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1. GR No. 100113Cayetano v. Monsod – 3.

5 SCRA 661 Gutierrez – Moral

practice of law; key: a practice which Turpitude; key: Under section 5 of Rule
requires application of legal knowledge 127, a member of the bar may be
is a practice of law. removed suspended from his office as
attorney by the Supreme Court by
Cayetano was appointed as a COMELEC
reason of his conviction of a crime
Chairperson but his appointment was
insolving moral turpitude. Murder is,
challenged on the ground that he was not
without doubt, such a crime. The term
engaged in the practice of law for more than 10
"moral turpitude" includes everything
years. The court ruled that the Petition for
which is done contrary to justice,
certiorari were not meritorious and that
honesty, modesty or good morals.
Monsod was qualified with the said position.
The Court explained that Practice of law means Gutierrez is a member of PH bar who has been
any activity, in or out of court, which requires convicted of murder. The victim’s widow prayed
the application of law, legal procedure, that respondent be disbarred in accordance
knowledge, training and experience. Atty. with Rule 127 Sec 5. Respondent relies on
Monsod’s past work experiences as a lawyer- Lontok case which held that pardon from the
economist, a lawyer-manager, a lawyer- president bars the proceeding of his
entrepreneur of industry, a lawyer-negotiator of disbarment. However, in this case, Lontok case
contracts, and a lawyer-legislator of both the is inapplicable because only conditional pardon
rich and the poor–verily more than satisfy the was given. The court, pursuant to the above
constitutional requirement–that he has been rules ordered Gutierrez disbarred.
engaged in the practice of law for at least ten
4. 49 SCRA 22 In Re: IBP Integration; key:
requires membership and financial
2. 540 SCRA 424 Dacanay Case – Resume support (in reasonable amount) of
practice of law; key: no automatic right every attorney as conditions sine qua
to resume law practice accrues, a non to the practice of law and the
Filipino who has reacquired his retention of his name in the Roll of
citizenship must seek authorization Attorneys of the Supreme Court.
from the Court.
Republic Act. No. 6397 entitled “An Act
Dacanay was admitted to the PH bar sometime Providing for the Integration of the Philippine
in 1960 but he migrated to Canada to seek Bar and Appropriating Funds Therefore” was
medical attention where he subsequently passed in September 1971, ordaining “Within
applied for Canadian citizenship to avail two years from the approval of this Act, the
Canada’s free medical program. In 2006, he Supreme Court may adopt rules of court to
reacquired his Filipino citizenship and returned effect the integration of the Philippine Bar.” The
to PH and now intends to resume his practice. Supreme Court formed a Commission on Bar
The Court held that although he [Dacanay] is Integration and in December 1972, the
also deemed never to have terminated his Commission earnestly recommended the
membership in the Philippine bar, no integration of the bar. The Court accepted all
automatic right to resume law practice comments on the proposed integration. The
accrues. Under RA 9225, if a person intends to Court held that it may integrate the Bar in the
practice the legal profession in the Philippines exercise of its power “to promulgate rules
and he reacquires his Filipino citizenship concerning pleading, practice, and procedure in
pursuant to its provisions “(he) shall apply with all courts, and the admission to the practice of
the proper authority for a license or permit to law.” Indeed, the power to integrate is an
engage in such practice. This is further qualified inherent part of the Court’s constitutional
by the Constitution which provides that practice authority over the Bar. Integration is not
of profession in the PH is limited to Filipinos violative of freedom of association because it
save in cases prescribed by law. Thus, loss of does not compel a lawyer to become a member
Filipino citizenship ipso jure terminates the of any group of which he is not already a
privilege to practice law in the Philippines. member. All that it does is “to provide an
official national organization for the well-
defined but unorganized and incohesive group
of which every lawyer is already a member.” He participated Annual General Meeting of IBP
