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The Canossa School, Inc.

City of Santa Rosa, Laguna

PAASCU Accredited
SY 2021-2022




A Grade Ten Study Presented to the

Faculty of the Canossa School, Inc.
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna


In partial fulfillment of the requirements in English, Filipino,

Science, Mathematics, Araling Panlipunan, and Health


Almodovar, Maria Bernadette T.

Dimaranan, Reine Venice B.
Elarmo, Kristia Dianne B.
Gamir, Gabriel Phillip B.
Gomez, Ariel Artemio P.
Tanael, Sean Ulrich M.
Tenorio, Morin Zyrel M.

April 2022
The Canossa School, Inc.
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
PAASCU Accredited
SY 2021-2022
The completion of the study would not be possible without the help of the specific people who
allotted so much of their time and effort from the start of the research study up until the end, and
for the people who took an important part in this study to be successful. By that remark, the
group would like to offer their genuine gratitude to the following:

To the Members of the Group, who gave their full participation and interest in building
the study despite the conflicts, especially in this current situation of a pandemic. Aiming for the
improvement of their skills and abilities, and for a change regarding the chosen topic;

To Miss Princess Janerry Dizon, the researchers’ class adviser, for the unmeasurable
support and guidance for the students;

To Miss Kristine T. Marasigan, the researchers’ adviser, editor, and English teacher, for
guiding the researchers and giving a lot of time and support for the accomplishment of the study;

To Mrs. Joy M. Dalinas, the researchers’ statistician, who helped and advised the
researchers in the processing of the collected data for interpretation and analysis;

To the Administrators of the Canossian Educative Community, for the opportunities

given to the researchers to make use of their knowledge and skills to their utmost ability;

To the Researcher’s Family and Friends, for the advice, suggestions, ideas, comfort,
and support to the researchers in accomplishing the study despite the hurdles, they went through;

To the Grade 9 Students, the researchers’ chosen participants, who gave their honesty,
full participation, and valuable time in responding to the survey questions of the study;
The Canossa School, Inc.
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
PAASCU Accredited
SY 2021-2022
Most importantly, to God Almighty, who guided the researchers every time throughout
the study, maybe not physically, but emotionally, mentally, and spiritually with His
unconditional love and support.


St. Hildegard of Bingen
The Canossa School, Inc.
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
PAASCU Accredited
SY 2021-2022





Grade Level : TEN



School Year : 2021-2022

No. of Pages : 92




The aim of the researchers for this study is to evaluate or assess how academic stress
affects the body weight changes of grade 9 students in the Canossa School, Inc. With the
utilization of a descriptive quantitative research design, the researchers deduced an array of
recommendations based from the assessment of the study’s findings.

Through purposive sampling, the researchers chose the population of the grade 9 level,
then narrowed it down to ten (10) respondents for questioning via Google Forms. Using a Four-
Point Likert Scale, the participants were surveyed on what level of academic stress they felt and
the frequency of weight changes that comes with four (4) factors, for measurement in an attempt
to accurate findings and recommendations for the study’s objective. After the data were
collected, computation for the composite means for each parameter occurred. Based on the
outcome, grade 9 students usually feel stressed when it comes to completing workloads for a
week, experiencing poor time management, the feeling of expectations and failure to reach them
specifically from their parents, and the inability to keep up with other students. The participants
The Canossa School, Inc.
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
PAASCU Accredited
SY 2021-2022
additionally showed that they rarely lose weight in a month despite what online distance learning
brings, this supports another result that grade 9 students rarely skip meals. However, results
manifested that they rarely exercise in a week which can be concerning. Lastly, data exhibited
that the respondents rarely monitor their health condition every week, which can lead to
unexpected scenarios for their health when any signs are ignored.
The Canossa School, Inc.
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
PAASCU Accredited
SY 2021-2022
Title Page i

Acknowledgment ii

Abstract iv

Table of Contents vi

List of Figures vii

List of Tables vii


Introduction 1

Theoretical Framework 4

Conceptual Framework 7

Statement of the Problem 8

Scope and Delimitations 9

Significance of the Study 10

Definition of Terms 11


Review of Related Literature 13

Synthesis 35


Research Design 37

Research Locale 38

Population and Sampling 38

Respondents of the Study 39

Data Gathering Procedure 39

Research Instrument 39
The Canossa School, Inc.
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
PAASCU Accredited
SY 2021-2022
Treatment of Quantitative Data 40

Data Analysis 40




Summary of Findings 52

Conclusion 53

Recommendations 53

















The Canossa School, Inc.
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
PAASCU Accredited
SY 2021-2022














The Canossa School, Inc.
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
PAASCU Accredited
SY 2021-2022
Chapter I


Education has long been seen as one of the most significant activities in a person's life,
for it is, in the words of Mandela (2003), the most powerful weapon you can use to change the
world. Students have benefited much from schooling, particularly the face-to-face system,
commonly known as the traditional classroom. Face-to-face learning allows students to gain new
and improve existing knowledge and experience, socialize, and have fun while learning. These
factors made the face-to-face system more effective—as Aristotle (384–322 B.C.) believed that
the goal of education is not only to provide knowledge but also to bring happiness into the lives
of students.

From the report of the Department of Health (DOH), after it was observed that the virus
was rapidly spreading, President Rodrigo Duterte declared a State of Public Health Emergency
and ordered the suspension of school classes in Metro Manila on March 8, 2020. As of March
14, 2022, it has officially been two years since the lockdown happened nationwide. The impact
of the crisis on the education sector was severe since the education system was shifted to online
distance learning in all schools and universities to prioritize the health and safety of students,
teachers, and staff. These abrupt changes in the school learning system have resulted in academic
stress and burnout, which is in this study's independent variable.

According to Tratnik (2017), there are significant differences in student satisfaction

levels across face-to-face learning environments. Students who do face-to-face learning are often
more satisfied than students who do online learning. The major challenges that students have
when taking online classes, according to U.S. News, are technical concerns, distractions, time
management, staying motivated, a lack of in-person interaction, and adjusting to unfamiliar
technologies. Most students also struggled to acclimate to and cope with this new learning
method, resulting in academic stress and burnout for many pupils. When students experience any
of these factors, it typically leads to school tasks piling up and resulting in cramming—thus
putting more pressure on the students due to the more limited time to complete the work.
Furthermore, students who seek academic validation tend to overstress, overdo, overthink, and
The Canossa School, Inc.
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
PAASCU Accredited
SY 2021-2022
overachieve, resulting in a high level of stress from pushing themselves too hard due to pressure
from family, peers, and or self.

Looking back in October-November 2021, the hashtags "#AcademicBreakNOWSLU"

and "#AcademicEaseNOWSLU" trended, and Saint Louis University in Baguio students'
requesting academic break and ease went viral. As reported in an article published in The Manila
Times in November 2021, in a letter to the local government, the council students of the
university stated that the students were severely affected by the ongoing crisis, and as a result,
the students struggled with academic requirements while at the same time the mental health is
suffering—"Students' mental health is affected when they study for long periods without taking
breaks, and this will compromise their schoolwork," said the students. Moreover, as the letter
stated, there was a disturbing number of suicides because of the workload and stress. Various
news agencies across the country have also reported that many students, some educators, and
parents are asking for an academic break for the students' emotional and physical well-being.
Academic stress, without a doubt, harms students' health, not only mentally and emotionally, but
also physically. Scott (2020) explained that stress is any form of change that generates physical,
emotional, or psychological strain. "Stress is your body's response to everything that requires
attention or action," Scott added. According to a study conducted by Cuberos et al. (2019), in
which the researchers questioned university students. The results showed that students with a
body mass index (BMI) associated with being overweight or underweight experienced higher
levels of stress. Mental health, therefore, is a part of physical health since the two are connected
—when one goes downhill, the other follows; this also explains how academic stress impacts
students' physical health.

In the United States, the percentage of children and adolescents affected by obesity has
more than tripled since the 1970s.1 In 2017–2018, an estimated 19.3% of US children and
adolescents aged 2 to19 years have obesity, but this rate varied by race and ethnicity. It was
25.6% for Hispanic children, 24.2% for Black children, 16.1% for White children, and 8.7% for
Asian children.2 Many factors contribute to childhood obesity, including 3-8:
The Canossa School, Inc.
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
PAASCU Accredited
SY 2021-2022
Metabolism—how your body changes food and oxygen into the energy it can use.
Eating and physical activity behaviors.
Community and neighborhood design and safety.
Short sleep duration.
Negative childhood events.
Genetic factors cannot be changed. However, people and places can play a role in helping
children achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Changes in the environments where young
people spend their time—like homes, schools, and community settings—can make it easier for
youths to access nutritious foods and be physically active. Schools can adopt policies and
practices that help young people eat more fruits and vegetables, eat fewer foods and beverages
that are high in added sugars or solid fats, and increase daily minutes of physical activity.4,9-14
These kinds of school-based and after-school programs and policies can be cost-effective and
even cost-saving.12-14
For more information about childhood obesity, visit Child & Teen Healthy Weight and

A comprehensive approach is most effective at addressing childhood obesity in schools,

especially for elementary and middle school students.1,2 Scientists know less about what school-
based obesity prevention approaches are effective for teenagers.1,2 A comprehensive approach
means directing attention to nutrition and physical activity in schools and involving school
nurses, parents, caregivers, and other community members (e.g., pediatricians, after-school
program providers) in the process. This approach aims to support the health and well-being of all
students. It does not single out students according to their weight status or body size. Overweight
and obesity are sensitive issues for students and families and must be addressed with
compassion, understanding, and care.15 To avoid embarrassing or shaming students, schools
should not emphasize physical appearances or reinforce negative stereotypes about obesity.
School nurses play an important role to prevent and reduce student overweight and
obesity prevalence. School nurses can address the complex physical, social, and health education
needs of children and adolescents who are overweight or who have obesity.15, 16 School nurses
have the knowledge and skills to create a culture of health and wellness in school, promote and
The Canossa School, Inc.
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
PAASCU Accredited
SY 2021-2022
implement school-based policies and strategies for healthy eating and physical activity,
coordinate care with families and health care professionals, and lead the school community to
influence policy changes that reinforce healthy eating, physical education, and physical activity
before, during, and after school.

Theoretical Framework
This paper is based on the transactional theory of stress and coping of Hans Selye (1982)
that external demands and bodily processes can be grouped into 2 different types of categories.
'Systemic stress' is based on physiology and psychobiology (Selye, 1976). Selye identified these
stages as alarm, resistance, and exhaustion. Understanding these many responses and how they
interact may assist you in coping with stress.

Stage one: Alarm, To respond to a threat or danger, hormones such as cortisol and
adrenaline are released into the bloodstream. The central nervous system is awakened, causing
your body's defenses to assemble.

Stage two: Resistance, Blood glucose levels are still high, and cortisol and adrenaline
levels are also high, yet the organism appears to be normal on the outside. Increase your heart
rate, blood pressure, and respiration.

Stage three: Exhaustion, If a stressor persists beyond the body's capability, resources are
depleted, and the organism becomes vulnerable to illness and death. happens less frequently than
in earlier phases, develops over time as a result of prolonged stress, and reduces the body's
capacity to adapt.
The Canossa School, Inc.
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
PAASCU Accredited
SY 2021-2022

Figure 1. Stress and Coping Theory

Struggling with stress for long periods can drain your physical, emotional, and mental
resources to the point where your body no longer has the strength to fight stress and cope. The
body has depleted its energy resources by continually trying but failing to recover from the initial
alarm reaction stage. Selye's definition of stress is response-based, meaning that it considers
stress primarily in terms of the body's physiological response to any demand. Neither the
stimulus-based nor the response-based definitions of stress are comprehensive.

This stress is defined by Selye (1976) as "a state manifested by a syndrome consisting of
all the nonspecifically produced alterations in a biologic system." Selye's conception of stress as
a reaction to a multitude of different events had the fatal consequence that the stress concept
became the melting pot for all kinds of approaches. Although Selye's work influenced a whole
generation of stress researchers, marked weaknesses in his theory soon became obvious. To
begin with, Selye's definition of stress as a stress notion was fatally flawed as a result of a variety
of distinct occurrences. became a crucible for a variety of methods. Thus, by becoming a
synonym for diverse terms such as, for example, anxiety, threat, conflict, or emotional arousal,
the concept of stress was in danger of losing its scientific value.
The Canossa School, Inc.
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
PAASCU Accredited
SY 2021-2022
Changes in habits, rather than the danger or significance of important events, are
involved in the origin of disease, according to Selye's findings. The authors considered that
crucial life experiences, regardless of their nature (e.g., good or negative), are universal. Changes
in quality, whether positive or bad, induce change in the organism, posing a challenge. However,
the majority of this study has not been conceptually motivated, and there has been little empirical
evidence for this theory. One criticism was directed at the theory's core assumption of
nonspecific causation of the General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS). Mason pointed out that the
stresses Selye found to be beneficial had a similar emotional connotation for the animal: they
were novel, odd, and foreign to it. As a result, the animal's state may be defined as helpless,
unsure, and uncontrollable. As a result, rather than the inf luences themselves, the hormonal
GAS responses followed the (particular) emotional effect of such stimuli. Mason indicated that
when uncertainty was removed from trials, no GAS was detected. This objection led to a second,
more significant point: unlike the physiological stress studied by Selye, human stress is virtually
invariably the product of cognitive mediation. Selye, on the other hand, fails to identify the
processes that may explain how 'real' noxious occurrences become a subjective sense of
The Canossa School, Inc.
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
PAASCU Accredited
SY 2021-2022
Conceptual Framework

Input Process Output

Level of Academic Stress in

terms of:
Amount of School Work
Poor Time Management Evaluated Amount of
Self-Expectations and Workloads for Grade 9
Expectations From Other People Students
Competition Between Students
Evaluated Average Weight of
SURVEY Grade 9 Students

Frequency of Weight Changes of Statistical Analysis Basis for the Enhancement of

Grade 9 Students in terms of: Descriptive Analysis Break Intervals Between
Body Composition Classes, Promoting a Healthy,
Exercise/Physical Activities Concrete, and Engaging Time
Food Intake/Diet Management for Students
Health Conditions/Illness
Basis for the Daily Dietary
SURVEY Plan that Enhances the
Students’ Eating Pattern with
a Proper Schedule


Figure 2. Paradigm of the Study

From the illustration above, Figure 2 shows the model of the research study following the
input-process-output (IPO) standard.

In the input diagram, the researchers measured the assessment of four (4) factors causing
academic stress namely the amount of school work, having poor time management, increased
self-expectations and even the expectations from other people, and the competition between
students of grade nine (9) level in Canossa School Inc. The data also measured factors in the
same number that affect weight changes in the body such as body composition, exercise or
The Canossa School, Inc.
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
PAASCU Accredited
SY 2021-2022
physical activities, food intake or diet, and one’s health condition. All of which is collected
through the utilization of surveys to the chosen grade level via Google Forms.

