Smoking - Eseu În Engleză

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Smoking is a practice in which a substance is burned, and the resulting smoke

is typically breathed in to be tasted and absorbed into the bloodstream. It is a
common practice among the world’s population. Around 1.3 billion people
worldwide smoke.
Firsthly, smoking reduces the ability to smell and taste. It affects the taste
receptors, people lose their taste buds, and overall, they lose appetite, finding
the bland. For instance some people after a period of time of smoking, they
start to lose smell or taste.
Secondly, lung cancer is the most common cause of death due to smoking. It
is responsible for ap- proximately 85% of all lung cancer cases. It does not only
affect the smokers but also people who are exposed to the smoke. Nonsmokers
exposed can increase the risk of developing lung cancer by approximately 20%
to 30%. For example, even if ur not smoking but u are siting next to someone
who does, it is a probably for you to develope lung cancer.
Lastly, smoking is expensive. Quitting smoking can help you save a big amount
of money, who can be used in some other good purposes. For example, if u
smoke a pack of cigarettes a day, you could be spending more than  10,000
dollars a year on cigarettes, money, who can help you in making your dreams
come true.
Finally , female smokers have more difficulties getting pregnant. They also are
at higher risk of miscarriage and premature labour. If luckily, the pregnancy is
carried to term, the baby may be born with some health problems. For
instance, a woman who have been smoking for a long time, is most likely to not
be able to have kids or have kids who experience some health problems.
To sum up, smoking harms nearly every organ of the body, causing many
diseases and reducing the health of smokers in general. In my opinion,
smoking is one of the leading risks for early death and quitting smoking reduces
this risk. If you realize it in time u can save your own life and health.

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