The lawyer too is not compelled to attend Quezon City, and paid his statement dues and
meetings, participate of activities, etc. The only was included as a voting member for officers
compulsion is the payment of annual dues. and directors – also conferred to him a
Assuming, however, that it does compel a certificate of Membership in Good Standing
lawyer to be a member of an integrated bar, the from IBP QC Chapter; and (4) The Supreme
court held that “such compulsion is justified as Court never issued any order in the striking of
an exercise of the police power of the state” his name in the roll of attorneys, and paid his
dues and PTR. The Court in ruling held that
Integration is also not violative of the freedom
Respondent Abad should know that the
of speech just because dues paid by the lawyer
circumstances which he has narrated do not
may be used for projects or programs, which
constitute his admission to the Philippine Bar
the lawyer opposes. To rule otherwise would
and the right to practise law thereafter. He
make every government exaction a “free speech
should know that two essential requisites for
issue.” Furthermore, the lawyer is free to voice
becoming a lawyer still had to be performed,
out his objections to positions taken by the
namely: his lawyer's oath to be administered by
integrated bar. The dues exacted from lawyers
this Court and his signature in the Roll of
is not in the nature of a levy but is purely for
Attorneys. (Rule 138, Secs. 17 and 19, Rules of
purposes of regulation.
5. AC 4749 Santos v. Llamas; key: Limited
7. 222 SCRA 378 ULEP v. Legal Clinic;
practice of law does not relieve a
member of the bar from payment of IBP
dues. Petitioner contends that the advertisement
produced by the respondent are champertous,
Atty. Llamas was complained of not paying his
unethical, demeaning of the law profession and
IBP dues as well as his PTR. That complainant
destructive of community in the integrity of the
capitalizes on the fact that respondent had
bar and to a member of the legal profession. In
been delinquent in his dues. Respondent being
respondent’s answer, they admit such
a Senior Citizen since 1992, is legally exempt
publication but claims that it is not engaged in
under Section 4 of Rep. Act 7432 which took
practice of law but of rendering legal profession
effect in 1992, in the payment of taxes, income
through paralegal with the use of computer and
taxes as an example. Being thus exempt, he
electronic machines. The court held that the
honestly believe in view of his detachment from
respondent’s publication falls within the
a total practice of law, but only in a limited
definition of practice of law as defined in
practice, the subsequent payment by him of
Cayetano v. Monsod. Further, CPE before the
dues with the Integrated Bar is covered by such
adoption of CPR had also warned lawyers that
exemption. The Court held that respondent was
they should not resort to indirect
guilty of violating CPR and was suspended from
advertisements for professional employment,
practice of law for 1 year or until payment of
such as furnishing or inspiring newspaper
IBP dues.
comments, or procuring his photograph to be
6. 132 SCRA 453 Beltran vs. Abad – published in connection with causes in which
Essential Requisites for the practice of the lawyer have been engaged of concerning
law; key: Lawyers oath administered by the manner of the conduct, the magnitude of
[this] Court and Signature with RoA. the interest involved, the importance the of
the lawyer’s position and all other like self-
Mr. Elmo S. Abad was a successful examinee of laudation.
the 1978 bar examinations. His subsequent
practice of law was questioned and complained
by the President of Philippine Trial Lawyers’ 8. Petition for Authority to Continue se the
Association, Inc. Respondent explained that: (1) Firm Name “Sycip, Salazar, Feliciano,
He had already paid for the Bar Admission Fee; Hernandez, & Castillo”; nom de plume
(2) He was notified of the oath-taking by the
Petitions were filed by the surviving partners of
Supreme Court and signed the Lawyer’s Oath by
Atty. Alexander Sycip, who died on May 5, 1975
one clerk in the Office of the Bar Confidante; (3)
and by the surviving partners of Atty. Herminio
Ozaeta, who died on February 14, 1976, praying honesty, modesty, or good morals.[b] Not every
that they be allowed to continue using, in the criminal act, however, involves moral turpitude.
