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NSBM Walk 2018

Student Disciplinary Code

 Students should wear the NSBM Walk 2018 T shirt and jeans to the event; no other
outfits are accepted.
 Students should keep their NSBM Students ID card with them at all the times from
start to end of the event. Further if a lecturer or NSBM Staff member request they
should provide the ID card for inspection immediately.
 Students cannot take their private vehicles in the walk, Only the pre-registered
vehicles will be allowed in the walk. In case organizing committee notice an
unauthorized vehicle they will ask student to remove it form the parade immediately
which students should adhered to.
 Students cannot invite any outsiders (friends, family members, etc) to the event.
Outsiders are not allowed to participate in the walk and in the final event. In case
organizing committee notice any outsiders they will ask them to leave the premises
as soon as possible.
 Students are not allowed to bring any type of fireworks, flammable devices (e.g.
torches) to the event.
 Students cannot take any alcoholic beverages, toxic substances to the event. If any
one is found under the influence of drugs or alcohol they will be turned to the
 Smoking is strictly prohibited in the walk and in the final event.
 Students should take all the measures to practice environmental friendly behavior.
Garbage should be put into bins only.
 If there are any conflicts between students’; relevant people should immediately
take the matter to organizing committee. No conflicts will be entertained at any
 Students should strictly adhere to the guidelines given by the on-duty police officers
at all time’ No student is allowed to violate any traffic rules or guidance issued by
the on-duty police officers. (e.g. moving vehicles in opposite directions, using motor
bicycles in risky manner) Such students are advised to taken in to custody.
 Students should not disturb any oncoming traffic or pedestrians. Police officers are
advised take stiff measures against such students.
 Students cannot harm or destroy any public or private property. Such students will
be handed over to police to take legal action. Any losses will be reimbursed from the
students personally.
 No students should harass or violate personal space of other students.
All the students are expected to follow the above rules on 4 th of March 2018. Any students who
violate above rules will be suspended from the studentship immediately. Organizing committee
and student’s reps are advised to report any violation of above rules to Dr. Rasika Ranaweera,
Mr. Suakshana De Alwis, Mr. Kasun Dissanayaka and Mr. Mohamed Shafraz.
Disciplinary Hotline:
You can WhatsApp or Viber any disciplinary violation immediately using these numbers. Please
include a photo, place and student names (if known).
Batches who violate disciplinary code will not be entitled for the final prize.

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