Tropical Cyclones and Factors Influencing Climate: By: Onen Laila

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A tropical cyclone is referred to as an intense circular storm that
originates over warm tropical oceans and is made up of low
atmospheric pressure( rising air that blows in an anticlockwise
direction around the Northern hemisphere). Drawing energy from
the sea surface and maintaining its strength as long as it stays over
warm water, tropical cyclone generates strong winds travelling at a
very fast speed. Following these strong winds are torrential rains and
a storm surge( a coastal flood of rising water commonly associated
with low pressure weather systems). It has a group of clouds spiraling
towards the eyewall surrounding the 'eye', the center part of the
system where the weather is usually calm. They develop in the late
summer and early autumn. They can also be referred to as hurricanes
and typhoons.
Cyclones are caused by atmospheric disturbances around a low
pressure determined by swift and often destructive air
circulation. As low pressure occurs on either side of the equator
and together with the air heated over the warm tropical ocean,
results in thundery showers. Occasionally, these thundery
showers group together creating rapidly rising warm air which
leads to the development of a low preesure centre.
Humidity must be high
High sea temperatures of at least 27 degrees celsius.
Converging winds near the ocean surface forcing air to rise and
form storm clouds.
Winds that don't vary greatly with height- known as low wind
shear. This allows the storm clouds grow faster vertically into the
air which helps the storm develop and become stronger.
Sufficient distance from the equator such as the coriolis force(
force that appearsto deflect the wind) to take effect.
1. Human activities- Human activities contribute to climate cge by
increasing levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. A large
part of this is due to the burning of fossil fuels like coal, natural gas
and oil.
2. Temperature- Temperature is a measure of how hot or cold an
object is. It affects climate because it makes thd surface of the
earth warmer and colder.The surface of the earth can absorb heat
from the sun and so, when it becomes hotter, it will cause global
warming. However, if there is ice on top of the ground there will be
less heat being absorbedby the ground. It can have an enomous
impact on: net radiation balance
precipation(temperature helps make storms)
runoff and soilmoisture
urban heat island
3.Humidity-High humidity in the air especially when it si combined
with stagnant atmospheric layers, can reduce both the amount of
ground level solar radiation and the amount of radiation escapes
directly to space. This leads to greater absorpton of sunlight's heat the
atmosphere and earth's surface, resulting to ore warming. The higher
the humidity the more moisture that's in the air and this can affect how
much energy it takes to heat up an object or room because moist air
holds more heat than dry air.
4.Precipitation-This is a measure that takes into account the amount of
water that falls from the sky.This term can refer to rain, snow, hail, or
other forms of liqiud and solid precipitation.It brings in more water to
earth's surface which cools down. It also helps regulate the cycle of
water through evaporation and condensation impacting on plant life. It
can also create natural dsasters such as flooding and landslides.
5.Winds and Ocean Currents-Winds help to transport heat around
the globe and give major storms their intensity, creates rain or snow.
6.Solar radiation-important factor in limate change due to the
heating effects of the sun. It can cause positive feedback loop where
more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere creates a warmer
environment, whiich causes more solar radiation to be absorbed,
resulting in even higher levels of atmospheric concentrations.
7.Latitude- influences the amount of sunlight that hits the earth. This
affects the amount of energy absorbed and that released.

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