Moving to the process diagram, the collected data was gone through statistical analysis in
which the responses from the surveys were summarized through a tabulation from Google
Sheets. Afterward, summarized information from the tabulation was then analyzed descriptively
to come up with the assumed results. The utilization of online surveys is faster with the help of
the internet and technology, and is more convenient considering the current situation of a global

Lastly, the processed data will result in an expected output of the evaluated amount of
workloads of grade nine (9) students, and the evaluated average weight among the students of the
same grade level. An assumed outcome of the basis for enhancement of break intervals between
classes that promote a healthy, concrete, and engaging work timetable, and the basis for a
proposed daily dietary plan program that improves the students’ eating patterns in accordance
with a proper schedule were also suggested.

Statement of the Problem

The study aims to assess how academic stress affects the body weight of grade nine (9)
students in Canossa School, Inc. Anticipated solutions and recommendations are concluded from
measured guidelines or issues as to:

1. The level of academic stress in terms of:

1.1 Amount of school work
1.2 Poor time management
1.3 Self-Expectations and expectations from other people
1.4 Competition between students
The Canossa School, Inc.
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
PAASCU Accredited
SY 2021-2022
2. Frequency of weight changes of grade 9 students in terms of:
2.1 Body composition
2.2 Exercise/physical activities
2.3 Food intake/diet
2.4 Health condition/illness

Scope and Delimitations

Academic stress and a student's weight may have a major impact on their lifestyle due to
the ongoing pandemic and the student’s activities. The objective of this research is to give the
students knowledge about how academic stress connects to their weight and how important it is.
According to Essel and Owusu (2017), they stated that Academic factors that trigger stress are
namely increased class workload, many hours of study and frustrations, etc. Hereby, the study
will focus on the assessment of how academic stress affects a student’s body weight, whether
academic stress can affect a person’s body weight, and determine which stressors they are.
Considering the online classes, the students are having synchronous and asynchronous activities
on their everyday schedule. Thus, the researchers conducted an online survey which is
convenient and efficient on both the researcher’s and respondent’s point of view because of the
current situation today that we are still in a global pandemic, it is easier to connect with other
people without leaving the house for both parties to be safe.

The chosen respondents were from grade nine (9) of Canossa School Inc… The
researchers chose specifically the grade nine (9) students because in Junior High School (JHS),
aside from grade ten (10) which is the last level in JHS, grade nine (9) students are most likely to
encounter more or heavier academic workloads considering that grade nine (9) and ten (10)
levels are more used in independently working on their own while the grade levels from seven
(7) to eight (8) may still need parental help since they are new to the education stage. With this,
this study aims to develop a healthy schedule that prioritizes time management as well as
monitoring the health condition of the students specifically on their weight for better study
habits, and avoiding academic burnout.
The Canossa School, Inc.
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
PAASCU Accredited
SY 2021-2022
Significance of the Study
It has since been two years of online distance learning, although students have adapted to
this environment and have gotten used to it, they are still being affected by academic stress, as it
is an always present problem that students will face. This study will help them to change for the
better in their health and studies.

Students. This research will let the students know whether or not their weight has been
affected negatively or not due to academic stress. This may help them in being more aware of
their health and guide them to better take care of themselves so that they may develop better and
more productive study habits that do not affect their health in a bad way.

Teachers. Although their main role is to teach the students of various subjects, they are
also considered to be the second parents of the students, not only teaching them academics but
also taking care of them and helping them with their health and wellbeing. Knowing the effect
that academic stress has on their mentees’ weight will surely be of help to this. This may also
improve the way that tasks are given to the students so that they will not be overwhelmed.

Parents, Parental Figures, and Guardians. As parents, parental figures, and guardians,
are the ones responsible for raising and taking care of the students, this study will certainly help
them assist the students in better taking care of themselves not only in health but also

Current Researchers. This study will aid the current researchers as it will give them the
information they sought from the problem that they have chosen not only for themselves but also
for others when they share and spread the findings and possible solutions to their research

Future Researchers. This research will benefit them by giving them a different view on
this topic in the future, as this study was conducted on an online learning setup and all schools
will probably be safe enough to have face-to-face classes.
The Canossa School, Inc.
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
PAASCU Accredited
SY 2021-2022
Definition of Terms

Academic stress - A student’s feeling of being overwhelmed, and unable to manage the given
academic workload.

Adrenaline - A hormone produced by adrenal glands that increases the rate of blood circulation,
and breathing especially when a person is stressed.

Anxiety - The feeling of being uneasy, especially during times of uncertainty or when stressed.

Asynchronous activities - Refers to the academic requirements that are accomplished,

depending on the student’s pace.

Body mass index (BMI) - The ratio between a person’s height and weight; indication whether
one is on normal weight, underweight, overweight, obese, or extremely obese.

Cortisol - A steroid hormone or the primary stress hormone that increases the glucose (sugars) in
the bloodstream.

Educational stage - Refers to the level of education in the Philippines following the K-12
curriculum. Primary School (Primary Education); Junior High School (Lower Secondary
Education); Senior High School (Upper Secondary Education).

Exhaustion - The condition of being severely tired.

Face-to-face system - The traditional way of education, wherein students and teachers are
meeting personally for teaching and learning.

Lockdown - The restriction of access when traveling into places since the start of the Covid-19

Mentees - The subject teachers and advisers that counsel students academically.

Online Distance Learning (ODL) - A new normal way of education where teachers and
students are having classes through the internet via Zoom Meeting or Google Meet.
The Canossa School, Inc.
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
PAASCU Accredited
SY 2021-2022
Parental Figures - A person that shows characteristics of a parent.

State of Public Health Emergency (PHE) - A national situation that refers to the President’s
declaration for the country under medical emergency reasons such as outbreaks of infectious
diseases—Covid-19 as an example.

Stressors - Factors that trigger stress.

Sought - The attempt to search or investigate.

Synchronous activities - Activities that are done by class simultaneously according to schedule.

Workloads - Defined as the academic amounts of school work namely synchronous classes,
asynchronously written works, performance tasks, assessments or examinations, and/or
extracurricular activities.
The Canossa School, Inc.
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
PAASCU Accredited
SY 2021-2022
Chapter II


This chapter involves studies and literature about the definition, purpose, significance,
and related research and studies of academic stress and the factors that affect weight change. The
researcher used the thematic review of literature to organize the topic in order of importance.

