Psychological Pressure and Manipulation

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Phycological pressure and manipulation Let’s say, for example, you have a ball of
playdough. When you put pressure on it, it
are tactics used to influence someone's
behaviour or thoughts. It can be done in
many ways, such as making someone
collapses and you can manipulate it. You
make it look and be how you want it to be. pressure and
feel guilty for not doing what you want or
making them believe your way is the
pressure and manipulation can look like: -
Using threats, intimidation, or coercion to manipulation
only right way. Sometimes, it can be control someone's behaviour or thoughts -
very subtle and hard to detect, but it can Making someone feel guilty or ashamed for
not doing what you want
greatly impact the person being
manipulated. - Lying or withholding important information
to gain an advantage
- Using flattery or praise to get someone to
do something for you
- Isolating someone from their support
system to make them more vulnerable to
- Using gaslighting, which is when someone
makes someone else question their own
sanity or perception of reality It's important to
be aware of these tactics so that you can
recognize them and protect yourself from
being manipulated.
Some warning signs of psychological
pressure and manipulation include:
- Feeling like you can't say no to "When ambition gets
someone out of hand we are
- Feeling like you always have to explain vulnerable to
yourself to someone.
manipulation by
- Feeling like you're walking on eggshells
around someone or afraid to upset them. others."
- Feeling like your sense of self is being
eroded or undermined. -KEITH CAMPBELL,

- Feeling like you're putting the other

person's needs before your own all the
- Feeling like you're being treated unfairly
but can't speak up about it.

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