names of their firms, the names of partners It is for this reason that the Court has to
who had passed away. They contend that the determine as to what crime involves moral
continued use of the name of a deceased or turpitude."[c]
former partner when permissible by local
custom, is not unethical but care should be
taken that no imposition or deception is In the concurring opinion of Justice Arturo Brion
practiced through this use. The Court ruled in in one case (April 28, 2009. . Edgar Y. Teves v.
negative. In view of the personal and COMELEC. 604 Phil. 717), he explained that the
confidential nature of the relations between term "moral turpitude" first took root under the
attorney and client, and the high standards United States (U.S.) immigration laws.[1] Its
demanded in the canons of professional ethics, history can be traced back as far as the 17th
no practice should be allowed, which even in a century when the States of Virginia and
remote degree could give rise to the possibility Pennsylvania enacted the earliest immigration
of deception. Said attorneys are accordingly resolutions excluding criminals from America, in
advised to drop the names of the deceased response to the British government's policy of
partners from their firm name. Thus, it has been sending convicts to the colonies. State
stated that “the use of a nom de plume”, legislators at that time strongly suspected that
assumed or trade name in law practice is Europe was deliberately exporting its human
improper. liabilities.[2]
9. Garcia vs. Atty. Balauitan; key: Rule In the U.S., the term "moral turpitude" first
7.03 appeared in the Immigration Act of March 3,
1891, which directed the exclusion of persons
Atty B. sold to the petitioner a portion of his
who have been convicted of a felony or other
land and upon payment thereof, he learned
infamous crime or misdemeanor involving
that respondent mortgaged said land which
moral turpitude; this marked the first time the
prompted him to demand to the respondent a
U.S. Congress used the term "moral turpitude"
copy of the TCT of the land he purchased.
in immigration laws.[3] Since then, the presence
Respondent failed to produce the same and
of moral turpitude has been used as a test in a
demanded the return the money paid to him
variety of situations, including legislation
instead, however, respondent failed to do so.
governing the disbarment of attorneys and the
Petitioner filed for disbarment case against Atty
revocation of medical licenses. Moral turpitude
B. The Court held, siting Rule 7.03 of the Code,
also has been judicially used as a criterion in
provides that a lawyer should not engaged in
disqualifying and impeaching witnesses, in
conduct that adversely reflects on his fitness to
determining the measure of contribution
practice law. Respondent, through his dealing
between joint tortfeasors, and in deciding
with the petitioner involving a tiny parcel of
whether a certain language is slanderous.[4]
land, shows a want of professional honesty.
Such misdeed reflects on the moral stuff which In 1951, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on the
he is made of. His fitness to continue in the constitutionality of the term "moral turpitude"
advocacy of tlaw and manage the legal affairs of in Jordan v. De George.[5] The case presented
others are thus put in serious doubt. Guilty of only one question: whether conspiracy to
misconduct and dishonesty. defraud the U.S. of taxes on distilled spirits is a
crime involving moral turpitude within the
meaning of Section 19 (a) of the Immigration
Moral turpitude has been defined as everything Act of 1919 (Immigration Act). Sam De George,
which is done contrary to justice, modesty, or an Italian immigrant was convicted twice of
good morals; an act of baseness, vileness or conspiracy to defraud the U.S. government of
depravity in the private and social duties which taxes on distilled spirits. Subsequently, the
a man owes his fellowmen, or to society in Board of Immigration Appeals ordered De
general,[a] contrary to the accepted and George's deportation on the basis of the
customary rule of right and duty between man Immigration Act provision that allows the
and woman, or conduct contrary to justice, deportation of aliens who commit multiple
crimes involving moral turpitude. De George Supreme Court upon conviction of a crime
argued that he should not be deported because involving moral turpitude.[12] Subsequently,
his tax evasion crimes did not involve moral the term "moral turpitude" has been employed
turpitude. The U.S. Supreme Court, through in statutes governing disqualifications of
Chief Justice Vinzon, disagreed, finding that notaries public,[13] priests and ministers in
"under an unbroken course of judicial decisions, solemnizing marriages,[14] registration to
the crime of conspiring to defraud the U.S. is a military service,[15] exclusion[16] and
crime involving moral turpitude."[6] Notably, naturalization of aliens,[17] discharge of the
the Court determined that fraudulent conduct accused to be a state witness,[18] admission to