On Academic Stress

Alsulami et al. (2018) said that academic stress is the response to the burden caused by
academic-related demands that take quite a toll on the body. It was stated that an estimated 10-
30% of students experience some degree of academic stress during their academic careers. It is
also said in the article that according to the American College Health Association (2006) survey
of college students, the one greatest health obstacle to college student's academic performance
was academic stress. Of the total 97,357 college students who answered the survey, 32% of them
said that academic stress resulted in an incomplete, dropped course, or a lower grade. Although
the survey took place 16 years ago in a vastly different locale, it can still serve as a testament to
how academic stress can affect students. This study is an example of how detrimental academic
stress can be to students’ academic performance.
Coming to the study by Adom et al. (2020), academic stress refers to all kinds of things
that trigger tension, otherwise known as stressors. That which can be interpersonal, intrapersonal,
health-related, or environmentally related can impede academic growth in educational
institutions. Stress in a small amount is mentioned to ignite the fire of motivation and hard work
in individuals. However, excessive amounts of academic stress that is over the coping capability
of students, may inhibit academic progression and can be bad for their health. If not managed
well, it can result in physiological, mental, emotional, and physical problems. This research can
be proof of where academic stress may stem from.
Lynch (2019) said that stress is a survival skill. It was said that the American
Psychological Association recognizes 2 main types of stress, acute and chronic. Acute stress may
cause students to worry excessively, start but not complete tasks and move on from activity to
activity. This can prevent students from learning and doing their tasks. Persistent stress may wear
The Canossa School, Inc.
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
PAASCU Accredited
SY 2021-2022
a student down, when they experience stress for so long that they no longer seek to solve their
problems, then is called chronic stress. This makes it so that they cannot find solutions to their
predicament and they start to accept reality as it is. There is another type of stress that was also
stated, which is eustress. There is a rush of adrenaline but the students are in no danger. This
type of stress is normal and positive and was even said to be exciting. Eustress was said to be the
fuel for personal motivation and that it can help students make decisions and improve their
academic performance. This article further talks about types of stress and how they may affect
the students negatively or positively.
Based on the study of Thakar (2018), in today’s highly competitive world, students face
numerous academic problems including stress from exams, disinterest in attending classes, and
inability to understand a subject. Academic stress involves mental distress which stems from
anticipated academic challenges, failing, and fear of failing academically. Excessive levels of
academic stress can result in an increased prevalence of psychological and physical problems
like depression, anxiety, and nervousness. and stress-related disorders, which in turn can affect
their academic results. Academic stressors reveal themselves in many parts of the students’
environment, be it in school, at home, and in their peer relations. This study can yet again serve
as a basis for where the academic stress that students faces come from and also proves how bad
academic stress can be for the health and wellbeing of the students.
In the study of Pajarianto et al. (2020), the causes of the student stress are numerous and
varied. Academic stress was defined as an emotional or mental state experienced by a student
throughout their study period. According to the study of psychology in which due to a variety of
pressures, such as academic reasons, financial troubles, health problems, or the loss of close
family members or friends, students could become stressed. Pajarianto’s study also stated the
study of Carveth that defines academic strain is considered as the tension that students face while
learning. Furthermore, the academic strain was defined as the tension that students experience
when studying and is also related to the learning activities. With this, the tension caused by what
is stated earlier can affect the student's physical, emotional, and behavior. Also, academic
pressures in the teaching and learning process, as well as matters relating to learning activities,
can potentially cause it. For instance, consider the pressure, to move up to class, the length of the
study, anxiety in facing exams, the number of tasks to be completed, frequently getting poor test
The Canossa School, Inc.
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
PAASCU Accredited
SY 2021-2022
scores, decisions that determine majors and careers, and especially time management. Each
student is different in how they respond to academic stress some causes the students to feel
tension, pressure, or negative emotion such as anxiety and anger. Moreover, students frequently
lose their potential to overcome their learning challenges due to a lack of environmental carrying
capacity among schools, teachers, and parents. In addition to this, students that felt academic
stress can be influenced by external and internal factors. Internal factors include a lack of time
management skills, mental preparation for changes in the environment, and the inability to
regulate the students and academics. While on the other hand, external factors such as school
system ideals, educational expectations, parents' and teachers' failure to develop student
confidence, and teacher-student relationships. Pajarianto’s study can give additional information
about the purpose of academic stress that can help understand the paper.
According to Vijayashree and Srinivasa (2021), they stated all the possible causes of
stress and that stress is an excellent phrase, but it can be managed through minor changes that we
make in our daily routines. Academic stress is necessary to recognize the cause of it to deal with
it. Furthermore, stress is still seen as a subjective experience, a method that comprises a personal
study of the individual to deal with a potentially life-threatening incident that may lead to
depression, anxiety, and a lot more. The study of Vijayashree and Srinivasa focused on stress'
conceptual structure, including the origins of stress and how tension is managed. On the other
hand, in a person's life, a variety of accidents occur, resulting in negative feelings such as anger,
irritation, and nervousness. They also stated that stress is the body’s response to demand or threat
that sometimes could be positive but chronic stress can lead to a potentially life-threatening
incident while how you react to a certain situation can vary depending on the stress levels.
Certain citizens consider stress to be meaningless a do not care or do not worry situation while in
reality, some are overwhelmed which leads to worry that eventually affects their health. The
majority of conditions that disrupt or threaten to impair an individual's daily functioning are
referred to be stressors. Moreover, academic pressure has increased in recent years, with tests
and assignments, as well as a variety of additional tasks that students must do. Teachers and
parents have also put a lot of pressure on students to achieve high grades, as this goes on the
expectations affect the student's work and create more tension. Social pressure is another thing
that could put pressure on someone else; the list is long: drink, smoke, cheat on the exam, lie,
The Canossa School, Inc.
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and so on. Peer pressure may be both harmful and compelling, it can either allow introverted
students to form their personalities or act as a barrier and create issues. In addition to this,
students must have access to information and surround themselves with positive individuals to
impact the majority of social influences positively. However, heavy workloads and the
impression that you still run to meet others and deadlines can help trigger stress. It is important
to excel in academics, yet it is often vulnerable to violence, which causes injury, in which the
biggest reason for stress, failure, and collapse is a lack of morality. Also, the lack of support for
students is a key source of stress; a lack of interaction with parents and teachers tends to breed
suspicions and misunderstandings, which may have led to student stress. Overall a student is
supposed to achieve a lot because they are the key to the future and yet despite this, they feel lost
at sea and are unable to find their way due to a lack of adequate aid. Prolonging this situation can
lead to physical and emotional damage, it is also believed that synergy stress occurs when
stressors interact with the individual's response and attitude to these stressors, rather than being
the sole cause of anxiety, tension, or depression. As mentioned earlier, stress could be positive
because the right and appropriate kind of stress sharpen the mind and reflexes that help improve
the memory which will assist you in dealing with day-to-day obstacles and may motivate
students to reach their goals. Researchers can use this study on where academic stress comes
from which can help deeper the understanding of the paper.
Selvi and Rajapraba's (2020) study explained that according to their statistics, the
majority of students were stressed, and physical, mental, and emotional stress were all evident. It
was also shown that academic stress was found to be more prevalent among arts and science
college students. Moreover, academic stressors that inflict high academic stress includes
managing time schedules, the institutional rules, and regulations, the professor's sanctions
without knowledge of the situation, the inability to attend special classes, frequent tests,
assignments, lack of understanding, and discrimination between students. On the other hand,
according to the findings of this study, most students' inability to attend special classes is the
primary source of their stress, and students' inability to attend college properly is the most
significant influence of stress on their academic performance because of this results statistically
significant with p values of less than 0.05, the reasons Frequent Test (0.01), Assignment (0.01),
Technologies (0.00), and Poor Communication (0.03) are determined to be the key academic
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factors in which academic stress shows itself through cases where students fail to attend lessons
and are unable to write better examinations while the exam, however, reveals a considerable
difference between the sources of academic stress and the stress' consequences. Furthermore,
According to this study, stress and stressors among college students may be addressed by
following a system of analyzing individual behavior and acting on it, and students should be
prepared to recognize their stress and take the required actions to alleviate it. With this study, the
researchers can have a reliable source considering that the study of Selvi and Rajapraba
conducted a survey that can help further deepen the purpose of this paper.
To Bhujade (2017), it was described that students encounter many firsts, such as a new
way of life, new friends, and roommates which exposure to different cultures and ways of
thinking when a student has a variety of reactions to college and certain students who can't
manage these firsts, they're more likely to struggle. Academic pressures might create feelings of
inadequacy. Time pressure, fear of failure, the fight to establish identity, the strain of academic
success, and challenging competence are some of the major issues that students face. Also,
emotional issues include feelings of inferiority to others, inability to think, excessive concern, the
belief that life is not worth living and feeling anxious for no apparent reason. Moreover,
separation from home is a source of stress for other students, while in some, stress is important
for personal growth but far too much stress can overwhelm a student and undermine their
capacity to cope. Bhujade’s study also stated that another source of stress is the difficulty of
establishing a social connection, as well as the fear of academic failure. On the other hand,
students are under academic pressure since all of their peers are better than them, and fatigue is
frequently noted as a stressor in which when students view their education as a challenge, stress
can establish a sense of competence and improve their ability to learn; but, when education is
viewed as a threat, stress can create feelings of helplessness and a sense of impending loss.
Bhujade’s study shows significance towards the cause of academic stress that could affect the
As for the study by Yang et al. (2021), it was stated that there is a strong consensus that
dealing with intimate relationships, financial difficulties, and fulfilling responsibilities and roles
are the main sources of stress for students. However, due to recent social changes in the
education domain, the use of distance education is increasing, which affects communication
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patterns between teachers and students, it also increases student isolation and independence, and
it becomes an important source of academic stress. With this, academic pressure, social
interpersonal pressure, and concerns about the environment are the three basic categories of
stressors that students face which focuses on the academic workload that represents the academic
pressure, isolation from school which represents social and interpersonal pressure, and fear of
contagion that speak for environmental pressure. First is academic workload, in which exam
preparations, grade-level competition, and gaining a big amount of knowledge in a short time all
contribute to academic pressure while perceived stress refers to a condition of physical or
psychological alertness that reacts to stress. On the other hand, academic stress has been linked
to a variety of negative outcomes, including poor health, anxiety, depression, and poor academic
performance. Second, Separation from school, the transition from high school to college is
viewed by students as a source of stress and emotional conflict. Moreover, the adaptability of
college students is intimately linked to their relationships with various persons, such as parents
and friends. Lastly, fears of contagion, in this time of the pandemic, fears of contagion reflect
concerns about having COVID-19 or contracting it that dangerous situations, such as a global
pandemic, cause high levels of stress. Furthermore, several anecdotal reports from health care
professionals indicate that the COVID-19 pandemic causes anxiety and tension in people,
particularly because of the unknowns that COVID-19 brings. As a result, their study believes that
students' stress and health problems may be caused by their worry about having or getting
COVID-19. This study can help understand the root cause of this stress in times of the pandemic
which can help escalate the information of this paper.
To Brouchrika (2020), many everyday operations have slowed or come to a standstill as
the current coronavirus epidemic shows no signs of abating. However, studies show that students
often experience heightened levels of stress while attending college, in some fashion, before the
global pandemic. In 2018, 4 percent more people applied to universities in the United States than
in 2017, yet only 65 percent were accepted. In the United States, 24% of students are worried
about their future and finding work after graduation. According to studies, 1 in 5 formerly the
stress-free United Kingdom by the middle of the semester, university students will have been
identified as clinically worried. Each year, over 500 Japanese students under the age of 20
commit themselves. Every September 1 (or the beginning of the school year), the rate of teen
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suicide is three times greater than on any other day. Six out of ten college students said they had
"crushing anxiety," and more than 40% said they were depressed. Even though enrollment only
grew by 5%, the number of American students who attended campus counseling facilities
climbed by 30% between 2009 and 2015. Middle schoolers' stress levels may differ significantly
from those of college students, but that does not imply they have it any easier. Dealing with
schooling and a growing social network, as well as a body that is fast transitioning to puberty,
may be stressful. Here are some data on how teenagers adjust to their new roles as high school
students. Seven out of ten teenagers in the United States (aged 13 to 17) have identified anxiety
or depression as a prominent issue among their classmates. While in school, 75% of high school
students in the United States reported boredom, anger, sorrow, fear, or tension. On a scale of one
to ten, with a typical value of 3.8 for adults, American teenagers assessed their stress level at 5.8.
75% of high school students and half of the middle school students in the United States say they
are "sometimes or always pressured" by academics. As previously said, college life is more
sophisticated than high school life. Students are expected to operate socially, plan financially,
and deal with living away from home for the first time, in addition to a heavier academic effort.
In the United States, 40% of college students claim to be under-rested five out of seven days a
week. One in every four American college students reports that lack of sleep has had a
detrimental impact on their academic performance, such as worse marks, missing a paper or
project deadline, or having to drop out of class. Students in the United States who sleep six or
fewer hours per night have a poorer GPA than those who sleep eight or more. Napping is done
by 40% of American college students, however, nappers sleep less overall than non-nappers.
45% of American college students said they were under "more than average stress," while 33
percent said they were under "average stress," and 12.7% said they were under "extreme stress."
Students who said they were under "no stress" or "less than average stress" made up the
remaining 9%. In the United Kingdom, eight out of ten university students are female. In school,
students have shown the tension and/or worry. Students in the United Kingdom reported feeling
pressured by their lessons at a rate of 45 percent, which is greater than students who love their
studies (41%). Because the human capacity for worrying is limitless, stress may take numerous
forms. Aside from the typical suspects of tests and grades, stress may also be caused by an
inability to adjust to a life outside of your comfort zone, as well as dealing with a new social
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circle that is different from your childhood friends and family. Other adult-oriented issues, such
as budgeting, debt, and finding work, often begin in high school or college for the majority of
students. Finals and midterms were the leading source of stress for 31% of students in the United
States. At 23%, class and workload came in third. Homework came in fourth place with a score
of 13%. Stress was cited by 36.5 percent of college students in the United States as the leading
cause of poor academic performance in the previous year. Anxiety was also mentioned by 29.5
percent of respondents. 61% of middle school students in the United States acknowledged
feeling a lot of pressure to earn excellent grades. In contrast, 29% feel forced to appear well,
28% feel driven to blend in socially, and 21% feel pressured to participate in extracurricular
activities and be successful at sports.
In a study by Pascoe et al. (2019), secondary and post-secondary students are subjected to
a variety of persistent pressures connected to academic responsibilities. Academic-related stress
has been shown in the past to lower academic success, diminish motivation, and raise the
likelihood of dropping out of school. Longer-term consequences, such as a lower chance of long-
term employment, cost governments billions of dollars each year. This narrative review
examines the most recent studies on the effects of academic-related stress on students' learning
capacity and academic performance, as well as mental health issues such as melancholy and
anxiety, sleep disorders, and drug abuse. The impact of this to students is: first, young people
report high levels of stress, students in secondary and tertiary education confront a variety of
persistent normative stresses, which may be classified as everyday annoyances such as academic
pressures. As a result, secondary and high school students frequently self-report persistent stress
connected to their education, which we call academic-related stress, such as pressure to get good
grades and fears of earning low grades. Second, academic-related stress and mental health.
According to a previous study, self-reported stress is linked to the appearance of anxious states
and a decreased sense of well-being. Apart from affecting overall health and well-being,
depression and anxiety symptoms can also have a negative impact on academic performance. In
a study of undergraduate university students in the United States, those who self-reported higher
levels of anxiety and depression symptoms received lower grades on examinations. Self-reported
depressed symptoms were linked to low academic performance in a longitudinal study of
Hawaiian secondary school students. This is consistent with the findings of Humensky et al.,
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who discovered that self-reported depressive symptoms were linked to attention problems and
difficulty completing school activities among 83 adolescents aged 14 to 21 in the United States
who were at risk for severe depression. These teenagers report problems paying attention, worse
grades, more stress, and trouble getting along with others as a result of their lack of sleep. To
assist them in sleep, some students reported using harmful coping mechanisms such as sleeping
medications, smoking cigarettes, and drinking alcohol. Sleep quality and quantity have been
linked to student learning capacity and academic performance. Because lack of sleep is usually
connected with poor learning, stress-related sleep disturbance is a significant factor leading to
poor learning and well-being among students. Lastly, academic-related stress and physical
health. High levels of academic-related stress enhance a young person's likelihood of acquiring
avoidable physical health issues later in life. People who are anxious, such as during test periods,
are less likely to be physically active, according to a systematic analysis of prospective research,
which has been linked to a slew of possibly interrelated negative physical health outcomes.
Stress may also cause non-communicable illnesses including metabolic syndrome, obesity, and
impaired insulin sensitivity as a result of bad lifestyle patterns and stress system dysregulation.
As a result of decreased physical activity and increased poor living behaviors, academic-related
stress can lead to the development of health difficulties, including chronic noncommunicable
According to a study by Sari et al. (2020), academic stress has a negative influence since
it can lead to the formation of a variety of other issues, including physical, emotional, and
cognitive issues (as cited in Barker et al., 2018). Academic stress will also have an impact on
everything in a student's life that is linked to academics, and academic stress will be a mental
tension coupled with dissatisfaction that leads to academic failure (as cited in Reddy et al.,
2018). Also, responses to scholastic stress, such as difficulty to focus, emotions of dread, worry,
and depression, are sometimes recognized as symptoms, of mental disease. Shame, rage,
sadness, and denial are all emotions that people experience (as cited in Karaman and Watson,
2017). Many students are experiencing academic stress as a result of the current phenomena in
the sector. The prevalence of this situation would harm students because of all the expectations,
pressures connected to competitiveness, deadlines, and excessive workloads producing disputes.
Students are stressed at school due to a variety of circumstances, both external and internal.
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internal variables The curriculum in the school system is becoming progressively higher level
due to external causes. As a result, competition is tightening, learning time is lengthening, and
student responsibilities are expanding. Although the reasons are important for the country's
educational progress, it is impossible to ignore the fact that it raises student stress levels, the need
to attain high or adequate results, and students are under enormous pressure to do well in their
tests (as cited in Ramli et al., 2018). Pupils who do not succeed yet have low marks are labeled
as sluggish, lazy, or painful, which can induce worry in students. Furthermore, it is not simply
external elements that influence student academic stress; various internal characteristics, such as
thought patterns, personalities, and beliefs, can also influence student academic stress (as cited in
Azmy et al., 2017). There is stress coping and emotional regulation in these three points, which
are the sources of control for students dealing with academic stress. Students' stress coping styles
have an impact on their level of individual assertiveness. Individuals may be put under stress as a
result of the environment. Coping is a response or reaction that people have to get out of a
stressful situation. Furthermore, other studies have discovered that pupils with appropriate
coping mechanisms may manage, solve, or even lessen external and internal demands and
pressure in a dispute, allowing the individual to survive in stressful situations. Emotion control is
another aspect that impacts academic stress. Emotion regulation is a deliberately or
subconsciously used method for maintaining, strengthening, or reducing one or more
components of emotional reactions, such as emotional experience and behavior. Emotion
regulation is a type of development-related representational consequence (as cited in Roth et al.,
2019). Academic stress on students is a state or condition of persons who are under strain as a
result of academic stresses causing pressure on students' views of educational activities linked to
science and education (as cited in Sayekti, 2017). Each person's stress reaction is unique, and it is
influenced by their capacity to adapt to the changes that occur. Individuals might be stressed by
environmental conditions, changing behaviors, and a lack of capacity to change. According to
this viewpoint, students' stress levels can be caused by a variety of circumstances, including
excessive academic demands, poor exam results, piling tasks, and a hostile social environment
(as cited in Barseli et al., 2017). As a result, a person's stress level might be reduced or increased.
The ability of an individual to cope and maintain healthy emotion control are both important
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factors. Which may result in mental health problems that might lead to relapses in stress, such as
anger, despair, and anxiety. Causing stress may have some changes in a person's physical shape.
As per Kalu (2022), there were incidents of students with high academic status who were
involved during the incident last year, as well as those who were involved owing to the failure of
professional tests such as the MBBS. Some people were perplexed as to why someone with a
first-class education would commit suicide. That is one of the disadvantages of depression
brought on by scholastic stress or strain. There's no way of knowing if it was the only difficulty
in their life, but that's what we'll be talking about. In this sense, academic pressure refers to the
mental strain that most students are under in order to keep up with academic obligations. This
might be due to their own expectations of themselves, parental expectations, peer pressure, or
their immediate surroundings. However, parental/familiar issues origins are the most prevalent.
Negative stress might arise as a result of this mental strain. Stress is the body's physical and
emotional reaction to pressures placed on it. When it's beneficial (adaptive stress), it's a huge part
of our daily lives since it gives us the boost of energy we need to stay awake, focused, and
creative. When it becomes negative, though, the initial buzz gives way to concern and
aggravation, owing to the body's inability to break down the stress hormones. As a result, one's
capacity to cope with life's obligations is severely harmed. Pressure from parents is one thing,
but it may also come from other family members. Academic workload, exams, and evaluations,
fear of failure, poor time management, and so forth. Even among persons with strong results,
high levels of academic stress can lead to psychological and physical disorders such as anxiety,
melancholy, and uneasiness. According to Kalu’s personal experience, she experienced this after
her first year in the university because she was burdened by the weight of expectations.
Academic stress can cause poor academic performance and indifference, in addition to the
psychological impacts. It also reflects a person's physical health.
"A certain degree of stress may be good, and at times stress works as a motivator to
accomplish goals," said Lisa Witzberger (2020), a counselor at West Liberty University.
According to Dowdle (2017), stress can lead to motivation, encouraging us to complete a tough
activity or event that we must cope with. "Occasional stress can help keep you focused and
increase your recollection, which can be a bonus when cramming for that test or preparing for an
important presentation at work," stated John Whyte, former Chief Medical Expert, and VP, of
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Health and Medical Education at Discovery Channel. Stress may be beneficial in that it
motivates you to not just do better on examinations, work, and activities, but also to reach your
maximum potential. Another way that stress may be useful is that it teaches people how to
handle and overcome stressful circumstances. Everyone reacts to stress differently and must find
their own stress management strategy. You must learn to manage stress and determine your
strategy for dealing with it. Positive stress has an unexpected health advantage. Research from
the Stanford University of Medicine looked at how stress might help your immune system.
Which can affect your own physical shape. Even though the situation isn't bad, we may get
anxious because we don't know how to deal with it. "Your interpretation of events and obstacles
in life may decide whether they are invigorating or damaging for you," Nordqvist added. Not
every incident may be bad to a person, and how it affects one is determined by their view of the
event. Everyone has to cope with stress at some time in their lives. All that has to do now is
figure out how to deal with it in the most effective way, depending on every individual. It might
be beneficial to learn how to control stress.

