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Summative Test

Reading and Writing

I. Choose the letter of your answer.
1. Which of the following is not a property of a well-written text?
A. Coherence and Cohesion B. Paragraphing C. Organization D. Writing Mechanics
2.  A well-written text is...
A. the writer’s knowledge of the fundamental properties of grammar
B. built around effective paragraphing, on coherence and on established conventions
C. the properties that show the interplay of both the physical aspects of organization and deeper textual aspects
D. constitutes proper paragraphing and logical order of presentation of ideas
3. Which property of a well-written text constitutes proper paragraphing and logical order of presentation of ideas?
A. Organization B. Coherence and Cohesion C. Language Use D. Writing Mechanics
4. What is referred as the order or arrangement of ideas in a text or composition?
A. body B. conclusion C. organization D. introduction
5. What is described as whether the language used is spoken or written, and formal or informal?
A. register B. connotation C. figures of speech D. idiomatic expression
6. What property of a well-written text ensures the ideas are united at the paragraph level?
A. cohesion B. coherence C. organization D. language use
7. What is the language used in this statement? “The virus is like an enemy with invisible cloak which cannot be seen.”
A. register B. figures of speech C. idiomatic expression D. denotation and connotation
8. Which of the following rhetorical devices is applicable when describing location, space, or position of things in an essay?
A. due to B. besides C. upper left D. for instance
9. What property of a well-written text involves spelling, spacing, punctuation marks, indentation, abbreviation, and capitalization?
A. mechanics B. language use C. paragraph organization D. coherence and cohesion
10. Angel is the snake in her group that is why their friendship was ruined. What is the denotative meaning of the word “snake”?
A. shy B. traitor C. careless D. unmindful
11. What property of a well-written text helps the sentences to become meaningful by sticking the ideas together?
A. cohesion B. coherence C. organization D. language use
12. Kim is presenting the problems and solutions about the Social Amelioration Program (SAP) in her essay. What type of paragraph
organization is appropriate to use?
A. listing order B. spatial order C. complexity order D. sequential order
13. Kathryn is processing her medical certificate so that she will be allowed to go back to her province. What is the field register of
the medical certificate?
A. legalese B. teacherese C. journalese D. medicalese
14. In a short composition, Coco is trying to recall his experiences when the police officers caught him violating the curfew hours
during Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ). What type of paragraph organization is applicable?
A. listing order B. spatial order C. complexity order D. sequential order
15. Gabby wrote a composition about the beauty of nature in his province: the ocean, breeze, clouds, farm, and flowers around.
What dominant paragraph organization can be seen in his text?
A. listing order B. spatial order C. complexity order D. sequential order
16. Mr. Harry Roque was appointed as spokesperson of Pres. Duterte. He replaced Atty. Salvador Panelo , the chief legal counsel of
the President, who was the temporary spokesperson. Which of the following words in the above sentences helps to avoid
unnecessary repetition of name?
A. he B. as C. of D. was
16. Mass Testing for the communicable diseases like CoVid-19 to identify as early as possible and precautions can be given. This idea
can help a lot to prevent the spread of the virus. What is being referred by the anaphoric pronoun, this idea, in the statement?
A. CoViD-19 B. precautions C. mass testing D. communicable diseases
17. quarantine means limiting the movements of people to prevent the spread of virus. When people came from a certain place
going to another place with complete documents, they are advised to be quarantined for fourteen days. What is the error in the
above statement?
A. spelling B. indention C. capitalization D. punctuation mark
18. When reading a particular text, it is always best to _____.
19. How can we say that the text is good?
A. When the writer makes use of second-hand information in the text.
B. It makes use of industry jargon words
C. The message is effective and clear.
D. When the main topic is vague.
20. It may refer to the relationship between the parts of a text such as elements to a sentence, sentences to paragraphs.
A. Organization B. Coherence and Cohesion C. Language Use D. Mechanics
21. Effective writing development requires the appropriate application of the following except for ONE:
A. Clarity B. Completeness C. Shocking Information D. Unity
22. This is the ability of the writer to express the desired message in few words.
A. Organization B. Coherence and Cohesion C. Language Use D. Mechanics
II. Identify the concept being described in the following.
24. Sentence that summarizes the main idea of a paragraph.
25. Provide examples for the topic sentence.
26. Is the logical progression and completeness of ideas in a text.
27. The term use to describe the technical aspects of writing, such as spelling, punctuation, capitalization, etc.
28. The connectivity in the text
29. Refers to style or register, denotative and connotative language, figures of speech, and idiomatic expression.
30. A series of sentences that are organized, coherent and are all related to a single topic
III. Write True if the statement is true and False if otherwise.
31. Coherence and cohesion are two different characteristics of a well-written text.
32. Transitional words are needed to show coherence.
33. Appropriateness of language use in developing a written discourse is an important characteristic of a well-written text.
34. Using contractions in writing a paragraph is a part of mechanics of language.
35. Organization is achieved when these ideas are logically and accurate arranged.
IV. For items 36-40. Identify the kind of property of a well-written text is shown in each excerpt.
36. Eiffel Tower is divided into three sections. The lowest section of the tower contains the entrance, a gift shop and a restaurant.
The middle section of the tower consists of stairs and elevators that lead to the top. The top section of the tower includes an
observation deck with a spectacular view of Paris.
37. Last year, late October and November, the country was bombarded with consecutive typhoons. As a result, there were a lot of
properties which were destroyed and some families lost their loved ones.
38. The researchers provided the bad results to the company. The researchers provided the negative results to the company.
39. During the consecutive blasts of typhoons last year, the most affected areas in the National Capital Region and nearby
municipalities declared a one-month suspension of classes, which paved way for the distribution of relief goods and other help to
the affected families.
40. The display of this automatic washing machine changes whenever you change the mode of washing. This small screen shows the
number of the mode and the time it will consume as well as the volume of water to be used.
V. For items 41-45: Write Yes or No.

