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FORUM: Economic and Social Council

TOPIC: Improving Accessibility of Primary Education in LEDCs

CO-SUBMITTERS: Latvia, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, The Kingdom of Pencil Sharpener, Norway

Respecting the national sovereignty of individuals countries

recognitions the deep and pressing dangers of a lack of education as a threat to national security

acknowledging saddening reality of western imperialism and ethnocentrism onto diverse cultures and
nation states

deeply alarmed by deep-pocketed spending by the opposition bloc

alarmed by the lack of sovereign decision on the way resources will be distributed to states in the bloc

Outline the incompetency of US education system that has been internationally critiqued for unequal
distribution of resources that mainly fails to evenly benefit people in LEDC’s

Educational opportunities are unequal for the rich and the poor

1. Requests for the establishment of the General Office of Better Education (GEOBE) to provide
resources such as but not limited to:
a. Agreed amount of funds to improve the quality of education in all countries
b. The necessary materials needed for a better education such as but not limited to:
i. Computers
ii. Textbooks
iii. Stationary
iv. Furniture
v. Improved infrastructure

2. Recommends the countries to work with the World Bank and other NGOs such as but not
limited to:
a. The Education of All Project
b. Barefoot College
c. Childhood Education International

3. Urges the importance for improving quality of education in LEDCs by:

a. Provide incentives for teachers in MEDCs to teach in LEDCs by:
I. subsidising the wages of teachers sent from MEDCs to LEDCs
II. increase pension funds of these teachers
b. Providing a conducive environment for teaching and learning by:
i. Creating appealing buildings, classrooms and offices in terms of:
1. Ventilation
2. Cleanliness
3. Lighting

4. Urges the countries to work with and establish more charities to improve the accessibility of
Primary Education in LEDCs such as but not limited to:
a. GPE
b. SCW

5. Recommends countries to increase the range of subjects offered to children ranging from the
age between 6-16, including:
a. Include mandatory subjects for all countries to teach such as but not limited to:
I. English
II. Math
III. Native language
b. Include additional subjects for all countries external from mandatory subjects, such as
but not limited to:
I. Philosophy
II. Disaster relief measures
III. Glocal politics

6. Calls for the MEDCs to provide economic endowments for building educational institutions
and services for all primary and secondary education institutions for reasons such as but not
limited to:
a. To ensure all education institutions are state owned.
i. ensure equitable access to education for all marginalised communities
ii. To collectively take a stand against organisations vacillating the spread of
dangerous misinformation and fake news to citizens that private schools have
incentives for

b. Educational equality is ensured; as no private education ensures that there’s equal

opportunity for all students, no matter the wealth gap of students households
i. Statistics show that unequal educational systems exacerbate wealth gaps in all
ii. Statistics show that private education on average, achieves greater academic
results due to large amounts of funding, therefore creating unequal
iii. Equal educational qualities ensures LEDC’s have a chance to go through the
industrial revolution
c. Ensure that all teachers in schools are employeed with a reasonable minimum wage
d. Ensure national education system to all students.
i. Created in unity with MEDCs and LEDCs
ii. Ensuring the educational systems are catered towards the state’s culture,
religion, social and political factors
iii. Ensures the educational system is approved by countries participating in the
7. Encourages MEDCs and financially stable countries to supply funds and resources to LEDCs
with resources such as but not limited to the resources as stated in Clause 1

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