On Weight Changes

According to a study by Choi (2020), she emphasized that students with high stress were
reported to have more unhealthy eating behaviors than those with low stress. The eating habits of
an individual are one of the major causes of the changes in their weight. Students tend to use
food as a way to deal with their feelings and emotions rather than to satisfy their hunger, or in
simple terms, emotional eating. Therefore, stress and other mental health issues that students
might be experiencing can cause them to overeat or undereat. The study revealed that students
with high levels of stress consume less healthy foods and more unhealthy foods than students
with low levels of stress. Additionally, skipping meals and binge eating is said to be connected to
stress and depression. Choi has stated that every individual must be provided with adequate
information so they will have a better understanding of stress management and alternative stress-
management practices. Poor mental and physical health-related quality of life is connected to
body dissatisfaction, which is associated with psychological stress. As a result, more research
should be conducted to study the impact of internal and external lifestyle factors on dietary
habits. Furthermore, students should be given knowledge on stress management. Choi
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recommended self-monitoring of emotional eating is, and so are alternate stress-management
practices. The current researchers will conduct a study on how academic stress impacts a
student's physical and emotional well-being and weight. Therefore, Choi's study will guide the
present researchers to understand how stress influences students' dietary or eating habits.
According to Karuc and Drakovic (2019), weight status and a lower degree of physical
activity are negatively connected with the functional movement patterns in adolescence, and
weight status is negatively associated with functional body movement. The relationship between
functional movement (FM) patterns, physical activity (PA), and weight status in the average
adolescent population was studied. It was then discovered that overweight and obese adolescents
have poorer functional movement than normal-weight teenagers, making it difficult for them to
perform physical activities without becoming tired in a short time. Furthermore, it appears that
maturing influences functional mobility in athletic populations of teenagers since muscle mass
lowers as they grow older. To lower the chances of accidents and pathological abnormalities
caused by inadequate movement patterns in later life, professionals should consider therapies
that create optimum functional movement alongside physical activity and weight management
methods in children. This study can be used as a guideline for researchers to create well-
structured survey questionnaires about the respondents' physical activities that may be
contributing to their weight changes.
Body mass index is classified into four categories: underweight, normal, overweight, and
obese. In a report by Callahan et al. (2020), overweight and obese people are especially
vulnerable to weight bias and discrimination. Though, as they have mentioned, both endpoints of
the weight spectrum are associated with health risks, and being underweight can have the same
harmful impact on health as being overweight—society's concerns are far more concentrated on
being overweight or obese. They mentioned that childhood obesity is a global health concern
since they are more likely to become obese adults, making them more vulnerable to developing
diseases—because, as stated in the study, having too much body fat has numerous consequences.
The World Health Organization and other public health organizations have stated that modernity,
industrialization, and urbanization are the primary causes of the worldwide obesity epidemic,
linking them to increasing consumption of energy-dense foods and decreasing physical activity.
It was also said that the environmental changes that lead to the world's current dietary and
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physical activity patterns are related to a lack of policies addressing the obesity epidemic in the
health and food industries, urban planning, agricultural, and education sectors. Obese people
frequently endure discrimination, lower incomes, depression, anxiety, and a decreased quality of
life. In addition, Puhl Ph.D., deputy director of the Rudd Center for Food Policy & Obesity at the
University of Connecticut, stated that biases, shaming, and discrimination are common
experiences for any individual with obesity in their daily lives—they are often negatively viewed
by society, and these have severe consequences for their personal and social well-being and
overall health. The current researchers are conducting a study to determine the weight changes of
the students, particularly 9th graders, in the Canossa School, Inc., and are aiming to address the
issues of these weight changes caused by various factors. This study by Callahan et al. and the
information it contains is a lot of help for the current researchers' understanding of the life and
health of people classified as overweight or obese.
In a study conducted by Golubnitschaja et al. (2021), they emphasized that long-term
unmet needs in the healthcare of young populations are what contribute to the epidemic of non-
communicable diseases. Thinness is an overlooked phenomenon in terms of mortality, health
implications, and associated illnesses that have received far less attention than those connected
with overweight and obesity. In 2018, researchers in the United Kingdom looked at the
relationship between BMI and total and cause-specific mortality in a population-based cohort of
adults. The findings revealed that people with a high BMI were highly connected with
hypertensive heart disease as a cause of mortality, while people with a low BMI were associated
with neurological, mental, and behavioral causes of death. The researchers also noted that the
tendency for the intentional anorexic phenotype can arise as early as adolescence since pubertal
changes frequently raise awareness of a person's body shape because teenagers are extremely
self-critical of their bodies. As a result, if anyone expresses a negative opinion about their
appearance, it may have a long-term negative impact on the individual's attitude. The most
frequently discussed parameters are undoubtedly bodyweight and thinness as a symbol of beauty,
which leads to dieting and intentional weight loss. Eating disorders are also linked to adolescent
abuse; in which the most common forms of emotional and physical abuse are childhood
maltreatment (CM) and adverse childhood experiences (ACE). In terms of the health concerns
connected with being underweight, it is undeniable that being underweight increases mortality
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and reduces life expectancy. Teenagers are said to be increasingly diagnosed with depression,
with an alarming number of suicides, an increasing incidence of mood disorders, concerning
statistics of vascular stiffness in your populations, reproductive dysfunction, eye disorders,
cancers, inflammatory processes, allergic reactions, and autoimmunity, and respiratory disorders.
As their study indicated the potential health concerns connected with low body weight as well as
intentional and unintentional weight loss must be addressed for risk prediction, this can be used
by the current researchers in their study to generate the best recommendations.
Davidson (2021) explained that BMI should not be the only measurement of an
individual's health and that it might be inaccurate because it does not take into account other
aspects of health, such as age, gender, fat mass, muscle mass, race, genetics, medical history, and
the like. Therefore, it should not be the only measurement of an individual's health because it
might be inaccurate. Although BMI has been extensively used as a go-to indicator for health
based on body size for decades, it has been widely criticized for oversimplifying what it means
to be healthy. If the BMI of a person does not fall within the "normal" range, health experts
might advise them to make changes in their lifestyle and health, and others might consider them
unhealthy based only on their BMI classification. Though, despite concerns that BMI does not
properly determine whether a person is healthy, most studies show that a person's risk of chronic
disease and early mortality increases with a BMI lower than "underweight," or more than
"obesity". Thus, health practitioners can use BMI as a basic assessment of a person's risk,
however, it should not be utilized as the sole diagnostic tool. One of the flaws observed is that
the BMI does not consider other health concerns and merely provides a yes or no answer as to
whether a person is of "normal" weight—disregarding age, gender, genetics, lifestyle, medical
history, fat distribution, body composition, or other variables. In conclusion, using BMI may
miss other essential health data, such as cholesterol, blood sugar, heart rate, blood pressure, and
inflammatory levels, and may overestimate or underestimate a person's genuine health. As this
study by Davidson has provided us with knowledge and information regarding the functions and
flaws of the BMI classification, it will be useful in developing a better and more detailed survey
For Gullu & Gullu (2018), recreational activities are ideal for eliminating the lack of
physical activity and motivation and reinforcing social habits. 116 male students in an age group
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of 12 years in secondary school voluntarily participated in the 6-month training and
experimentation. The participants consist of healthy sedentary male students without acute or
chronic disease, who did not use any drugs or cigarettes and have not participated in any physical
activities regularly for at least two (2) years. They were divided into specific recreational activity
groups as to the soccer group, volleyball group, and what they call the control group or the group
that did not participate in physical activities. Furthermore, changes in the male students’ bodies
were measured using body impedance analysis (as cited in Tanita BC-418 MA Professional,
Japan) method for body weight, basal metabolism rate (BMR), body fat percentage (BF%), and
body fat mass (BFM). As for the results, they were compared as to (1) within-group
comparisons, and (2) multiple comparisons between groups. Comparisons were also held based
on their pre-test and post-test body compositions, that within 6 months, significant improvements
in height, BMR, and BF% were evident. Gullu and Gullu further highlighted that various types
of training produce positive physical and physiological responses on people, regardless of age
and experience in physical activities. This literature can be used as a basis for the survey
questionnaires concerning the researchers’ study sample as to their body composition and
exercise/physical activities.
From the study of Johnson and Annesi (2018), they assessed the factors of weight gain
and weight loss for people with obesity. They utilized the larger behavioral weight loss (BWL)
with young adults aged 18-25 years old. On the side of gaining weight, data showed 44% of the
participants said that they have started gaining weight when they moved to college; 30%
mentioned that they were in middle school or high school when they gained weight; the 27%
reported weight issues for as long as they can remember. The authors remarked that reasons for a
person’s weight gain are (1) poor eating habits; (2) stress, emotional or mental health issues; (3)
lack of physical activity; (4) obesity runs in the family; (5) health issues; (6) influence of
significant others; (7) busy schedule; (8) easy access to food; (9) lack of knowledge; and (10)
laziness. While on weight loss, there was a recorded response from the participants that 43% of
them are on a diet and exercise often; 20% were on exercise only; while 11% were only on a
diet; lastly 33% reported consuming over-the-counter appetite suppressant pills. However, the
study concluded that there were hurdles about losing weight and those are (1) lack of time; (2)
lack of motivation; (3) poor eating habits; (4) stress, negative emotions; (5) influence of
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significant others; (6) being discouraged and not seeing results; (7) financial constraints; and (8)
not knowing what to do, where/how to start. This study serves as support to the parameters
provided by the investigators and it gives additional information and understanding that there are
more factors underweight changes.
Satija et al. (2019), pointed out how a plant-based diet affects weight change from
different perspectives of an overall, healthful, and unhealthful change. They collected the data
from 3 cohort studies in the United States with a 4-year interval. Results showed that on average,
the participants gained 0.09 kg to 1.98 kg. For the overall plant-based weight change, 0.04 kg
less weight change was reported. Following the healthful plant-based diet index highlighting
foods such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables, nuts and legumes, vegetable oils, and tea and
coffee was associated with a 0.68 kg less weight gain. Lastly, the unhealthful version of the diet
that contains refined grains, potato or fries, sweets, and sweetened drinks and juices was
associated with 0.36 kg of weight gain from the 4-year interval. They concluded that plant-based
diets are associated with less weight gain and they recommended adding healthy plant foods to
one’s food intake plan, reducing unhealthy eating habits, and for improved health outcomes. This
study can be the researchers’ basis for the possible outcomes of the study concerning food intake
and dietary plans.
Nunez (2019) elaborated on the causes of weight loss regarding one’s illness. The first
cause was because of muscle loss or muscle wasting wherein the major symptom is muscle
weakness, eventually losing weight. Other possible reasons for muscle loss are injuries, aging,
burns, stroke, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, multiple sclerosis, and nerve
damage. The second was overactive thyroid or hyperthyroidism where excessive thyroid
hormones are produced, which are in charge of metabolism in the body. Since these hormones
are overactive, calories are immediately burned even for a person with a good appetite, resulting
in unintended weight loss. Third, is type 1 diabetes in which this disease attacks the pancreas for
insulin production. High blood glucose will occur since one’s body cannot use glucose for
energy without insulin. “As sugar leaves your body, so do calories.” Fourth is depression and
weight loss is one of its side effects. Nunez defined depression as the feeling of being sad, lost,
or empty for at least two weeks. However, this health condition may not apply to everyone
because, in some, depression may increase appetite. The last unexplained common case of
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weight loss is tuberculosis (TB) which is a condition affecting the lungs. Concluding that the
major symptoms of TB are weight loss and decreased appetite. The medical findings support the
researchers’ study by the information that strengthens health condition/illness that is a parameter
measured regarding weight changes.
On the other hand, Kahn (2019) explained the possible causes of unintended weight gain
namely pregnancy, hormonal changes, menstruation, and fluid retention. “Unintentional weight
gain occurred when you put on weight without increasing your consumption of food or liquid
and without decreasing your activity.” She added that this occurrence can be (1) periodic or
regular fluctuations in weight like menstruation, (2) continuous, or (3) rapid that may come from
medication side effects. The first common cause of weight gain is pregnancy since they consume
more than their usual food plan as support for the growth of the baby in their womb. The second
possible cause is hormonal changes that usually happen for women between the age of 44-55 as
they enter the menopausal stage. Aside from that, women can also experience weight gain if they
are diagnosed with the polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). Moreover, gaining weight caused
by hormones for both sexes include hyperthyroidism, Cushing’s syndrome, or having increased
cortisol production which is a stress hormone, and increased aldosterone production. The next
cause is menstruation and she elaborated that weight gain is usually happening due to the
menstrual cycle, experiencing water retention and bloating, and eventually, diminishes when the
period ends and reappears the next month of menstruation. Also, the changing levels of estrogen
and progesterone can be a cause for gaining weight. Lastly is due to the result of fluid retention
that leads to edema or fluid swelling, causing your limbs, hands, feet, face, or abdomen to look
swollen. Furthermore, weight change in this type can also be experienced in people with diseases
such as heart failure, kidney disease, liver disease, or others who take a certain medication. Other
than that, Kahn also mentioned that unintended weight can come from certain medications such
as corticosteroids, antidepressants, antipsychotic medications, and birth control pills. These
weight gain causes can help the researchers with their findings especially since there are various
causes of sudden weight gain.
Boldt (2017) affirmed in an article that weight gain has benefits such as improved quality
of life, more energy at a healthy weight, weight gain may enhance body composition, improve
sports performance, and fertility benefits—if gained healthily. Gaining weight is especially
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essential for people classified as underweight, as it can compromise an individual’s immune
system, energy, quality of life, et cetera. Falling into the underweight category can be a sign that
an individual is intentionally, or unintentionally, eating a diet that doesn’t contain all the calories
necessary to maintain weight and the nutrients a person requires every day for good health.
However, some people naturally have a fast metabolism, which makes it hard for them to gain
weight because they are naturally skinny. It was also mentioned that gaining weight can help
ward off osteoporosis, which often results from deprivation of calcium, and iron-deficient
anemia, resulting from too little iron. Weight gain can as well improve a person’s skin tone and
make them look more healthy. Gaining weight increases an individual's energy by providing
their body with the fuel it requires to function optimally, and it provides both physical and
mental energy. Boldt also mentioned that being underweight might cause brain fog, making it
difficult to focus on tasks. After knowing all of these, the researchers will consider how weight
gain can affect students' ability to focus and have more energy to be more active in their classes.
Weight loss, according to Bray (2016), reduces disease risk factors, the development of
illnesses, and mortality. Improvements in risk factors are said to be the result of dieting, exercise,
or behavioral changes, but with slightly varied patterns. Weight loss over four years was related
to a lower risk of hypertension in the Framingham study. He also cited a meta-analysis that
revealed that losing weight after diets or exercise programs reduced systolic and diastolic blood
pressure, respectively. As previously stated, both diet and exercise can improve cardiovascular
disease (CVD) risk factors, lower the risk of acquiring diabetes, and reduce diabetes mortality.
Furthermore, the author stated that a straightforward explanation of their study's findings is that
weight loss provides the significant cardioprotective effect of calorie restriction and exercise and
that the advantages do not depend on which method to lose weight is used—it depends on the
method and frequency of a person. In the present study, this will be of help for the present
researchers in understanding weight loss and its benefits.
Ewing (2019) emphasized the health benefits of exercise on physical and mental health
and well-being, which is especially important for overweight and obese people. According to the
author, everyone should engage in regular physical exercise as part of a quality lifestyle
intervention for weight loss and healthy weight management. However, according to the study,
many individuals do not engage in physical activities, thus missing out on the benefits of losing
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weight and maintaining a healthy weight. Aside from its effects on body weight and fat mass,
regular exercise and physical activity reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease
(CVD), type 2 diabetes mellitus, cancers, depression, anxiety, and other diseases, and in some
cases, physical activity could be as effective as or more effective than standard prescription
medications. Even in the presence of obesity, diabetes, smoking, hypertension, metabolic
syndrome, or kidney disease, medium-to-low levels of physical activity is related to lower
mortality risk compared to minimally active individuals. Losing weight also improves
cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF), and having superior CRF lowers the risks of developing heart
disease or failure, and diabetes mellitus and CRF may mitigate the increased CVD and heart
failure risks related to excessive fat. Physical activity or exercising is necessary for a healthy
lifestyle since it helps maintain muscle function, muscle mass, and strength. To summarize,
exercise improves the functioning of various body systems—resulting in better cardiorespiratory
and muscular fitness, cardiometabolic risk factors, decreased adiposity, increased muscle mass
and quality, and bone health. Furthermore, this study explained the benefits of exercise,
particularly for individuals who have an unhealthy amount of weight in their body, and the
researchers may improve understanding and apply the newly gained knowledge to develop better
Pascua (2018) discussed the benefits and disadvantages of exercise in a paper published
by the Department of Education (DepEd). She stated that exercise is the ideal option for anyone
looking to reduce weight or better their physical fitness, as well as their overall well-being and
quality of life. Exercising or following an exercise routine provides numerous advantages for a
person's body, metabolism, physical or physical appearance, and health. Exercising lessens the
risk of many health conditions, including heart disease and high blood pressure. It was also said
that it can maintain the bones, joints, make muscles stronger, and provide better sleep at night,
which can lead to a longer and healthier life. A regular exercise routine is good not only for
individuals wanting to lose weight, but also for those wanting to build and increase muscle tone
or lean muscles, increase muscle mass, or maintain their current body. However, as beneficial as
it is, it does have some downsides. In terms of money and time, some people aspire to acquire
physical fitness, which necessitates an investment of both time and money. This leads to training
in a gym, which costs money and takes time, but as the author stated, these two reasons should,
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actually, not be considered disadvantages because exercising can be done anywhere and at any
time. Furthermore, over-exercising and disregarding rest can expose someone to the negative
impacts of exercise, such as poor health and dealing with food issues, money, and time. When
doing any exercise or participating in sports, one must always stretch to warm up their muscles
and bones, and they must also perform the activities properly or else they may get injuries. Also,
it was indicated that excessive exercise might cause exhaustion, weakness, dehydration, heart
problems, osteoporosis, difficulty conceiving, and loss of menstrual cycle in women. Moreover,
exercising burns calories, so the body wants to ensure that it replaces the energy that was burned.
It then will be easy to give in to cravings and hunger, and one may end up consuming more
calories than they burnt, resulting in weight gain. This study indicated the advantages and
disadvantages of exercising; it can be used as a guideline for the current study in terms of having
enough information to provide regarding the consequences and benefits of having a daily
exercise routine.
Dieting, according to Guerdjikova and Schott (2021), has risks since reducing weight by
dieting and then gaining weight, or the so-called yo-yo effect can be hazardous to mental and
physical health. Dieting simply means restricting and limiting enjoyable meals and beverages.
Though there are people who have dieted and achieved their goals, it fails the majority of the
time, which can lead to feelings of shame and self-blame, anger, anxiety, depression, poor
concentration, and exhaustion. Portion control can be especially problematic in teens and is a
major contributor to disordered eating, which can result in excessive weight gain or loss. Dieting,
as previously stated, can result in unhealthy changes in body composition, hormonal
abnormalities, decreased bone density, menstrual irregularities, and lower resting energy
expenditure. Dieting can lower one's metabolic rate. This community mostly does not promote
healthy eating habits and rarely emphasizes the nutritional worth of foods or the benefits of
eating in moderation. Unsatisfied hunger worsens mood changes and increases the chance of
binging; restricting meals despite drinking enough water can lead to dehydration and other
issues, such as constipation; dieting and continuous hunger both tend to intensify unhealthy
behaviors. Focusing on long-term solutions for developing regulated eating habits with a variety
of food options without needless limits will make a healthy diet and weight maintenance a
healthy lifestyle. To conclude, eating properly and healthily is always better than restricting
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oneself to certain foods. Students and teenagers are more prone to try dieting to lose, increase, or
maintain weight for several reasons. As the current researcher's study is associated with
adolescents, they can use Guerdjikova and Schott’s findings as a reference to develop effective
Biamonte et al. (2021) explained that since the COVID-19 lockdown was started on
March 15, 2020. Most people must stay in their homes, the others have lost their jobs because of
the COVID-19 pandemic, and the others have to do their hobbies in their homes. But the others
got to exercises or workout, lifestyle, and proper diet, and the others didn't do exercises or
workout, lifestyle, and proper diet. Weight changes are important. One’s body will change if one
continues to do exercises, workouts, lifestyle, and proper diet. A person's weight was lost more
than 5% of your usual body weight over 6 to 12 months or 1 year. It depends on the individual’s
body and exercise or lifestyle. Weight changes are important and can connect to our health. If we
give importance to our weight we can have a healthy weight. In addition, our healthy weight was
lowering the risk of heart disease, stroke, fatty liver, diabetes, high blood, and chronic diseases.
During the lockdown, many people are nourishing which means their eating food is healthy. But
it depends on their eating food like cholesterol, calories, and blood sugar. During the lockdown,
many families have time to bond in their home, and whether their food is healthy or not, the food
has calories, fats, cholesterol, and sugar. Many people having an overweight was increasing
during the lockdown and the cause of overweight is they didn’t do their physical exercise, eating
junk food salt and sugar foods like soda or soft drinks, sugar-sweetened coffee, ice cream, pizza,
cookies and doughnuts, french fries and potato chips, sugary breakfast cereals, chocolate, fruit
juice, biscuits, butter and fast food, these sugar and salt food are unhealthy and high of fat. If you
want to keep healthy and your weight normal we have a proper diet of healthy foods like fruits,
vegetables, and other healthy foods, and these food are not needed the sugar and salt foods like
soda or soft drinks, rice, sugar-sweetened coffee, ice cream, pizza, cookies and doughnuts,
french fries and potato chips, sugary breakfast cereals, chocolate, fruit juice, biscuits, butter, and
fast food. If everyone has a limitation or is consumed for eating sugar and salt foods and
commonly called “cheat day”. The meaning of cheat day is that a person following a diet accepts
eating sugar and salt foods, but in limitations or are consumed. This study conducted by several
authors is related to the researcher’s study because my father and his other siblings have diabetes
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and my dad has diabetes and fatty liver, even my older sister has a fatty liver because she eats a
lot of food, especially sugar, salty foods, and fast food, and I learned that we have a proper diet
and eat healthy food because if you get older you will get lowering the risk of heart disease,
stroke, fatty liver, diabetes, high blood, and chronic diseases.

