Material Específico de Martillero 2020

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Material específico para la carrera de Martillero

Textos y actividades

Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas

Asignatura: Inglés

Autor: Profesor Javier Núñez

Año: 2020

Material específico para las carreras de Abogacía, CCPP, RRII y Martillero.

Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas

Public auctioneer
English I

Text 1
Sales Techniques:

Sell benefits, not features
When you are selling, the customer doesn´t want to know about the features of a
product. They want to know how it is going to benefit them. Is it going to make it more
attractive? Or save time? Or help them to work more efficiently?

Differentiate your product
You must come up with at least three ways in which your product is different from the
competition. These are called USPs – Unique Selling Points. For example, your product
could be faster, cheaper, and smaller than the competition.

Meet your customer face-to-face
You need to meet your customers, especially if you are new. It is not worth spending a
fortune on newspaper advertising or direct mailing for first-time entrepreneurs.

Let the customer tell you what they want
You need to understand your customer before you can sell him or her something. Don
´t start “selling” something until your customers have talked about themselves.

Learn to listen
Sales people who do most of the talking usually lose the sale! Listen carefully and don´t
jump to conclusions. Take notes and concentrate on what your customer is saying.
Find out what your customer really wants by asking a lot of questions.

Sell to people who buy
If you are trying to sell a product, don´t try and sell it to someone who has never
bought it before. Sell your product to someone who already has one. Show your clients
how yours is superior to the competition.

Turn your customer into salespeople

Material específico para las carreras de Abogacía, CCPP, RRII y Martillero.

Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas

If your customers are happy, they are going to tell other people. Nearly 85% of sales
are the result of word of mouth. So think about how you can create satisfied
customers. They will do your advertising for you!

Texto del libro “Oxford English for Careers: Commerce 1” Martin Hobbs and Julia Starr
Keddle – Oxford University Press

Text 2

Trade Fairs and Exhibitions:

Trade fairs are an effective way for businesses to make face-to-face contacts with
potential suppliers and customers. They provide a chance to demonstrate and launch
products, test new markets, and find out what customers want. You can also find out
about new competition, and get new ideas.

There are trade fairs for every business sector to make sure you attend the right one.
You should make a profile of the customers you want to attract and the products and
services they want to know about. You should look at a trade fair´s statistics. How
many people attend? How big is the exhibition space? Who are the major exhibitors?

Planning is the secret of success. You should book well in advance to get a good
position for your stand. Then prepare materials and stand furniture, and book
accommodation and transport. There is a lot to do at a trade fair so make sure enough
staff attend.

Your staff should be well prepared and ask appropriate questions so they can identify
potential clients.

Texto del libro “Oxford English for Careers: Commerce 1” Martin Hobbs and Julia Starr
Keddle – Oxford University Press

Text 3

How to Market

It´s not enough for a business to make a great product – they have to find customers
and then sell it! That´s where marketing comes in. Marketing is essential because it
helps companies decide on their goals and strategies. Marketing is all about identifying
and meeting customer needs.

Material específico para las carreras de Abogacía, CCPP, RRII y Martillero.

Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas

The marketing mix – the “four Ps”
Marketing concerns every aspect of a business and can be divided into four areas – the
“four Ps” (Product, Price, Promotion and Place). Every business achieves a different
balance between them to make a marketing mix.

A high quality product that is right for the market is the key to marketing success. If it
is a mobile phone, it needs to look and feel right, be fashionable and easy to use, and
offer the right services. It must reflect the end-user´s needs and wants and offer
something different from its competitors.

Price is an important factor. A quality or luxury product can have a higher price.
Organic food can be priced high because it offers customers guarantees of safety and
taste. But if you are entering a new market you may set a low price to compete better.
Low price may also be used by supermarkets for economy brands, and shopping sites
such an Amazon promote with aggressive pricing strategies.

This includes advertising, publicity and selling. Personal selling by sales representatives
is an effective way to sell products such as cars. Advertising is essential and is used by
most companies. It may be on the Internet, TV, radio, on posters or in newspapers and
magazines and on mobile phones. Some companies target specific customer groups
and send direct mail ads.

