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7. What Benefits do you get from the project?

We have experienced many benefits in developing the 'Piscok Loemer' project. We decided
to divide it into 5 benefits, including:

1. We as students can understand the intricacies of entrepreneurship within the sharia

framework by getting to know the various types of contracts in islam and how to implement
2. Increasing interest in becoming a sharia entrepreneur.
3. Utilizing and developing our potential as students, especially in the business field
4. Spreading and cultivating the entrepreneurial spirit in small communities in society.
5. Add pocket money to us as students who act as mudharib or who run a business and share
profits with lecturers who act as sahibul-mal or financiers.

8. Do you have any other comments/ suggestions about this midterm project?

Based on the results of our study and group observations, there are several suggestions as
input that are expected to be useful. The suggestions to be conveyed include:

a. For Students
This Sharia Entrepreneur Project teaches us that when we graduate from college and
encounter obstacles in finding work, entrepreneurship is the right solution. Therefore, it is
better for students in this case to take advantage of the opportunities provided as well as
b. For Institutions
This project shows that it turns out that students in the USK Faculty of Economics and
Business IAP class have an interest in entrepreneurship. To grow and increase student
interest in entrepreneurship, institutions, in this case the USK economics campus, have an
important role. Therefore, the campus should make more use of campus facilities such as
utilizing the UKM Inkubator as a production unit with the aim that they can produce works of
added value. In addition, it is hoped that the campus will often hold entrepreneurship
training courses.

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