As defined by the researchers, academic stress refers to a student’s feeling of being
overwhelmed, failing in managing given academic workloads. Dowdle and Lynch defined stress
as which interestingly is a survival skill. Lynch also mentioned types of stress which are acute,
chronic, and eustress. While Alsulami et al., Adom et al., and Pajarianto et al. precisely defined
stress academically. To add, Kalu provided a definition concerning academic pressure, and Sari
et al. towards coping and its types, and academic stress. Next, Alsulami et al., Adom et al.,
Thakar, Bhujade, Yang et al., Sari et al., and Kalu focused on the negative effects of academic
stress. For Adom et al. and Sari et al., academic stress affects an individual physiologically,
mentally, emotionally, and physically. Whereas Thakar added that it also leads to depression,
anxiety, nervousness, and other stress-related disorders. Meanwhile, positive and negative effects
of stress were explained by Vijayashree and Srinivasa, Pascoe et al., and Dowdle. Other than
that, Brouchrika elaborated on the effects of stress in different educational stage perspectives to
middle school, high school, and college students. Origin, causes, and influences of academic
stress were generally described by Adom et al., Vijayashree and Srinivasa, and Bhujade. Thakar,
and Selvi and Rajapraba specifically mentioned that academic stress comes from exams,
disinterest in attending class, and inability to understand a subject. Pajarianto et al. did not only
state that stress comes from academics, but also from financial problems, health problems, and
loss of loved ones. They also emphasized that stress is influenced by external and internal
factors. Besides that, Thakar and Yang et al. affirmed that academic stressors are everywhere,
these stressors are evident not only in school, as well as at home, and even from peers. Lastly,
Bhujade gave importance to stress as it establishes a sense of competence and motivation to
improve one’s ability to learn.
Likewise, body weight changes also play an important role as it is one of the variables in
the study. Johnson and Annesi mentioned the factors that affect weight gain and weight loss,
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where stress is evident and frequently mentioned. Nunez explained the causes of unintended
weight loss, while on the other hand, Kahn elaborated the causes of unintended weight gain.
Additionally, Choi highlighted that stress affects students’ eating habits or patterns, and
eventually, weight changes occur. She also mentioned that skipping meals and binge eating is
connected to stress and depression. Next, Boldt emphasized the effects of weight gain, while
Bray named the benefits of weight loss. Gullu & Gullu, Ewing, and Pascua stated the benefits of
exercise or physical activities. To add, Pascua also raised the downsides of exercise as to the
investment of time and money, and dedication. Meanwhile, Callahan et al. gave the negative
effects of being overweight or obese. The benefits of having a plant-based diet were discussed by
Satija et al., following the benefits and risks of dieting from Guerdjikova and Schott’s study.
Golubnitschaja et al. also argued that eating patterns can be a cause of adolescent abuse.
Afterward, Gullu & Gullu gave importance to recreational activities such as soccer and
volleyball. Also, Satija et al. elaborated on the importance of adding healthful food to one’s
dietary plan. Following is the significance of weight change, as discussed by Biamonte et al.
Furthermore, body mass index (BMI) related factors were also tacked as to the classifications of
BMI namely underweight, normal weight, overweight, and obese by Callahan et al., while Karu
and Drakovic studied and explained the movement patterns in different perspectives of weight.
Golunitschaja et al. expounded how BMI influences one’s health condition, in contrast to this,
Davidson argued that BMI should not be the only basis for an individual’s health status.
Perspectives like age, fat mass, muscle mass, race, genetics, medical history, and the like should
as well be considered. Davidson added in her statement that BMI is used as a basic assessment of
a person’s risk and not as a diagnostic tool.
With the series of literature and its related studies, this research study can be
distinguished because of the measurement of the level of academic stress as to the amount of
school work, poor time management, self-expectations and expectations from other people, and
competition between students; also the frequency of weight changes as to the body composition,
exercise/physical activities, food intake/diet, and health condition/illness of grade nine (9)
students of The Canossa School Inc. The study intends to assess and evaluate the variables with
the usage of the four-point Likert Scale and the survey questions provided by the researchers,
Selye’s Theory of Stress and Coping as the basis specifically for academic stress. Hence, the
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findings of the study can help the chosen grade level of students to monitor their health,
especially their weight while managing their life as a student during online distance learning,
developing a better and more effective study habit.

Chapter III


Research Design

In this study, students’ changes in weight due to stress from school work attempted to
determine the use of quantitative and descriptive research design.
According to Watson (2015), quantitative research refers to a set of techniques for conducting
a systematic analysis of social phenomena with the aid of statistical or numerical data. As a
result, quantitative research entails measurement and presupposes that the phenomena under
investigation can be quantified. Its goal is to look for trends and correlations in data and to
double-check the measurements performed.
According to Siedlecki (2020), the goal of descriptive research is to characterize specific
occurrences or circumstances by investigating them in their natural setting. It is the only design
that can look at only one variable. Descriptive studies examine a population's characteristics,
uncover issues within a unit, organization, or population, or examine differences in features or
practices between institutions or even nations. A descriptive study's purpose is to characterize a
phenomenon and its features. Descriptive research is a type of quantitative study that aims to
collect measurable data that can be used to analyze a population sample statistically.
Uncontrolled variables: None of the variables in descriptive research are impacted in any
manner. When it comes to a specific group of people, the goal of descriptive research is to
describe, explain, or validate some form of hypothesis or aim.
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Research Locale

The current study was conducted at The Canossa School, Inc. with one hundred and
thirty-six (136) total population of grade nine (9) students, and only ten (10) were considered as
the sample respondents for the quantitative research. On the other hand, the researchers chose the
mentioned school because of its accessibility through online communications and due to the time
restrictions given, it requires less effort and gives the researchers more time to further deepen
this paper. Furthermore, since online distance learning is still the learning set-up of the students,
it may increase the severity of the stress that they experience, leading to academic burnout,
considering that school is their second home. With this, the researchers believed that students
must first know, address, and solve the one that is closer to them which is the respondent’s
current school, Canossa School Inc.

Population and Sampling

In conducting this quantitative research, the researchers used Purposive Sampling to

determine the population of the respondents who answered the researchers’ self-constructed
survey. With the total population being one hundred thirty-six (136), the following number of
participants was decided using Purposive Sampling which according to Palinkas et al. (2020), is
a technique widely used in qualitative research and selection of information-rich cases for the
most effective use of limited resources. According to the study, this involves identifying and
selecting individuals or groups of individuals that are especially knowledgeable about or
experienced with a phenomenon of interest. It also mentions the importance of availability and
willingness to participate. To put this in simpler terms, it means Purposive Sampling’s way of
surveying is to pick a certain number of the population that have knowledge or experience in a
specific field or situation that are willing to answer the survey. So in this study’s case, the
researchers have chosen 10 respondents out of the 136 grade 9 students.

Respondents of the Study

Through purposive sampling, the researchers selected ten (10) out of one hundred thirty-
six (136) grade 9 students as the respondents of the study in the Canossa School, Inc.
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Data Gathering Procedure

After validation of the research questionnaire and upon the approval of the Research
Advisor and the Principal, the researchers proceed with the distribution of the instruments. The
survey being implemented was done using suitable questions made by the researchers related to
the research. The questions made by the researchers are answerable using a Four-Point Likert
Scale by shading the choices in the platform of the level of academic stress "low, moderate, high
and severe" when it comes to the frequency of weight changes “always, usually, rarely and
never”. After the research adviser had approved the questionnaires, researchers gave the
questionnaires via Google Forms to ten (10) respondents in Canossa School from the Grade 9
level that its changes in weight due to stress from schoolwork. The participants had also allotted
valuable time to answer the questions that the researchers asked. The data gathered from this
research instrument were analyzed and tabulated through Google Sheets for further findings and
construction of conclusions and recommendations on whether academic stress affects the weight
changes of students.