It´s not good having a perfect product if you can´t get it to your customer. A business
has to distribute its products effectively. They can be distributed directly to your
customer, via a shop, or indirectly through a wholesaler.
Wholesalers act as a link between a company and retailers. Direct selling is becoming
increasingly important on the Internet.

Texto del libro “Oxford English for Careers: Commerce 2” Martin Hobbs and Julia Starr
Keddle – Oxford University Press

Text 4

What is an auction?

There's something about that word that gets people's attention. You can almost see
the raised eyebrows and the dollar signs in their eyes. It means they have an

Material específico para las carreras de Abogacía, CCPP, RRII y Martillero.

Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas

opportunity to buy quality products at fair and reasonable prices. It makes them
anxious and excited.

What about when you hear the word "auction", what do you think of? Does it conjure
up the same images for you? Do you think "opportunity?" Do you think "rare and
unusual items”?

Well, we are here to tell you that an auction is all of the above and more. In fact, an
auction is not only the best and most exciting kind of "sale", it is also the most
advantageous type of sale for both buyers and sellers. And through the years, it has
become the sale of "choice" by many, many people throughout the country.

Auction Myths 
Auctions are a choice for today's buyers and sellers. They are not a "last option." Many
people think that auctions are only held when someone has died or has had their
property, such as their home or car, repossessed. The reasons for auctions are as
varied as the materials and possessions sold there.

Another myth is that you have to be an "experienced" auction goer to buy and sell.
Everyone is welcome and the staff are great about helping first timers to understand
how auctions work, how to make a bid, etc. Understanding the chant is what some
people find the most intimidating. Here's a tip: listen carefully to the caller for a while
and get used to his chant method.  

Auction Method of Marketing

We refer to our method of selling as "The Auction Method of Marketing". This means
much more than just making a sale. It means orchestrating a business transaction and
entering into a commitment to meet the needs of both our client and our buyers. We
take responsibility for the entire auction. We dedicate many long hours to prepare for
and orchestrate the sale so that when that auction gavel falls, the outcome is positive
for both the buyer and seller. Some of our responsibilities include:

 Rendering appraisals on merchandise. 

We get to know your property. We use our expertise to look at all the items up
for bid and assess their value.
 Advertising the sale.
It is part of our responsibility to ensure that people know about the auction, so
we work hard to reach as many of them as possible through ads in the
newspaper, fliers and posters and web site postings.
 Repairing and cleaning up items for display.
We want your goods to look the best they can so we spend time fixing them,
polishing them up and displaying them so they will be appealing to bidders.
 Keeping a financial record of items sold. 
We keep a log of items sold and their sale prices.
 Cleaning up the site after the sale. 
When the sale is over, we help tidy up the auction location, picking up bidder

Material específico para las carreras de Abogacía, CCPP, RRII y Martillero.

Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas

numbers, debris and other items. We want to leave it as we found it before the

Background on Auction Industry

The term "auction" is derived from the Latin word "auctus”, which means "increasing
or gradual increase". Today the word as we have come to know it means a public sale
of property to the highest bidder.

Rome is said to have been the first country to license auctioneers.

George Washington liked to attend auctions and is said to have selected all of the
furnishings for Mt. Vernon through auctions.

The Auctioneer 
Auctioneering is a solid and reputable career.

Auctioneers are educated marketing professionals versed in their field. They are detail-
oriented, technology savvy and leaders in their community. They just keep getting
better at their trade and that's a plus for consumers.

Many auctioneers attend auction school to learn their trade, then become licensed in
their profession.

Continuing education classes are another part of the auction business. Auctioneers
attend classes to keep up on current trends and to learn new methods such as video
auctioneering and live internet auctioneering. Some auctioneers take classes to earn
specialized designations in fields such as real estate, personal property, agri-business,
legal and more.

Texto extraído de National Auctioneers Association

Material específico para las carreras de Abogacía, CCPP, RRII y Martillero.

Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas

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