A Good Summer Job

Some people would describe a good summer job as one that takes little effort and pays well. Others would say that the best place to
work in the summer is the city. Still other would maintain that a good summer job prepares a person for a career. Among the best
summer jobs, however, are that offer advantages in both the present and the future by training a person to work hard and to face
all kinds of people. Working as a waiter or waitress is one such job. Waiting on tables can teach a person the valuable skills of
working efficiently and of relating to other people.

A good waiter or waitress can learn an even more valuable skill – the ability to relate to people – through serving all kinds of
customers in all kinds of situations. A certain behavior must be mastered if a waiter or waitress is to please customers and make
good tips: confidence with strangers, politeness, friendliness, helpfulness patience and calmness at all times.

Waiting on tables is an experience a person should not miss because it teaches the efficient use of time and energy and the skill of
coping with diverse people.

Waiting on tables is an experience a person should not miss because it teaches the efficient use of time and energy and the skill of
coping with diverse people.

41.Does the introduction lead up to the thesis statement by getting the reader’s attention, providing background information, and
indicating your purpose?
42. Does the thesis statement express a clearly focused main point that is appropriate for your audience and purpose?
43. Does the body of the essay thoroughly develop the main point with well-chosen supporting information?
44. Are the ideas in each paragraph organized logically and connected with transitions?
45. Are there any mistakes in grammar, mechanics or spelling?

VI. Arrange the sentences from 1 to 5 in appropriate order to form a sensible paragraph. Write your answer on the blank.
_____ 46. However, when people do not wash their hands after using phones and cards, they are still prone to infections.
_____ 47. These microorganisms can survive on the coins and paper bills that can be transmitted through hand contact.
_____ 48. Studies suggest that paper bills are covered with germs leading to the spread of virus.
_____ 49. Paper currency and coins may be a cause of the spread of virus and bacteria.
_____ 50. Thus, there is a suggestion to go for cashless payments and transactions.

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