Research Instrument

The researchers created a self-constructed survey based on the previously reviewed

literature. It sought to measure how a student’s body weight changes from academic stress
among Junior High School (JHS) students of The Canossa Inc., specifically grade nine (9)
students. Furthermore, the study aims to determine the level of academic stress experienced by
grade 9 students and the frequency of their weight changes. The researchers made a survey
design that targets the students' current situation and crisis. The self-constructed survey consists
of thirty-six (36) items with a total of eight (8) parts; representing the four (4) parameters of the
independent and dependent variables, and contains five (5) questions for each parameter of the
independent variable and four (4) questions for each parameter of the dependent variable.

Treatment of Quantitative Research

The composite mean was used to compute the level of academic stress and the frequency
of weight changes of Grade 9 students in the Canossa School Inc.
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Data Analysis

After gathering all the data, the researcher tabulated and interpreted the findings. A Likert
Scale was used upon deployment of the survey which was answered by the respondents.
Afterward, the researchers provided a thorough analysis of the level of academic stress and
frequency of weight changes in addition to the interpretation from the quantitative data gathered.

Chapter IV


This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of the data gathered in this study.
The intention of this quantitative research was to determine how body weight changes due to
academic stress of grade 9 Students in Canossa School, Inc.
Problem Number 1. What is the Level of Academic Stress in terms of:
1.1 Amount of School Work
Table 1.1
The Level of Academic Stress in terms of the Amount of School Work

Indicators x̄ VI
1.1.1 What is the level of academic stress that you feel towards a large
2.9 H
amount of asynchronous tasks?
1.1.2 What is the level of academic stress that you feel towards a whole
2.3 M
day of attending synchronous classes?
1.1.3 What is the level of academic stress that you feel towards a week
3.2 H
of school work (synchronous and asynchronous)?
1.1.4 What is the level of academic stress that you feel when you
2.3 M
failed/are late to attend synchronous classes?
1.1.5 What is the level of academic stress that you feel when you cannot
2.7 H
decide what asynchronous task to do first?
Legend: 3.25 - 4.00 Severe (S) 2.50 - 3.24 High (H) 1.75 - 2.49 Moderate (M) 1.00 - 1.74 Low (L)
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Table 1.1 showed the level of academic stress in terms of the amount of school work. The
general mean of this table is 2.68, which is verbally concluded as High. The indicator "What is
the level of academic stress that you feel towards a week of school work (synchronous and
asynchronous)?" possesses the highest composite mean of 3.2, which is verbally concluded as
High. While the indicator "What is the level of academic stress that you feel towards a whole
day of attending synchronous classes?" and also "What is the level of academic stress that you
feel when you failed/are late to attend synchronous classes?" both possess the lowest composite
of 2.3, which is verbally concluded as Moderate.

This implies that the students' stress is caused by daily activities at school. This indicates
that when students do weekly activities synchronously and asynchronously, they are more likely
to feel stressed. This indicator implies that students are more likely to be stressed when
accomplishing weekly tasks, asynchronous or synchronous. This is due to the pressure that
students experience every week students receive different tasks. While the lowest indicator
implies that students tend to focus on their schoolwork rather than attending synchronous classes.

According to Yangdon et al. (2021), the qualitative findings show that a severe workload
might have a negative impact on students' mental and physical health. "We have to battle without
enough sleep," one student says in the study, "which leads to weight loss, exhaustion, stomach
problems, headaches, and fatigue." Also, students who put in more effort do not necessarily learn
more." Moreover, a number of students believed that doing too much academic work would help
them get better grades in the short term, but it is essential to mention that they may struggle with
health difficulties in the long run, and their academic performance may suffer as a result.
According to some students conducted in the study, increased dropout rates in school are due to
mental and physical health difficulties caused by the excessive workload. Thus, another student
believes that "workload is the most important issue affecting students' mental health and
academic performance."
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1.2 Poor Time Management
Table 1.2
The Level of Academic Stress in terms of Poor Time Management

Indicators x̄ VI
1.2.1 What is the level of academic stress that you feel when you have
3.2 H
poor time management?
1.2.2 What is the level of academic stress that you feel when you
2.7 H
failed/are late to submit your asynchronous requirements?
1.2.3 What is the level of academic stress that you feel when you are
2.6 H
late to start your scheduled task for the day?
1.2.4 What is the level of academic stress that you feel when you failed
2.0 M
to do an advanced study before its synchronous class?
1.2.5 What is the level of academic stress that you feel when an
2.8 H
unplanned task is suddenly given?
Legend: 3.25 - 4.00 Severe (S) 2.50 - 3.24 High (H) 1.75 - 2.49 Moderate (M) 1.00 - 1.74 Low (L)

Table 1.2 showed the level of academic stress in terms of poor time management. The
general mean of this table is 2.66, which is verbally concluded as High. The indicator "What is
the level of academic stress that you feel when you have poor time management?" possesses the
highest composite mean of 3.2, which is verbally concluded as High. Finally, the indicator
"What is the level of academic stress that you feel when you failed to do an advanced study
before its synchronous class?" has the lowest composite mean of 2.0, which is verbally
concluded as Moderate.

This implies that students' stress comes from having a time management issues. This
indicates that students struggle to get through their week for most of them have poor time
management, this is due to having a poor performance at school and missed deadlines. While the
lowest indicator implies that students are more pressured of having poor time management rather
than failing to advance study before synchronous class.
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With this, Razali et al. (2018), Time management is critical, and it can have a substantial
impact on an individual's overall performance and achievements, according to the findings,
which also revealed that time management behaviors are unaffected by gender or race. While
considerable disparities in time management behaviors can be seen depending on the year of
study and the department of students. Meanwhile, despite the limited association, all-time
management behaviors are significantly favorably associated with students' academic progress. It
is also mentioned that the most significant correlated predictor is time planning.

1.3 Self-Expectations and Expectations From Other People

Table 1.3
The Level of Academic Stress in terms of Self-Expectations and Expectations From Other

Indicators x̄ VI
1.3.1 What is the level of academic stress that you feel due to what is
2.9 H
expected from you?
1.3.2 What is the level of academic stress that you feel when you fail to
2.7 H
meet your self-expectations for a day?
1.3.3 What is the level of academic stress that you feel when you fail to
2.8 H
meet your self-expectations for a quarter?
1.3.4 What is the level of academic stress that you feel when you fail to
2.9 H
meet your parent's/s expectations for a quarter?
1.3.5 What is the level of academic stress that you feel when you fail to
2.6 H
meet your teachers' and classmates' expectations for a quarter?
Legend: 3.25 - 4.00 Severe (S) 2.50 - 3.24 High (H) 1.75 - 2.49 Moderate (M) 1.00 - 1.74 Low (L)

Table 1.3 showed the level of academic stress in terms of self-expectations and
expectations from other people. The general mean of this table is 2.78, which is verbally
concluded as High. Both indicators, "What is the level of academic stress that you feel due to
what is expected from you?" and "What is the level of academic stress that you feel when you
fail to meet your parent's/s expectations for a quarter?" both possess the highest composite mean
The Canossa School, Inc.
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
PAASCU Accredited
SY 2021-2022
of 2.9, which is verbally concluded as High. And lastly, "What is the level of academic stress
that you feel when you fail to meet your teachers' and classmates' expectations for a quarter?"
possesses the lowest composite mean of 2.6, which is verbally concluded as High.

This implies that students’ stress is caused due to high expectations of themselves. This
indicator shows that most students are likely to be stressed when having a feeling of parents or
oneself having a high expectations from a student. Due to the pressure that they experience on an
everyday basis. While the lowest indicator shows that students tend to focus on parents'
expectations rather than their classmates' and teachers' expectations for a quarter.

To Vijayashree and Srinivasa (2021), It's possible that teachers and parents put a lot of
pressure on pupils to get good grades. Moreover, these expectations encourage pupils to work
hard and create more tension while students' current aspirations can be all-rounders, as
academics, parents, and organizations all urge students to participate in extracurricular activities.
The pupils are confused and under strain as a result of the parents' and teachers' demanding
behavior. Also, parental pressure on children to excel and succeed in school is vital to excelling
in studies, but this is often fraught with violence, which undermines morals and is one of the
leading causes of stress, failure, and collapse and in which the race between parents to prove
their child's worth is all-encompassing, and rather than succeeding, the child ends up as a victim.

1.4 Competition Between Students

Table 1.4
The Level of Academic Stress in terms of Competition Between Students

Indicators x̄ VI
1.4.1 What is the level of academic stress that you feel towards
2.7 H
competition buildup among students?
1.4.2 What is the level of academic stress that you feel when competing
2.3 M
with your classmates?
1.4.3 What is the level of academic stress that you feel when competing
2.4 M
with students from another class?

1.4.4 What is the level of academic stress that you feel when competing 2.5 H
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with other students in the same grade level?
1.4.5 What is the level of academic stress that you feel when you cannot
2.8 H
compete or keep up with other students?
Legend: 3.25 - 4.00 Severe (S) 2.50 - 3.24 High (H) 1.75 - 2.49 Moderate (M) 1.00 - 1.74 Low (L)

Table 1.4 showed the level of academic stress in terms of competition between students.
The general mean of this table is 2.54, which is verbally concluded as High. The indicator "What
is the level of academic stress that you feel when you cannot compete or keep up with other
students?" possesses the highest composite mean of 2.8, which is concluded as High. While the
indicator "What is the level of academic stress that you feel when competing with your
classmates?" possesses the lowest composite mean of 2.3, which is verbally concluded as

This implies that students' stress also comes from competing with other students. This
indicator shows that the feeling of having to compete with other students affects the stress of
oneself. This is due to having peer pressure to make a student's performance better in order to
compete or keep up. While other indicators that show the lowest composite means that students
mainly focus on the feeling of not keeping up with other students rather than the feeling of
having a competition with students.

In the study of Bhujade (2017), It is said that the amount of intricacy of content to be
studied is a key source of stress for students while because all their peers were exceptional
students, the student feels academic pressure.
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City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
PAASCU Accredited
SY 2021-2022
Problem Number 2. What is the Frequency of Weight Changes in terms of:

2.1 Body Composition

Table 2.1
The Level of Academic Stress in terms of Body Composition

Indicators x̄ VI

2.1.1 How often do you gain weight in a month? 2.3 U

2.1.2 How often do you lose weight in a month? 2.9 R

2.1.3 How often do you gain weight unintentionally in a month? 2.4 U

2.1.4 How often do you lose weight unintentionally in a month? 2.9 R


Legend: 3.25 - 4.00 Never (N) 2.50 - 3.24 Rarely (R) 1.75 - 2.49 Usually (U) 1.00 - 1.74 Always (A)

Table 2.1 showed the frequency of weight changes in terms of body composition. The
general composite mean is 2.63 which is verbally translated into Rarely. The indicator “How
often do you lose weight in a month?” and “How often do you lose weight unintentionally in a
month?” had the highest computed composite mean of 2.9 and was interpreted as Rarely, while
the indicator “How often do you gain weight in a month?” has the least computed composite
mean of 2.3 which was verbally interpreted as Usually.

The survey results show that Grade 9 students rarely experience weight changes.
According to the results table, students lose weight in a month, either unintentionally or
intentionally. However, when it comes to weight growth, the findings suggest that students do
gain weight frequently. Implying that there are more weight changes in terms of gaining than

Based on the results the Grade 9 students rarely experience weight changes, the students
are losing their weight rather than gaining their weight unintentionally or intentionally. To Costa
et al. (2019), there are two types of weight changes, weight gain, and weight loss. Weight gain is
an increase in body weight, this can involve an increase in muscle mass, fat deposits, excess
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City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
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fluids such as water or other factors, and weight loss is a decrease in body weight resulting from
either voluntary (diet, and exercise) or involuntary (illness) circumstances. The main causes of
weight gain are food and activity. People gain weight when they eat more calories than they burn
through activity, and the main cause of weight loss can result from a decrease in body fluid,
muscle mass, or fat. The students' bodyweight depended on the body of each person.

2.2 Exercise/Physical Activities

Table 2.2
The Level of Academic Stress in terms of Exercise/Physical Activities

Indicators x̄ VI

2.2.1 How often do you exercise in a week? 3.1 R

2.2.2 How often do you exercise in a month? 2.9 R

2.2.3 How often do you do recreational activities in a week? 2.4 U

2.2.4 How often do you do recreational activities in a month? 2.2 U


Legend: 3.25 - 4.00 Never (N) 2.50 - 3.24 Rarely (R) 1.75 - 2.49 Usually (U) 1.00 - 1.74 Always (A)

Table 2.2 showed the frequency of weight changes in terms of exercise/physical activities. The
general composite mean is 2.65 which is verbally translated into Rarely. The indicator “How
often do you exercise in a week?” had the highest computed composite mean of 3.1 and was
interpreted as Rarely, while the indicator “How often do you recreational activities in a month?”
has the least computed composite mean of 2.2 which was verbally interpreted as Usually.

According to the findings, Grade 9 students rarely exercise but prefer to participate in
recreational activities. It implies that the respondents must have enjoyed doing an activity that is
not only for the sake of doing a physical activity but also to keep them entertained, rather than
completing exercises that many find boring and feel like a chore. As observed in the table, the
findings imply that weight changes as a result of exercise or physical activities are unusual.
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City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
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SY 2021-2022
To Ok et al. (2018), according to the findings, Grade 9 students rarely exercise but prefer
to participate in recreational activities. Since March 2020 the Philippines and other countries in
the world was lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the students didn’t have exercise and
physical activities in their respective homes, and during the lockdown, the students are busy
watching movies, playing video games in their gadgets, and other hobbies. When the schools
cannot have face-to-face classes the schools are chosen to have an online class, synchronous and
asynchronous classes. So the other students haven't so much time for other activities like exercise
and physical activities, but their other time they use for eating, watching and playing video
games and poor sleep, so their body weight has changed. But they want to participate in exercise
and physical activities. As of today, there are videos of exercise and physical activities on social
media platforms. You can exercise and do physical activities in your home like dancing,
swimming, water aerobics, and other sports activities, yoga, tai chi or qi gong, stretching, etc.