involved moral turpitude without exception: the bar,[19] suspension and removal of elective
local officials,[20] and disqualification of
Whatever the phrase "involving moral
persons from running for any elective local
turpitude" may mean in peripheral cases, the
decided cases make it plain that crimes in which
fraud was an ingredient have always been In Re Basa,[22] a 1920 case, provided the first
regarded as involving moral Fraud instance for the Court to define the term moral
is the touchstone by which this case should be turpitude in the context of Section 21 of the We therefore decide that Congress Code of Civil Procedure on the disbarment of a
sufficiently forewarned respondent that the lawyer for conviction of a crime involving moral
statutory consequence of twice conspiring to turpitude. Carlos S. Basa, a lawyer, was
defraud the United States is deportation. [7] convicted of the crime of abduction with
consent. The sole question presented was
Significantly, the U.S. Congress has never
whether the crime of abduction with consent,
exactly defined what amounts to a "crime
as punished by Article 446 of the Penal Code of
involving moral turpitude." The legislative
1887, involved moral turpitude. The Court,
history of statutes containing the moral
finding no exact definition in the statutes,
turpitude standard indicates that Congress left
turned to Bouvier's Law Dictionary for guidance
the interpretation of the term to U.S. courts and
and held:
administrative agencies.[8] In the absence of
legislative history as interpretative aid, "Moral turpitude," it has been said, "includes
American courts have resorted to the dictionary everything which is done contrary to justice,
definition - "the last resort of the baffled honesty, modesty, or good morals." (Bouvier's
judge."[9] The most common definition of Law Dictionary, cited by numerous courts.)
moral turpitude is similar to one found in the Although no decision can be found which has
early editions of Black's Law Dictionary: decided the exact question, it cannot admit of
doubt that crimes of this character involve
[An] act of baseness, vileness, or the depravity
moral turpitude. The inherent nature of the act
in private and social duties which man owes to
is such that it is against good morals and the
his fellow man, or to society in general, contrary
accepted rule of right conduct.
to the accepted and customary rule of right and
duty between man and man. xxx Act or Thus, early on, the Philippines followed the
behavior that gravely violates moral sentiment American lead and adopted a general dictionary
or accepted moral standards of community and definition, opening the way for a case-to-case
is a morally culpable quality held to be present approach in determining whether a crime
in some criminal offenses as distinguished from involves moral turpitude.
others. xxx The quality of a crime involving
Through the years, the Court has never
grave infringement of the moral sentiment of
significantly deviated from the Black's Law
the community as distinguished from statutory
Dictionary definition of moral turpitude as "an
mala prohibita.[10]
act of baseness, vileness, or depravity in the
In the Philippines, the term moral turpitude was private duties which a man owes his fellow
first introduced in 1901 in Act No. 190, men, or to society in general, contrary to the
otherwise known as the Code of Civil Actions accepted and customary rule of right and duty
and Special Proceedings.[11] The Act provided between man and woman, or conduct contrary
that a member of the bar may be removed or to justice, honesty, modesty, or good
suspended from his office as lawyer by the morals."[23] This definition is more specific than
that used in In re Vinzon[24] where the term certainty and fixity, are far from the usual
moral turpitude was considered as measures used in law.[31]
encompassing "everything which is done
Third, as a legal standard, moral turpitude fails
contrary to justice, honesty, or good
to inform anyone of what it requires.[32] It has
been said that the loose terminology of moral
In the U.S., these same definitions have been turpitude hampers uniformity since ... [i]t is
highly criticized for their vagueness and hardly to be expected that a word which baffle
ambiguity.[26] In Jordan, Justice Jackson noted judges will be more easily interpreted by
that "except for the Court's [majority opinion], laymen.[33] This led Justice Jackson to conclude
there appears to be a universal recognition that in Jordan that "moral turpitude offered judges
we have here an undefined and undefinable no clearer guideline than their own consciences,
standard."[27] Thus, the phrase "crimes inviting them to condemn all that we personally
involving moral turpitude" has been described disapprove and for no better reason than that
as "vague," "nebulous," "most unfortunate," we disapprove it."[34] This trait, however,
and even "bewildering." [28] cannot be taken lightly, given that the
consequences of committing a crime involving
Criticisms of moral turpitude as an inexactly
moral turpitude can be severe.
