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MIMT 5210:

Managing Global Complexity

Session 1:
Negotiation Fundamental
Melody M. Chao
Spring 2023
Session 1’s focus
Course information
Negotiation basics
Simulation exercise
Yerba Mate
Concluding thoughts
Course Information
Course meetings
Schedule (Tuesdays: 0930-1250HKT)
February 7, 14, 21, 28
March 7, 14, 21, 28
To help with course planning, inform us ahead of
time if you were unable to attend a given session
Course Information
Class Exercises (e.g., simulation & case planning) 30%
Class Discussion/Participation 15%
Final Exam 30%
Learning Reflection 25%
Total 100%
Session 1’s focus
Course information
Negotiation basics
Simulation exercise
Yerba Mate
Concluding thoughts
The most important person to know…?

Becky Tsui
Instructional Assistant
LSK Room 5018
3469 2239
The Roadmap
Negotiation Culture & Dispute
basics negotiation resolution

Social Use of third

Teamwork dilemma party

at the table
About the course…
What is it not about?
Compare and contrast different cultural
groups (the traditional approach)
Present a “best practice” for each culture

What is this course about?

Learn about conflict management, and
cultural issues involved
Understand the impact of “mindset”
Be aware of our default
Recognize potential options
Draw attention to our learning process
1) Reflective Cycle
 Description – what happened?
 Feelings – what were you thinking and feeling?
 Evaluation – what was good and bad about
the experience? What went well and what
went badly?
 Analysis – what sense can you make of the
 Conclusion – what else could you have done?
 Action plan – if it arose again, what would you
Gibbs, G. (1988) Learning by doing.
A guide to teaching and learning methods. Oxford Polytechnic: Oxford.
2) Go-to-the-Balcony Reflection
 Go to the balcony
 Adopt bird’s eye view to consider the bigger picture
 Take the perspectives of different parties involved
 Which are the parties involved or affected?
 What are the different layers and perspectives of the
 How might the situation change with time?
 What might be the uncertainties surrounding this
 If there are ways that can help different parties work
together -- toward arrangements that protect and
benefit all people -- what will they be?

Adopted from
Ury, W. (1991). Getting pass no: Negotiating in difficult situations.
Brienza, Kung, & Chao (2021). Wise reasoning, intergroup positivity, and
attitude polarization across contexts.
3) Think about “thinking”…
Intellectual and Change
Humility Incomplete
Your knowledge is information
limited! about situations
Realize what you Situations and
don’t know perspectives
can change
What is

Multiple Integrating
Perspectives Perspectives
Other person or Synthesize &
groups information; be
Bigger picture, aware of their
bird view contradiction

Adopted from
Brienza, Kung, & Chao (2021). Wise reasoning, intergroup positivity, and attitude polarization across contexts.

heuristic vs. systematic

Cognitive miser
System 1 vs. System 2
reflexive vs. reflective
fast vs. slow

“Save my brain
power. I don’t want
to think if I don’t
have to.”
What are involved in this class?
Class discussion/participation
Raise hand / just speak up
Note down ideas / thoughts
Learn through reflection & discussion
Negotiation simulation
Breakout sessions (one-on-one; or team
Planning document (submit after completing
each simulation, before class ends)
Contract (submit after completing each
simulation; before class ends)
Note: Completion time varies
What are involved in this class?
Outside of class time
Readings / notes
Simulation planning & preparation
During class
Discussion participation
Simulation / class exercises
End of semester
Reflection paper
(available online; refer to Canvas announcement)

Brett, J. M. (2014). Negotiating Globally: How to
Negotiate Deals, Resolve Disputes, and Make
Decisions. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, John Wiley
& Sons, Inc.

Additional reference:
Gehrke, B., & Claes, M. (2014). Global Leadership
Practices. A cross cultural management perspective.
New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
What is this course about?
Resolving disputes & social dilemmas; touches briefly on
deal making.
Why? Any personal experiences (as leader, as
peer, as subordinates, etc.)?
How do you resolve conflicts / disputes?
Practice & train our negotiation skills in a safe setting…
get us prepared…
Learn to negotiation & also learn to walk out
How do you feel about negotiation?
Negotiated out of a job?…
19 What would you do?
What are the ‘ways / processes’ we can use
to resolve dispute?

Six main processes

Is negotiation all about resolving

Can be used for:

Dispute resolution
Deal making
Session 1’s focus
 Introduction to the course
 Negotiation basics
Six main dispute resolution processes
Dispute resolution vs. deal making
 Simulation exercise: Yerba Mate
Importance of planning
Reservation & Aspiration points
Expanding the pie
Integrative & distributive negotiation
A deal making simulation
Yerba Mate
 Total time for the “breakout” session:
 20 min: Prepare individually (adv. planning template!)
 25 min: Negotiate with your partner
 10 min: Complete contract; complete post-negotiation exercise
 URL:
 Notes
 Instructor and IA might “stop by” different breakout room
randomly (but we will only observe quietly)
 Please return to the lecture room at the time noted by your
 If your pair finishes earlier, feel free to join us back in the lecture
room for a chat, go over the materials discussed, take a look at
the textbook, or take a break, and return when the time is up.
Discussion Questions
 What are your roles?
 Buyer: Peace Café
 Seller: Guayaki Company
 Anchoring effect:
 Who gave the first offer? What is it?
 What are your Reservation vs. Aspiration points?
 What is your BATNA?
 What are your outcomes?
 What is the nature of this negotiation? Distributive?
Session 1’s focus
 Introduction to the course
 Negotiation basics
Six main dispute resolution processes
Dispute resolution vs. deal making
 Simulation exercise: Yerba Mate
Importance of planning
Reservation & Aspiration points
Expanding the pie
Integrative & distributive negotiation

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