2.3 Food Intake/Diet

Table 2.3
The Level of Academic Stress in terms of Food Intake/Diet

Indicators x̄ VI

2.3.1 How often do you eat a proper meal (rice and viand) in a month? 1.7 A
2.3.2 How often do you eat vegetables or have a plant-based diet in a
2.2 U
2.3.3 How often do you eat junk foods (chocolates, chips, soft drinks,
1.9 U
etc.) in a month?
2.3.4 How often do you skip meals in a month? 2.7 R


Legend: 3.25 - 4.00 Never (N) 2.50 - 3.24 Rarely (R) 1.75 - 2.49 Usually (U) 1.00 - 1.74 Always (A)

Table 2.3 showed the frequency of weight changes of food intake/diet. The general
composite mean is 2.13 which is verbally translated into Usually. The indicator “How often do
you skip meals in a month?” had the highest computed composite mean of 2.7 and was
interpreted as Rarely, while the indicator “How often do you eat a proper meal (rice and viand)
The Canossa School, Inc.
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
PAASCU Accredited
SY 2021-2022
in a month?” has the least computed composite mean of 1.7 which was verbally interpreted as

In terms of the food intake or diet of the Grade 9 students, the results show that weight
changes occur frequently. As shown in the table of findings, the students are stated to always eat
proper meals since the composite mean was 1.7, which is verbally interpreted as always. The
results also show that the respondents frequently eat junk foods and vegetables. However, as
seen on the table, junk food is consumed more frequently than vegetables. Furthermore, it shows
that students do miss meals on time, but this is rare.

In terms of the food intake or diet of the Grade 9 students, the results show that weight
changes occur frequently. As shown in the table of findings, the students are stated to always eat
proper meals since the composite mean was 1.7, which is verbally interpreted as always. The
students have exercise and a proper diet. As per Mason et al. (2021), one’s weight is determined
by the number of calories individuals consume compared to the number of calories to be burned.
Eating a healthy, balanced diet on par with the number of calories the body uses daily may
reduce the chances of significant weight fluctuation over time. In a food diet, one can only eat
fruits and vegetables like eggs, leafy greens, salmon, cruciferous vegetables, chicken, potatoes
and other root vegetables, tuna, beans and legumes, soups, cottage cheese, avocados, nuts, whole
grains, chili pepper, grapefruit, chia seeds, and yogurt. In a food diet, there are not allowed foods
like french fries and potato chips, sugary drinks, white bread, candy bars, most fruit juices,
pastries, cookies and cakes, beer, ice cream, pizza, high-calorie coffee drinks, and foods in high

2.4 Health Condition/Illness

Table 2.4
The Level of Academic Stress in terms of Health Condition/Illness

Indicators x̄ VI
2.4.1 How often do you experience health problems (headaches, fever,
2.4 U
colds, flu, etc.) in a week?
2.4.2 How often do you experience health problems (headaches, fever, 2.3 U
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City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
PAASCU Accredited
SY 2021-2022
colds, flu, etc.) in a month?
2.4.3 How often do you monitor your health condition in a week? 2.8 R

2.4.4 How often do you monitor your health condition in a month? 2.7 R


Legend: 3.25 - 4.00 Never (N) 2.50 - 3.24 Rarely (R) 1.75 - 2.49 Usually (U) 1.00 - 1.74 Always (A)

Table 2.4 showed the frequency of weight changes in terms of health Condition/illness.
The general composite mean is 2.55 which is verbally translated into Rarely. The indicator
“How often do you monitor your health condition in a week?” had the highest computed
composite mean of 2.8 and was interpreted as Rarely, while the indicator “How often do you
experience health problems (headaches, fever, colds, flu, etc.) in a month?” had the least
computed composite mean of 2.3 which was verbally interpreted as Usually.

The findings show that Grade 9 pupils frequently suffer from health problems, which
may be the reason for weight changes. As seen in the table, respondents regularly face health
difficulties. Nevertheless, the data also shows that students rarely monitor their health conditions
while having the aforementioned health concerns. For some reason, despite being aware of their
headaches, fevers, colds, flu, and so on, the students do not take the time to monitor their health

The findings show that Grade 9 pupils frequently suffer from health problems, which
may be the reason for weight changes. To Swift et al. (2018), the students’ exercise and physical
activities can improve their muscle strength and boost their endurance, and fitness routine has
had good effects on our health such as a lower risk of cancer and stroke, better cardiovascular
health, stronger muscle, and slowing of bone density loss associated with age. The students had
regular exercise and physical activities that can prevent non-communicable diseases such as
heart disease, diabetes, and several cancers. It also helps prevent hypertension, maintains healthy
body weight, and can improve mental health, quality of life, and well-being. There are good
health benefits of exercise and physical activities are improving memory and brain function,
protecting against many chronic diseases, aiding in weight management, lowering blood pressure
and improving heart health, improving quality sleep, reducing feelings of anxiety and depression,
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City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
PAASCU Accredited
SY 2021-2022
combating cancer-related fatigue, improve joint pain and stiffness, maintain muscle strength and
balance, and increase life span.

Chapter V


This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions, and recommendations based
on the data gathered from the ten (10) respondents of The Canossa, Inc.

Summary of Findings
Based on the data gathered and after a careful and thorough analysis of the investigation,
the following are the findings of the study in summarized form.
1. On the Level of Academic Stress of Grade 9 Students
1.1 In terms of the amount of school work, the general composite mean was 2.68 which
was verbally interpreted as High.
1.2 In terms of poor time management, the general composite mean was 2.66 and
verbally interpreted as High.
1.3 In terms of self-expectations and expectations from other people, the general
composite mean was 2.78 and was verbally interpreted as High.
1.4 In terms of competition between students, the general composite mean was 2.54 and
was verbally interpreted as High.

2. On the Frequency of Weight Changes of Grade 9 Students

2.1 In terms of body composition, the general composite mean was 2.63 which was
verbally interpreted as Rare.
2.2 In terms of exercise or physical activities, the general composite mean was 2.65
which was verbally interpreted as Rare.
2.3 In terms of food intake or diet, the general composite mean was 2.13 which was
verbally translated as Usually.
2.4 In terms of health conditions or illness, the general composite mean was 2.55 which
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City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
PAASCU Accredited
SY 2021-2022
was verbally translated as Rare.

Based on the aforementioned findings of the study, the following conclusions have been
1.1 That the Students are more stressed when accomplishing weekly tasks synchronously or
asynchronously. This is due to the pressure that students experience every week with different tasks.
1.2 That the Students in synchronous classes are more likely to have poor time management
rather than failing to advance study before class. This stipulates that students struggle to get
through their week.
1.3 That most students are likely to be stressed when having a feeling of parents or themselves
having high expectations from a student. This designates that students' stress is caused due to
high expectations of themselves.
1.4 That the Students' stress is affected by the feeling of having to compete with other students.
This is due to having peer pressure to make a student's performance better in order to compete or
keep up.
2.1 This implied that the students were rarely experiencing weight changes.
2.2 This implied that the students rarely exercise but prefer to participate in recreational activities
that result in physical activities being unusual.
2.3 This implied that the students consumed more junk food frequently than vegetables.
2.4 This implied that the various indicators mentioned do you monitor your health condition in a
week in terms of health condition/illness. Moreover, how often you experience health problems
in a month is the least indicator.

Now that the conclusions have been drawn, the following recommendations are therefore
● First are for the students. They must utilize the findings found in this study in finding
solutions to problems regarding the research topic, as it will help them in bettering
themselves to reduce the amount of stress experienced and minimize negative changes in
weight for both their mental and physical health. Based on the survey results, since most
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City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
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SY 2021-2022
of the students’ stress is from the daily activities in school and from poor time
management, they are advised to practice discipline and time management within
themselves. It may be difficult at first, but when one starts with just simply listing down
their tasks of what to do for the day while avoiding any distractions, a very satisfactory
result will come such as having time to rest and doing other hobbies without worrying
and cramming. Also, it is advised to pace one’s self and minimize being worried about
how would one complete a week of schoolwork. Taking small steps per day would help
so much and without knowing, it is the end of the week already. The survey results also
showed the high amount of stress that grade 9 students get from expectations from
themselves and other people. They are advised to set small goals first as a step towards
bigger goals. Students also have different levels of knowledge, different skills, and
abilities so it is okay and understandable when one cannot keep up because everyone has
a pace and each one has a distinct characteristic that one can do a certain type of thing but
one cannot and vice versa. Leaning towards health or weight changes, according to the
research findings, changes in the body composition of respondents are uncommon, which
may be a positive thing but may also be a negative thing. The researchers advise the
students to maintain their current habits, particularly for those with a normal body mass
index (BMI)—without overlooking other factors, particularly their body fat and muscle
percentage, as their said habits had no impact on their body weight. Those who are
overweight, underweight, or do not have a BMI that is considered "healthy" for them
must change a few of their unhealthy behaviors in terms of physical activity, exercise,
food intake, diets, health conditions, or illnesses. Observing the tables of findings, it
appears that the results of each indicator show that the students rarely exercise but rather
engage in recreational activities. This leads us to the conclusion that weight changes as a
result of exercise or physical activities are uncommon because students only engage in
physical activities occasionally. Current researchers are recommending that students
increase their engagement with physical activities. Research suggests that students
increase their participation in physical activities. Instead of allowing academic stress to
drown them and staring nonstop at their gadgets' screens in their free time or when bored,
researchers advise them to start doing light exercises like yoga, dancing, playing sports
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City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
PAASCU Accredited
SY 2021-2022
like badminton, or going outside to jog, bike, or walk around their neighborhood. These
will keep them entertained and distracted in a way that benefits both their mental health
and their bodies. Furthermore, when going to the grocery store, mall, or anywhere that is
bearable to walk or is within walking distance, it is recommended to avoid driving or
commuting and instead walk. Besides that, there are more simple activities that will help
improve physical activities, such as sweeping the floor, mopping the floor, doing the
laundry, re-organizing, and cleaning the house. The researchers advise students to
maintain their eating habits but must improve and make them healthier. The results of the
indicator about the students eating a proper meal show that the students have healthy
eating habits when it comes to eating properly, which is why the researchers advised
them to continue eating proper meals and the proper amount of food servings. The
researchers also advised the students to maintain their healthy eating habits and avoid
skipping meals. Furthermore, anytime students are feeling stressed because of their
academics, it is recommended that they improve their self-control when it comes to
snacking, particularly when controlling cravings to snack on junk foods. Instead, the
researchers propose that students begin eating fruits as snacks, such as apples, tangerines,
oranges, grapes, and corn. Based on the results of the survey, students usually eat both
vegetables and junk foods, however, if we observe it, the students' intake of junk foods is
close to "always," but when compared to their intake of vegetables and the like, the
results seem to be close to "rarely." As a result of the survey's findings, it is
recommended that students increase their intake of vegetables and the like while
decreasing their intake of junk foods. While in terms of food consumption or diet, the
researchers recommend that the students continue their current eating habits but are
encouraged to control their urge to eat junk foods more and to increase their intake of
vegetables by eating a vegetable meal at least once or twice a week. Fortunately, as
revealed by the findings, weight changes in terms of health issues are uncommon.
However, the researchers discovered that students rarely monitor their health, even
though they frequently experience headaches, fever, flu, colds, and other problems. This
behavior of not monitoring health conditions, although they do have health troubles, is an
unhealthy one to have because it can lead to the worst scenario, as it also counts as
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City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
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SY 2021-2022
disregarding probable symptoms. With this in mind, researchers advise students to
develop the practice of frequently checking their health status and the health problems
they encounter, since doing so may help them to stay healthy and avoid developing worse
health problems in the future. Furthermore, prolonged staring at gadget screens may be
the cause of health issues such as headaches, nausea, dizziness, and eye discomfort. In
this case, it was recommended that the students create a schedule for each day that
includes health or screen breaks, and practice self-control when using gadgets, especially
when it is not necessary, instead, do something or explore different hobbies that can serve
as a distraction and entertainment, such as drawing, painting, journaling, playing sports,
and so on.
● Second is for the teachers. They must also use the findings in this study as it will be
beneficial in improving or tweaking their methods of giving tasks as one of the four
findings in the survey is “students' stress is caused by daily activities at school”, and so
that the students will be able to reduce the amount of stress accumulated throughout
schooldays for the sake of their mentees’ grades, health, and wellbeing. Since teachers
are in-charge of sharing their knowledge with the students and guiding them as if teachers
are their second parents. They are the ones assigning from simple tasks to performance
tasks and exams for a specific subject that they are handling. However, students have to
deal with multiple subjects for a school year for them to comply with their requirements,
that is why the researchers advise or recommend being more considerate and patient for a
student to pass their task and to understand that students have skills and abilities,
resulting for them to not keep up with other students. On the other hand, the researchers
commend the current system that teachers should give a maximum of two to three
asynchronous tasks per quarter. The researchers also look forward to this kind of
management in the future academic years. Teachers also experience health-related
concerns from their occupation. The researchers suggest teachers continue discussing
health topics such as food or diets, physical activities, health issues, and the like in
Revitalized Homeroom Guidance Program (RHGP) sessions. More sessions on
developing healthy eating habits would benefit those who are suffering from or
recovering from any form of eating disorder, as well as students who desire to lose or
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City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
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SY 2021-2022
gain weight. It would help students learn more and encourage them to start and cultivate
healthier lifestyles. Furthermore, discussing and explaining to students the importance
and variety of exercises and/or recreational activities that they can engage in, as well as
the benefits of these, would encourage more students to participate in such physical
activities, and they may develop new hobbies, abilities, and skills. RHGP sessions always
leave a big impact and life lessons for students to apply in their lives. Hence, discussing
the elements that affect weight changes healthily and unhealthily will be a lot of help for
the students to be more informed and healthy.
● Third are for the parents, parental figures, and guardians. As three of the four findings in
the survey are directly due to the students. It is recommended to guide and help them
with time management, problems regarding high expectations in themselves, and their
competitiveness against other fellow students. Offering guidance and assistance will
surely be of help in solving the problem that this research covers. Parents, parental
figures, and guardians take a very important role in the education of their children since it
is their responsibility to give them quality education while guiding them towards their
dreams. With that, the researchers suggest the parents be more open and supportive to
their child because, at the end of the day, the parents’ arms are still the comfort of the
students, especially in this situation where learning is home-based. Parents are also
advised to lessen the expectations that they give and be understanding of how students
tend to react because of too much stress and pressure, so students should feel that they
have someone to support them, especially in the family. Moreover, researchers
recommend parents and guardians be more observant of their children's lifestyles, for
example, parents should keep an eye on whether their children are eating enough, eating
on time, eating enough healthy foods, or eating too much junk food; whether they are
doing and engaging in any physical activities; and, finally, whether they are experiencing
any health issues. If any unhealthy habits are observed, it is suggested that they
communicate with them immediately and clarify if there is a problem. Also, it is
suggested that parents and guardians feed their children as few junk foods, processed
foods, and fast foods as possible, and try to persuade them to eat healthier meals or cook
them some. Furthermore, if the parents and guardians have the time, they may encourage
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City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
PAASCU Accredited
SY 2021-2022
their children to go jogging, walk, bike, run with them, or play sports with them—this
would benefit not only the students but also the parents and guardians.
● Fourth is for the current researchers. They must do background research for background
knowledge, allowing the readers to see if the researchers have a fundamental
comprehension of the study subject looking into, and it boosts trust in the general quality
of the analysis and conclusions. Also, be emphatic. It helps the researchers understand the
feelings of others so researchers can respond appropriately. Lastly, improve writing and
literary skills for the next study.
● Finally, is for future researchers. They must find an accurate and reliable study for this is
the most important thing in research having a well-founded source. Reaching out to
children of different varieties of structures also helps them to learn different structures of
children which would help you for studies. It would also be good to research to create
methodologies and conduct a comprehensive cost-benefit analysis of public participation
in research. And lastly, make the study interesting and easy to read so students or other
people would read it.
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City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
PAASCU Accredited
SY 2021-2022


According to Mao et al. (2020), Infectious pneumonia caused by the Coronavirus Disease
2019 (COVID-19) first appeared in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, in December 2019 and
quickly spread throughout the country, including to 24 other countries. Since then, an increasing
number of instances of infectious pneumonia have been detected in Wuhan and across China.
Thus, the outbreak has now spread to other countries and the disease was given the name
COVID-19 by the World Health Organization, which stands for "coronavirus disease 2019.".
The single-stranded positive-sense viral RNA, Nucleocapsid protein, Envelope protein,
Membrane glycoprotein, and Spike protein make up the structure of coronavirus. There are five
major lineages that have been identified namely, Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Eta, and Delta, the new
coronavirus variants had stronger transmissibility and antibody resistance than the original
lineage. For example, the percentage of people infected with the alpha lineage in the UK
increased from 0.1 percent in early October to 49.7 percent in late November. To Zhao et al.
(2022), SARS-CoV-2 has undergone numerous changes as a single-stranded RNA virus. The
majority of the mutations will have little impact on the virus's transmission and fatality rate.
However, there are a few mutations that have prompted considerable concern. With this, the
pandemic has affected the face-to-face classes making online distant learning which affects
students. As per Yang et al. (2021), The use of distance education is increasing as a result of
recent social changes in the education domain, which alters communication patterns between
teachers and students, and promotes student isolation and independence, which becomes a major
source of academic stress. Also, People are anxious and tense about the COVID-19 pandemic,
due to the unknowns that COVID-19 entails, various anecdotal reports from health care
professionals say.

