Singapore and Norway Bloc

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Topic: Crisis

Committee: ECOSOC
Main submitter: Singapore
Co-submitters: Japan, France, UK, Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, Norway, Latvia

Talk about specific reasons and provide details - mention which stakeholders are involved

US, Russia, Finland, China, secretly work together

to create a nuclear weapon called ‘P.E.A.C.E’ unlike
any other. To get the last resource to build the
weapon, they must go to the top of mount everest.
However, Nepal has been secretly selling the
material to Finland.


Get economic/political/weaponry leverage to stop the trade of the material between Nepal and

Get economic/political/weaponry leverage to stop the construction of PEACE.

Mutually assured destruction, sanctions, hard power strategies to stop the threat of PEACE.

1. Suggests the Security Council to gain access to quantum technology from Scott Lang to:
a. Shrink Mount Everest
b. Shrink Nepal
c. Shrink finland
d. Shrink P.E.A.C.E obtaining technology including:
I. planes
II. cars

2. Urges the researchers to genetically modify whales to create obsidian lined stomachs, and
implement quantum technology in order to:
a. Magnify whales and swallow Nepal as a whole
3. Recommends investment into technology to make fictional features real, in order to:
a. Bring Toph from Avatar: The Last Airbender to obtain P.E.A.C.E for Singapore and
b. Give Elisabeth Olsen her powers in Marvel inorder to shatter Mount Everest
c. Transport Mount Everest into the Portal
d. Bring Loki to manipulate the other bloc into giving us information
e. Strongly suggests bringing in THE CHUCK NORRIS
f. Bring Saitama to life to use his killer move: Serious Sidestep
g. Bring Hulk to life to perform the thunderclap
h. Summon rumbling and hypnotise them in order to step on Nepal
i. Get Jotaro from JoJo’s bizarre adventure to stop time while deactivating the bombs
j. Bring Spiderman to swing the top of mount everest to singapore

4. Prepare supporting countries for nuclear warfare:

a. Evacuate citizens into bunkers if threatened by other countries
b. Ready nuclear arsenal in retaliation
c. Attempt to reason with the threatening countries on nuclear warfare

5. Strongly suggests countries to invest in Superman meteorite tools in order to:

a. Remove top section of mount everest to be obtained by Singapore
b. Remove P.E.A.C.E directly

6. Recommends Countries such as Norway to hire Santa Claus from Finland in order to gain
information about P.E.A.C.E by:
a. Spying on Finland's transactions
b. Acting as a hitman for the head operator

7. Request the IAEA(international atomic energy agency) to promptly launch the investigation
in regards to violation of NPT (non-proliferation treaty)
a. Investigation into the violation of article I, “Each nuclear-weapons state (NWS)
undertakes not to transfer, to any recipient, nuclear weapons, or other nuclear
explosive devices, and not to assist any non-nuclear weapon state to manufacture or
acquire such weapons or devices.”
b. Investigation into the violation of Article II “Article II: Each non-NWS party
undertakes not to receive, from any source, nuclear weapons, or other nuclear
explosive devices; not to manufacture or acquire such weapons or devices; and not to
receive any assistance in their manufacture.”
c. Investigation of the violation of article III “Article III: Each non-NWS party
undertakes to conclude an agreement with the IAEA for the application of its
safeguards to all nuclear material in all of the state's peaceful nuclear activities and to
prevent diversion of such material to nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive
8. Recommends the opposition bloc to re-evaluate the development of the PEACE in alliance
with the NPT treaty.
a. The opposition shall not use the excuse of a violation of their state’s sovereign right
to develop nuclear energy, as “Nothing in this Treaty shall be interpreted as affecting
the inalienable right of all the Parties to the Treaty to develop research, production
and use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes without discrimination and in
conformity with Articles I and II of this Treaty.”
b. Urge the opposition to re-evaluate article VI, “Article VI: Each party "undertakes to
pursue negotiations in good faith on effective measures relating to cessation of the
nuclear arms race at an early date and to nuclear disarmament, and on a Treaty on
general and complete disarmament under strict and effective international control".”
c. Urging all states to recognise “Article IX: "For the purposes of this Treaty, a
nuclear-weapon State is one which has manufactured and exploded a nuclear weapon
or other nuclear explosive device prior to 1 January 1967."
d. Violation of NPT may result in the imposition of sanctions by states against the
opposition bloc

9. Consider the consequences of mutually assured destruction

a. If opposition attacks, obstructs, and undermines the bloc’s mechanisms to prevent the
development of PEACE, this bloc will be forced to act in self defence.
b. If materials are continually traced between Finaland and Nepal, or the development of
nuclear weapons are comtinued within 30 days, states in this bloc will be forced to
employ weaponary by member states of this bloc
c. Before 30 days, all states within this bloc will impose economic sanctions
i. All imports from states in the opposing bloc will be banned from trading with
any state of this bloc
ii. All states i
10. Urges countries to invest more into the chemical engineering industry if a P.E.A.C.E bomb is
to be used:
a. Neutralise toxic gases released from explosions
b. Cool down thermal particles from the explosion
c. Protective barriers to block fragments from the explosion
d. Neutralise the explosive effect before the bomb in detonated

11. Recommends countries to invest into force field technology in order to protect countries from
potential explosions

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