defined concept are not unwarranted. First, the
current definition of the term is broad. It can be Crimes Categorized as Crimes Involving Moral
stretched to include most kinds of wrongs in Turpitude[35]
society -- a result that the Legislature could not
Since the early 1920 case of In re Basa,[36] the
have intended. This Court itself concluded in
Court has maintained its case-by-case
IRRI v. NLRC[29] that moral turpitude "is
categorization of crimes on the basis of moral
somewhat a vague and indefinite term, the
turpitude and has labeled specific crimes as
meaning of which must be left to the process of
necessarily involving moral turpitude. The
judicial inclusion or exclusion as the cases are
following is a list, not necessarily complete, of
reached" - once again confirming, as late as
the crimes adjudged to involve moral turpitude:
1993 in IRRI, our case-by-case approach in
determining the crimes involving moral (a) Abduction with consent[37]
turpitude. (b) Bigamy[38]
(c) Concubinage[39]
Second, the definition also assumes the (d) Smuggling[40]
existence of a universally recognized code for (e) Rape[41]
socially acceptable behavior -- the "private and (f) Estafa through falsification of a
social duties which man owes to his fellow man, document[42]
or to society in general"; moral turpitude is an (g) Attempted Bribery[43]
act violating these duties. The problem is that (h) Profiteering[44]
the definition does not state what these duties (i) Robbery[45]
are, or provide examples of acts which violate (j) Murder, whether consummated or
them. Instead, it provides terms such as attempted[46]
"baseness," "vileness," and "depravity," which (k) Estafa[47]
(l) Theft[48]
better describe moral reactions to an act than
(m) Illicit Sexual Relations with a Fellow
the act itself. In essence, they are "conclusory
but non-descriptive."[30] To be sure, the use of
(n) Violation of BP Bldg. 22[50]
morality as a norm cannot be avoided, as the (o) Falsification of Document[51]
term "moral turpitude" contains the word (p) Intriguing against Honor[52]
"moral" and its direct connotation of right and (q) Violation of the Anti-Fencing Law[53]
wrong. "Turpitude," on the other hand, directly (r) Violation of Dangerous Drugs Act of
means "depravity" which cannot be appreciated 1972 (Drug-pushing)[54]
without considering an act's degree of being (s) Perjury[55]
right or wrong. Thus, the law, in adopting the (t) Forgery[56]
term "moral turpitude," necessarily adopted a (u) Direct Bribery[57]
concept involving notions of morality - (v) Frustrated Homicide[58]
standards that involve a good measure of Zari v. Flores[59] is one case that has provided
subjective consideration and, in terms of jurisprudence its own list of crimes involving
moral turpitude, namely: adultery,
concubinage, rape, arson, evasion of income
tax, barratry, bigamy, blackmail, bribery,
criminal conspiracy to smuggle opium, dueling,
embezzlement, extortion, forgery, libel, making
fraudulent proof of loss on insurance contract,
murder, mutilation of public records, fabrication
of evidence, offenses against pension laws,
perjury, seduction under the promise of
marriage, estafa, falsification of public
document, and estafa thru falsification of public

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