With this, Arce Varela et al. (2020), The findings revealed a connection between general
academic stress and body composition variables like fat percentage (r =.209; p =.013) and BMI
(r =.198; p =.019); they also information contained with emotional management variables like
emotional understanding (r = -.262; p =.002) and emotional regulation (r = -.379; p =.000).
Moreover, It is established that academic stress is connected to the behavior of emotional control
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factors and student body composition; these variables can have an impact on a person's overall
health. While Chacon-Cuberos et al. (2019), Significant differences were discovered in academic
obligations and the expression and communication of their own thoughts when the association
between academic stress and BMI classification was examined. Individuals with obesity, in
particular, received the highest score for academic stress because of the tension connected with
this stressful situation, which would alter eating habits, that are linked to weight status. Anxiety
activates the sympathetic nervous system, which speeds up metabolism and changes appetite.
Furthermore, Long-term stress has been associated with increased food consumption, which
could be understood by changes that occur in the hypothalamus and the production of
neurotransmitters to control appetite.
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Appendix A

April 1, 2022

To Sr. Nemesia M. Paguican, FdCC

A pleasant day, Sister!

Research has always played an integral role in community building, with empirical evidence, to
better provide factual information, and to champion logic and critical thinking.

With this, we would like to ask your good office for your permission to conduct the following
research surveys with the noted participants, and its scope.

Complete Title Participants

St. Ambrose of Milan
Preparedness and Adaptive Behavior of Grade 7
Group 1 Students in Face-to-Face Classes Grade 7 Students
The Canossa School, Inc.
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Transition to Online Class and Shift to Face-to-Face
Group 2 Classes Grade 8 Students
Environmental Impact and the Household Waste
Group 3 Management of Grade 9 Students Grade 9 Students
Perceived Degree of Parental Engagement to the Shift to
Group 4 Limited Face-to-Face Classes of Grade 10 Students Grade 10 Students
Perception of Online Class and Face-to-Face Classes of
Group 5 Grade 11 Students Grade 11 Students
Complete Title
St. Augustine of Hippo
Financial Readiness in Limited Face-to-Face Classes of
Group 1 Junior High School Students at Canossa School Grade 11
Nutrition and Readiness in Shifting to Limited Face-to-
Group 2 Face Classes of Grade 9 Students Grade 9 Students
Flexible Learning and Academic Preparedness of Grade
Group 3 10 Students of Canossa School Grade 10 Students
Learning Environment and the Academic Performance of
Group 4 Grade 8 Students of Canossa School Grade 8 Students
Sleeping Pattern and Academic Performance of Grade 9
Group 5 Students of Canossa School Grade 9 Students
Complete Title
St. Hildegard of Bingen
Changes in Body Weight Due to Academic Stress to
Group 1 Grade 9 Students in Canossa School Grade 9 Students
Environmental Impact in the Shift to Limited Face-to-Face
Group 2 Classes of Grade 11 Students Grade 11 Students
Preparedness of Teachers in Hybrid Classes at Canossa
Group 3 School Teachers
Online Classes and Social Skills of Grade 12 Students of
Group 4 Canossa School Grade 12 Students
Academic Workload and its Contribution to Stress of
Group 5 Grade 11 Students of Canossa School Grade 11 Students
Complete Title
St. Teresa of Avila
Physical Fitness and Shift to Face-to-Face Classes of
Group 1 Grade 10 Students Grade 10 Students
Stress Management and Shift to Face-to-Face Classes of
Group 2 Grade 12 Students Grade 12 Students
The Canossa School, Inc.
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Preparedness to Online Classes and Parental
Group 3 Involvement of Grade 8 Parents of Canossa School Grade 8 Students
Support of Parents and Academic Performance of Grade
Group 4 9 Students in Canossa School Grade 9 Students
Socioeconomic Status and Shift to Face-to-Face Classes
Group 5 of Grade 7 Students Grade 7 Students
Complete Title
St. Thomas Aquinas
Accessibility to Transportation and the Shift to Limited
Face-to-Face Classes of Grade 12 Students of Canossa
Group 1 School Grade 12 Students
Health Care and the Health Status of Canossian
Group 2 Teachers in Santa Rosa City Teachers
Family Structure and Academic Performance of Grade 7
Group 3 Students Grade 7 Students
Group 4 Hybrid Learning and the Adaptability of Grade 8 Students Grade 8 Students
Time Management and the Shift to Face-to-Face Classes
Group 5 of Grade 9 Students Grade 9 Students

Each group will only cater to ten (10) participants as a purposive sampling size so that there will
be controlled interaction among the researchers and to those they will ask to answer for the
survey since online classes are still on-going.

We hope for your positive response on this matter and we thank you for your time in reading this

God bless.

In Christ,
SABGacutan 4/1/22
Ms. Sarah Angela B. Gacutan
KTMarasigan 4/1/2022
Ms. Kristine T. Marasigan
Grade 10 Research Teachers

Noted by:
Sr. Nemesia M. Paguican, FdCC
IBED Principal
The Canossa School, Inc.
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
PAASCU Accredited
SY 2021-2022

Appendix B

Survey Questionnaire

1. What is the level of academic stress of grade 9 students in terms of:

1.1 Amount of School Work

1.1.1 What is the level of academic stress that you feel towards a large amount of

asynchronous tasks?

1.1.2 What is the level of academic stress that you feel towards a whole day of

attending synchronous classes?

1.1.3 What is the level of academic stress that you feel towards a week of school work

(synchronous and asynchronous)?

1.1.4 What is the level of academic stress that you feel when you failed/are late to

attend synchronous classes?

1.1.5 What is the level of academic stress that you feel when you cannot decide what

asynchronous task to do first?

1.2 Poor Time Management

1.2.1 What is the level of academic stress that you feel when you have poor time


1.2.2 What is the level of academic stress that you feel when you failed/are late to

submit your asynchronous requirements?

1.2.3 What is the level of academic stress that you feel when you are late to start your
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scheduled task for the day?

1.2.4 What is the level of academic stress that you feel when you failed to do an

advanced study before its synchronous class?

1.2.5 What is the level of academic stress that you feel when an unplanned task is

suddenly given?

1.3 Self-Expectations and Expectations From Other People

1.3.1 What is the level of academic stress that you feel due to what is expected from


1.3.2 What is the level of academic stress that you feel when you fail to meet your self-

expectations for a day?

1.3.3 What is the level of academic stress that you feel when you fail to meet your self-

expectations for a quarter?

1.3.4 What is the level of academic stress that you feel when you fail to meet your

parent's/s expectations for a quarter?

1.3.5 What is the level of academic stress that you feel when you fail to meet your

teachers' and classmates' expectations for a quarter?

1.4 Competition Between Students

1.4.1 What is the level of academic stress that you feel towards competition buildup

among students?

1.4.2 What is the level of academic stress that you feel when competing with your


1.4.3 What is the level of academic stress that you feel when competing with students
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from another class?

1.4.4 What is the level of academic stress that you feel when competing with other

students in the same grade level?

1.4.5 What is the level of academic stress that you feel when you cannot compete or

keep up with other students?

2. What is the frequency of weight changes on grade 9 students in terms of:

2.1 Body Composition

2.1.1 How often do you gain weight in a month?

2.1.2 How often do you lose weight in a month?

2.1.3 How often do you gain weight unintentionally in a month?

2.1.4 How often do you lose weight unintentionally in a month?

2.2 Exercise/Physical Activities

2.2.1 How often do you exercise in a week?

2.2.2 How often do you exercise in a month?

2.2.3 How often do you do recreational activities in a week?

2.2.4 How often do you do recreational activities in a month?

2.3 Food Intake/Diet

2.3.1 How often do you eat a proper meal (rice and viand) in a month?

2.3.2 How often do you eat vegetables or have a plant-based diet in a month?

2.3.3 How often do you eat junk foods (chocolates, chips, soft drinks, etc.) in a month?
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2.3.4 How often do you skip meals in a month?

2.4 Health Condition/Illness

2.4.1 How often do you experience health problems (headaches, fever, colds, flu, etc.)

in a week?

2.4.2 How often do you experience health problems (headaches, fever, colds, flu, etc.)

in a month?

2.4.3 How often do you monitor your health condition in a week?

2.4.4 How often do you monitor your health condition in a month?

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Appendix C

Composite Mean Solution of Amount of School Work
1.1.1. x f f(x) x̅ 1.1.4. x f f(x) x̅
1 0 0 1 1 1
2 2 4 2 5 10
2.9 2.3
3 7 21 3 4 12

4 1 4 4 0 0

1.1.2. x f f(x) x̅ 1.1.5. x f f(x) x̅

1 0 0 1 0 0
2 8 16 2 5 10
2.3 2.7
3 1 3 3 3 9

4 1 4 4 2 8

1.1.3. x f f(x) x̅
1 0 0
2 2 4
3 4 12

4 4 16
The Canossa School, Inc.
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
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SY 2021-2022

Composite Mean Solution of Poor Time Management
1.2.1. x f f(x) x̅ 1.2.4. x f f(x) x̅

1 0 0 1 3 3
2 1 2 2 5 10
3.2 2.0
3 6 18 3 1 3

4 3 12 4 1 4

1.2.2. x f f(x) x̅ 1.2.5. x f f(x) x̅

1 0 0 1 0 0
2 4 8 2 3 6
2.7 2.8
3 5 15 3 6 18

4 1 4 4 1 4

1.2.3. x f f(x) x̅
1 0 0
2 5 10
3 4 12

4 1 4
The Canossa School, Inc.
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
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Composite Mean Solution of Self-Expectations and Expectations From Other People
1.3.1. x f f(x) x̅ 1.3.4. x f f(x) x̅
1 0 0 1 0 0
2 4 8 2 5 10
2.9 2.9
3 3 9 3 1 3

4 3 12 4 4 16

1.3.2. x f f(x) x̅ 1.3.5. x f f(x) x̅

1 0 0 1 1 1
2 4 8 2 4 8
2.7 2.6
3 5 15 3 3 9

4 1 4 4 2 8

1.3.3. x f f(x) x̅
1 1 1
2 2 4
3 5 15

4 2 8
The Canossa School, Inc.
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
PAASCU Accredited
SY 2021-2022

Composite Mean Solution of Competition Between Students
1.4.1. x f f(x) x̅ 1.4.4. x f f(x) x̅
1 2 2 1 2 2
2 2 4 2 2 4
2.7 2.5
3 3 9 3 5 15

4 3 12 4 1 4

1.4.2. x f f(x) x̅ 1.4.5. x f f(x) x̅

1 2 2 1 2 2
2 3 6 2 2 4
2.3 2.8
3 5 15 3 2 6

4 0 0 4 4 16

1.4.3. x f f(x) x̅
1 2 2
2 4 8
3 2 6

4 2 8
The Canossa School, Inc.
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
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SY 2021-2022

Composite Mean Solution of Body Composition
2.1.1. x f f(x) x̅ 2.1.3. x f f(x) x̅
1 3 3 1 2 2
2 1 2 2 3 6
2.3 2.4
3 6 18 3 4 12

4 0 0 4 1 4

2.1.2. x f f(x) x̅ 2.1.4. x f f(x) x̅

1 0 0 1 1 1
2 2 4 2 1 2
2.9 2.9
3 7 21 3 6 18

4 1 4 4 2 8
The Canossa School, Inc.
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
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SY 2021-2022

Composite Mean Solution of Exercise/Physical Activities
2.2.1 x f f(x) x̅ 2.2.3. x f f(x) x̅
1 0 0 1 0 0
2 2 4 2 6 12
3.1 2.4
3 5 15 3 4 12

4 3 12 4 0 0

2.2.2. x f f(x) x̅ 2.2.4. x f f(x) x̅

1 0 0 1 1 1
2 3 6 2 6 12
2.9 2.2
3 5 15 3 3 9

4 2 8 4 0 0
The Canossa School, Inc.
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
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SY 2021-2022

Composite Mean Solution of Food Intake/Diet
2.3.1. x f f(x) x̅ 2.3.3. x f f(x) x̅
1 4 4 1 3 3
2 5 10 2 5 10
1.7 1.9
3 1 3 3 2 6

4 0 0 4 0 0

2.3.2. x f f(x) x̅ 2.3.4. x f f(x) x̅

1 1 1 1 1 1
2 6 12 2 2 4
2.2 2.7
3 3 9 3 6 18

4 0 0 4 1 4
The Canossa School, Inc.
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
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Composite Mean Solution of Health Condition/Illness
2.4.1. x f f(x) x̅ 2.4.3. x f f(x) x̅
1 2 2 1 1 1
2 3 6 2 2 4
2.4 2.8
3 4 12 3 5 15

4 1 4 4 2 8

2.4.2. x f f(x) x̅ 2.4.4. x f f(x) x̅

1 2 2 1 1 1
2 4 8 2 3 6
2.3 2.7
3 3 9 3 4 12

4 1 4 4 2 8

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