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Sure, here's an example of a meeting agenda with a client:

Agenda for Meeting with Client on [Date and Time]

1. Introductions and Welcome
• Introduce yourself and any team members present
• Thank the client for attending the meeting
2. Purpose of the Meeting
• Briefly explain the purpose of the meeting and the topics to be discussed
• Confirm that the agenda is agreeable to the client
3. Project Update
• Provide an overview of the current status of the project
• Highlight any milestones achieved since the last meeting
• Address any concerns or issues that have arisen since the last meeting
4. Client Feedback
• Ask the client for feedback on the project progress so far
• Discuss any areas where the client would like to see improvement
• Address any questions or concerns the client may have
5. Scope Changes or Additions
• Discuss any changes or additions to the project scope
• Confirm that these changes or additions are acceptable to the client
• Outline any potential impacts on project timelines or budget
6. Next Steps
• Agree on next steps for the project
• Confirm any action items or deliverables that need to be completed by either
• Set a timeline for the next meeting or project milestone
7. Closing Remarks
• Thank the client for attending the meeting
• Recap any important takeaways or action items
• Confirm any follow-up communication or meetings
Note: This is just an example, and the specific agenda items may vary depending on the
nature of the project and the client's requirements.

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