() :: start of method onResume < MEDIUM >
22:48:09.335 I
:: end of method onResume < MEDIUM >

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