English Assessment

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How does Fiona Wood use characterisation to examine themes related to

becoming a self-aware, responsible adult.


Fiona Wood’s Six Impossible Things depicts early adulthood, social challenges and family
disconnections of a fourteen year old boy. The novel’s protagonist, Dan Cereill, is able to
overcome these challenges and mature into a self-aware young adult through the
characteristics of his mindset, independence and developed responsibility. The novel consists
of three sections, Dan’s initial thoughts on his heavily impacted life, the way Dan’s character
develops as he progresses through the tough challenges that arise with early adulthood and
how he matures and succeeds through the end of his journey.

Fiona Wood characterises Dan as a teenager that newly develops a mindset to socialise,
interact and familiarise himself with others (that may be unfamiliar to Dan) in a mature
manner. Wood portrays this characteristic through the novel as Dan changes his mindset
regarding his decision of negatively judging Oliver, before gaining new appreciation and
respect for him. Evidence to support this argument can be seen as “I’ve decided my mother’s
probably right about Oliver. He seems like a pretty average guy who’s unlikely to be up for
random killings.” (p.92) The use of dialogue creates the colloquial tone made by the
conjunction “no” towards the reader and deeply expresses Dan’s newly developed, mature,
mindset and feelings towards Oliver. The tone additionally provides an insight into Dan’s
genuine realisation of his mistake of and initial inkling to judgement, and has characterised
himself into a self-aware young adult through his mindset. Another quotation that portrays
the argument made is “That’s where he and I have our occasional talks/He doesn’t mind
when I ask him stuff.” (p.92) The technique of the first-person-point of view informs the
reader about Dan’s new habit of respectfully engaging in conversations, with individuals that
he is unfamiliar with and lacks a sense of close connection with. The action of Dan, newly
engaging in conversation, shows his new development of his social habits as he progresses as
an self-aware adult through his social habits. One final quotation that shows this is “When he
suggests I could use a shave, I find myself saying I don’t know how to. So that's how I first
came to visit the stables, because he says I can watch him shave.” The technique of first
person narration towards the reader emphasises Dan’s intention of deepening his
relationships with others and getting to know others in a mature manner, additionally the
technique creates a feeling of closeness with the reader. The response given by Dan “I find
myself saying I didn’t know how to” portrays his approach to make more powerful/respectful
relationships as he becomes more self-aware about the others around him in his life.

Throughout Six Impossible Things Dan can additionally be seen as becoming a more self-
aware responsible adult, through his actions of adjusting to new situations and challenges
within many aspects of his life. Evidence to support the statement can be seen as “I take
Howard for walks now/She needs to express her anger and stress as the situation isn’t getting
any better.” (p.48, 32) The symbolism informs the reader that Dan is attempting to improve
the situation, by taking self initiative to walk the dog (a symbolic figure) himself as he is
transforming into a responsible and mature adult. Another quotation that shows this is “My
mother has to make this business work, somehow/ It feels like a lifetime after three shifts at
the op-shop” (p.91,97) The technique of a connotation shows the emphasis of extreme
financial circumstances which Dan is facing, therefore it can be understood that Dan is
developing skills of helpful assistance and responsibility (financial aspect) in his life. One
final quote to promote the argument can be seen as 'And looking after yourself, and Howard,
so well.' 'And you've got a job.” (p.223) The technique of repetition emphasises Dan’s
responsible and self-developed actions that positively impact/help his family as they face new
challenges in an inconvenient time. Hence, it can be understood that Dan has characterised
himself into a self-aware and responsible adult.

In Six Impossible Things Dan characterises himself into a self-aware adult in the final way of
becoming more independent, and making independent decisions. This can be viewed
throughout the novel, as Dan is influenced to make his own decisions that benefit himself and
others. One quotation to support this idea can be seen as “I decide to settle for being loyal to
my friends.” (p.92,) The technique of direct dialogue shows Dan’s mature and independent
decision of being loyal to his friends around him, emphasising his correct decision of
developing into an aware adult that values the social interaction around him. Another
quotation that shows this is “I decide what I will or won’t tell people.” (p96) The use of
apophasis emphasises Dan’s justification to become self-aware and mature about the
information he gives to people based on his independent decision(s). One final quotation that
portrays the argument can be seen as “I decide to ask Oliver for some advice.” The technique
of foreshadowing shows Dan’s independent decision to ask unfamiliar people around for
beneficial/constructive advice and implement it in his future, to improve many aspects of his
life (such as social and emotional). This can be seen through Dan’s independent decision to
start to shave, without obtaining help from anyone else. Henceforth, it can be understood that
Dan matures into a self-aware adult through his actions of becoming independent, as he
continues to take responsibility over complex situations and deals with them independently.

In conclusion Dan is characterised into a self aware adult through his mindset, social
interactions and independent decisions in his life. These factors influence the development of
Dan’s self-aware personality, as he uses these characteristics in his journey through
progressing through a new stage of his life as he progresses through adulthood. By
developing these characteristics, Dan is able to mature into a self-aware and responsible adult
throughout the novel.

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